Sunday, December 2, 2012

Info 194: Too much spam, commenting

Usually I had about 5-10 spam comments every day on each of my blogs. Almost 8000 (this blog only) since blogging 9 months ago on WordPress. The last days I had more than 130 a day (from just 2 different IP ranges) and very few on my other blogs.  Not including the "I Like" referrer spam. I could turn the "I like" off, but I didn't do it for now. But please don't click on every other blog gravatars.

There is no captcha function on Wordpress, so I decided to limit the commenting. You now have to type your name and email address.

If you want to comment anonymously you can either post anywhere on one of my other Wordpress blogs or on my old blogspot blogs. I will copy it to this blog if necessary and if you want to.

The commenting on Wordpress was never anonymously as the blog owner gets the IP, the mail address and sometimes the homepage of the person unless people using tools or proxies.

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