Anthology series, 39 episodes
-Year: 1997-2001
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: Canada, USA
-Who in bibs: Michelle ~12 ys, girls, boy
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low ?
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least 12 or 13 yo Canadian Ashley Legatt (pictured, "Life With Derek") in stone washed blue shortalls. I think she only starred in ep. S3e7 (Discovery Kids). Sorry, no better pic yet. Also a young boy in s2e4 and some other girls. (Thanks for pointing out that). Unfortunately I haven't found any clips showing bibs and no pics except watermarked ones.
I also don't know/don't remember this series. Sounds quite interesting with real stories. There is also a book series.
Starring Corey Sevier (s3e6), Hannah Lochner (this ep), Cody Jones and a lot of others. But I don't know of anybody else in bibs or shortalls. I have to check this again later.
Rating 4 for now. No clips on YouTube. Update: I found s3e9 on YouTube