I will create here a list of boys, girls, teens and women sitting or lying in bibs on or in beds. The first I found during research for my bedroom in movies blog (except the entries I already had) was of course "The Waltons". The boys' bedroom in s2e2. John-Boy (on left, but has a different room for his own), Jim-Bob and Jason. For more infos about other rooms (also of the girls) see my other blog. This list is still under construction. Also do a blog search for bed. I won't list them all here.
A similar list is sitting in bibs.
[caption id="attachment_5641" align="alignnone" width="410"]
Where the Red Fern grows (2003)[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_3838" align="alignnone" width="350"]
Clarissa Explains It All (rating 3)[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_4355" align="alignnone" width="310"]
7th Heaven S3e21[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_443" align="alignnone" width="300"]
The Secret World of Alex Mack, rating 6[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_5763" align="alignnone" width="350"]
Kidsongs "Billy's Birthday" (Story 44)[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_77" align="alignnone" width="200"]
Author! Author! rating 7[/caption]
There are some more scenes in "The Waltons" (like Elizabeth in s7e2) and "7th Heaven" Lucy/Mary (coming soon) and Gloria (1999).
To check: Where the Red Fern Grows (1974) (boy), The Education of Little Tree (boy), Home Improvement, all Enid Blyton series.
Update: Sitting and lying on bed in "Monster (2003)" (woman, rating 3).
Update 2: Second Noah (rating 5), girl. Chiquititas (1995) (rating 3, woman), Bad Boys (1983) rating 7 (boy), The Brothers Garcia (rating 4) boy.
Update 3: La boum (rating 4), teen girl.
Touched by an Angel (1994) teen girls , rating 4
Mary Ellen in The Waltons s1e14 lying on bed
Ron Howard in The Waltons s2e18 lying incl side view
3rd Rock from the Sun (rating 5, teen girl)
The Cider House Rules (rating 4, women)
Picket Fences (rating 6 boy)
Schloss Einstein, ep 880 (rating 6, teen boy, working bibs)
The Tony Danza Show (1997) (rating 5+) girl bibs+shortalls
Wildflowers (1999) (rating 7, young woman)
The Red Pony (1973) (teen boy, rating 6)
Jauche und Levkojen (boy, rating 7)
Double Act (2002) teen girls, twins rating 6
The Job (2003) woman rating 4-(5)
Love (2016) woman rating 4 (lying, light brown bibs)
Flash Forward (1996) teen girl, lying, blue bibs, rating 5
Bad Boys (1983) boy, lying, blue bibs, rating 7
Anna auf der Alm (Anna und die wilden Tiere) woman rating 6
Wir sind jetzt (older teen girl, rating 5)
Wind on My Back (teen girl, s4e5), boys ?
Grande Pa teen girls rating 5 shortalls and long bibs
Promised Land (1996) s3e3 teen girl, sleeping, shortalls
Zomer Zonder Mama (girl rating 4)
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (trans boy, rating 6)
The Sun Comes Up (1949) teen boy in bed rating 7
Smart Guy (1997) boy in bed rating 3