Australian TV series with a farm girl and neighbor boys, 12 ep.
-Year: 1990
-Year in film: 1990?
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: a girl ~6
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no, partly
-Bib occurence: medium-?
-Rating: 5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: A girl in blue bibs (pictured). I like this children's series starring Denise Vose as Rebecca Simmons 11 ys (not pictured) and the farm kids. Typical and funny Australian series. The girl pictured could be a neighbor girl. I don't remember all episodes. I found no vids, other bib pictures or even an IMDb entry. The picture is from my personal recording and a web premiere, but I only own parts of one or two episodes. I have to check my old tapes again, if there are others in bibs and what the name of the girl is. There are few infos about this great series on the web. I wonder why. I don't like little girls in bibs, but due to this good series I rate 5.
Later also on my shiny short blog.
Update: New pic. Not sure if these are shortalls or more likely the legs of the bibs put in the rubber boots. (Updated info and pic taken from a later backup from wordpress). I found 2 clips. I think of a long pair.
4 clips here