Friday, March 21, 2025

Petite soeur (2000)


TV drama, dir Patrick Poubel
Year: 2000
Year in film: 1999 ?  
Country: France
Who in bibs: Jérémy ~12 ?
Available on DVD: no ?   
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium-  
Rating:  5/10   
Rating: *****
Comment: A black boy, I think Jérémy Julien in blue bibs. Some scenes with open and closed jacket, also sitting inside class and later outside on the streets (distance) and sliding down handrails on his stomach. There's the little girl in a dark blue bibs-like dress or skirtalls. Main character is Meda Mohammadi *1987.

Still searching for my unknown French TV movie(s) (I think the one with the lawn sprinkler is Les p'tits gars Ladouceur), I found this interesting movie. Can only be found via Google under this title "Моя младшая сестра (1999)". English title would be Little Sister. Correct title Petite sœur.

Rating ~5-6. 

I also found an unrelated 1996 TV movie with the same name showing a teen girl, coming next.

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