Monday, March 3, 2025

Clowning Around 2 (1993)

3 h Sequel with Australian Clayton Williamson (*10/1973) as main character Simon/Sim in faded bibs, I think around 18 or 19 yo. Pic 1 at 2h06. First scene at 28 inside. A lady at 2h38 in pink. And earlier an old man at 2h01. Sim also hanging upside down at 2h55. Best scenes near the end.

Nice bibs and scenes but he's too old now. Rating ~4-5. Only briefly checked. Part 1 (1992) has him as 15 yo in Clown pants and coveralls (just a man in real bibs) rating ~3


Update: Malcolm in the Middle


Thanks Felix for providing your gallery! Pic from s3e3. He would give rating 9. I don't like this actor. Not handsome at all and (looking) too young at least still in this season. And very few episodes with bibs. Please compare this with similar series like Home Improvement. Just the actors are much better, even in later seasons. And there are more actors in bibs.

I also have him in Once not Far from Home (rating 5) outside farm setting and also the other actors. Toddler in different bibs like in s6e20, s6e12.

14,000 pics on IMDb. Nice orange Soccer shorts in s3e16. Dewey at least in bibs in s1e3, s1e7, s1e12+13 (green cordoroy). I don't recall all episodes.

Funny series and nice bedroom scenes though.

Main post currently rating 5

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Badisch-Pfälzische Fastnacht aus Frankenthal 2025


2 girls, both 11 yo in long bibs. One looking much older. Names were called. Yesterday. On the ardmediathek -> SWR / fastnacht. Scene about 8 minutes long starting at 42. Also full rear views and some walking scenes. Rating ~5.

I also had the 2017 show, teen girls rating 7

Update 5: Médico de familia (1995) f/m


Thanks Felix for checking season 6-7 and now also 8-9. Too late for season 6 and I missed some scenes indeed. s6e13 does not exit though. Do you mean s7e13?

Almost all scenes I missed are very brief/partial views. I noticed Chechu in s6e2 (headshot, open shirt), in s6e4 I'm quite sure that he wore bibs under the red pullover, in s6e12 a partial rear view. S6e10 I already found.

Both pics from s7e2. Chechu sitting and a lady. Probably the same as in previous update, so confirming the length. Unpictured the little girl in s7e1 (headshot) maybe in the skirtalls. 

Felix would give rating 8 considering rating 9 for the boy actor. I'm considering rating 7, but I think too few perfect scenes like rear views and many scenes with a shirt. Too few other actors and I prefer blond and US actors, farm setting etc.

Main entry currently rating 6


Five Gold Rings (2024)


Romance/ Christmas film
Year: 2024
Year in film: 2000s ?
Country: Canada
Who in bibs: Audrey ~11 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: Myla Volk as young Audrey in faded bibs, few scenes at the beginning. Not sure about her age. I think she's younger than thought/appears (first teeth in 2021 film), so maybe ~10-11 in here.

Another suggestion from Felix including gallery. Thanks very much!

Nice bibs, cute girl, rating ~(4)-5. There are also 2 current publicity pics of her (headshot) on IMDb. And earlier ones on X and more on insta (shortalls and bibs).

French title:

She also starred in Made for Each October (2023) with at least a lady (Alexandra Turshen ?) in bibs, and maybe also Myla in faded shortalls and/or bibs coming soon.


Clowning Around (1992)


Family series/ 2 films
Year: 1992
Year in film: 1990s
Country: Australia
Who in bibs: Simon 15, men
Available on DVD: VHS only ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: Clayton Williamson (*10/1973) as 15 yo (German sites say 14 yo) orphaned main character in higher clown's pants with suspenders at 34, also in working coveralls next to a man at 1h44. A young black man in faded real bibs at 45. Originally a 1991 series with 8 episodes a 24 minutes (per film). Both films are 3h each.

Sequel Clowing Around 2 (1993) and has him in real faded bibs. There's a b&w publicity pic of Clayton in faded bibs hanging upside down (at 2h55) on IMDb. I've just found this on YouTube as well, coming soon.

Clayton appears in some other series like Touch the Sun: Peter & Pompey, Hills End, A Country Practice (1981) but (usually) not he in bibs. 

For this part 1 rating ~3-4. Part 2 has much better and more scenes mainly at the end outside like at 2h06 (first scene at 28 inside) but he's older in there ~18-19? Also a lady at 2h38 in pink. And earlier a man. I don't have the time to watch 6 hours. Rating of part 2 maybe 4-5.


Mainz bleibt Mainz, wie es singt und lacht


German carnival show
Year: 1973-
Year in film: 2025
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Katharina 30s
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+
Rating:  3/10 
Rating: ***
Comment: A young lady (Dr. Katharina Greule) as Kindergarten teacher Kati von der Kita in bibs with ripped knees. Recent 2025 edition aired last FR. Available on the ardmediathek. Scene starting at 52 and available as separate clip. Longer scene around 13 minutes but mainly headshot or distance. 

She's very thin. Rather few good scenes. One of the best voted performances though. She's a medical doctor in real life.

Rating ~3-(4).

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Update 4: Médico de familia (1995) f/m


Season 6 checked. Pic 1 another boy sitting in s6e9, pic 2 a lady faded bibs, unknown length in s6e10 (probably long as in s7e2), pic 3 little sister longer shortalls in s6e8. Being lifted up also rear. Also walking in yellow bedroom and also in s6e6. I haven't noticed scenes of Chechu. 3 seasons left.

Update: I obviously missed scenes (Chechu ?) in ep 2, (4), 12, 13.

Main entry currently rating 6