Sunday, March 23, 2025

Update: Snotneuzen, rating 3-> 6-7

By coincidence I found this screenshot on one of my backup discs yesterday. I currently don't know from what song this is. I like these music clips and this and other blond Dutch boys, but I didn't recall this scene. I will have to check all songs soon if there are more or even better scenes (sitting ? rear views etc ?). I think I had checked all clips (available then). Same location is in Kriebels in m'n buik.

Update: I found it. It's in deed in this but only in the German version Kribbeln im Bauch. I also found another boy. Now rating ~5.

Similar like Kinderen voor Kinderen (f/m rating up to 8).

In Germany the gang/band/series is called Rotznasen. Later called Eurokids.

I have an entry, previously rated (2)-3 with no notable boys and girls. Also an entry about the CD and its cover. No need for re-upload the other pics, so I will copy this to the main post. The CD post still has one pic. There were at least 5 German CDs (+1 Karaoke) in the Rotznasen series showing some boys and girls in bibs on front and rear covers. Some more Eurokids and  6 Dutch CDs with 54 songs. There were also French, Spanish, English and Polish version maybe with other kids. I think no DVD but official clips on YouTube. 3x12 clips, not sure if all 54 songs had clips.

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