Drama. Boy / dog
–Year: 1997
–Year in film: 1920s
–Country: Canada, Germany
–Who in bibs: Jaynie ~16
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low ?
–Rating: 7/10
–Rating: *******
–Comment: Meredith Henderson in long, blue greenish bibs. At least 2 brief scenes. First at school pictured at 10 minutes and at home later at 1h17, sitting (mainly or only headshot). Early 1920s setting.
Another one from my VHS. Luckily I recognized her ("Shirley Holmes"). Also other, well known Canadian actors like 12 yo Tod Fennell ("Lassie (1997)", Goosebumps). I haven't found any others in bibs. Many snow scenes (quite boring). But I haven't seen the complete movie.
Rating 6-7 for now.
This is my personal blog / database about Bib overalls in feature films and TV series. It's my first blog. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was created in 2011. From 2012-2020 on Wordpress.com and now I'm back. Many links are wrong but exist (blog search).
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
The A-Team - s2e6
Action series starring Mr. T
–Year: 1983-1987
–Year in film: ~1987
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: boy ~10
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: very low
–Rating: 8/10
–Rating: ********
–Comment: One very brief but very good scene in s2e6 which is part 2 of a double episode. Nice front and rear view. I haven't found more scenes or actors (checked at high speed).
Obviously uncredited on IMDb. Looks a bit like Adam Rich or Justin Henry (Sixteen Candles, Kramer vs. Kramer (rating 3). The scene has Western town setting and somehow reminds me of Honkytonk Man (TOP 1).
Series is currently running on German TV. S3e9 has recently been aired, a good scene of boys in jeans there. I previously have an entry (woman rating 3). And of course Mr. T in rather tight bibs.
I have briefly checked the (German) titles and so found this ranch episode. Maybe there are more episodes showing bibs?
Although a brief scene, rating 8.
Badisch-Pfälzische Fastnacht aus Frankenthal 2017
German carnival show
–Year: 2017
–Year in film: 2017
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: teen girls
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: yes, partly TV recording
–Bib occurrence: low
–Rating: 7/10
–Rating: *******
–Comment: Around 20 older teen girls dancing as Cowboys in raw denim bibs, legs cuffed up. Lying on their stomachs, kneeing / hunker down, sitting down, touching each other on their hips and even undressing on stage within seconds. Golden, tight suits underneath. Juniors (Victoriagarde, age 15+) of "Holzbiere Knielingen" in Karlsruhe. German vice champions in show dancing.
Has been aired yesterday at around 21.40 h. Unfortunately not or not yet on the mediathek.
Very interesting. I like raw denim bibs. But they should better dance together with boys. Also good rear views. Many scenes are fast and from a distance.
Rating 7.
Yesterday I found a very good scene of a boy (rating 8, coming next) and also have a good movie of a teen girl on my VHS. The unknown movie also coming soon. Recent broadcasts have priority and I try to post the best first, and if possible alternating males and females.
2 girls 11 yo in the 2025 show rating 5
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Urwisy z Doliny Mlynów
Family series, 12 ep
–Year: 1985
–Year in film: 1980s ?
–Country: Poland, Germany
–Who in bibs: Stas ~10, girls, man
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low+ ?
–Rating: 6/10 ?
–Rating: ******
–Comment: 9 or 10 yo Tadeusz Horvath aka Tadeusz Horvath-Sienkiewicz as Stas (Stanni in Germany) in tight, dark blue bibs. Farm content. Also sitting and rear view. Pics from ep 5. A girl (Olga Piotrowska ?, around 11 or 12 yo) with red-blonde hair who also wore unbraided pigtails also sitting in long, blue bibs, probably non-jeans (I only have seen pics. Ep 11?). 13 yo Agnieszka Krukówna as Asia (Anja) in a long, blue, bibs-like dress in ep 1. And a man (dad) in blue bibs.
Because of a watermill in the background of my recent unknown movie on my sailor suit blog, I found this series. I think, I have seen this back then, but more often the sequels (Klementynka i Klemens - gesi z Doliny Mlynów, and "Janka" (1989)). I don't remember bibs there.
I only have checked this and the sequels partly. Some riding scenes, but probably not in bibs? Also swimming and snow scenes. Not sure if snow bibs as well. Setting might look earlier due to the rural scenes.
I somehow don't like this actor, nor tight bibs.
But I have to give at least rating 6-7. Also interesting bedroom scenes (soon on my other blog) as well as pigtails.
One or 2 unknown movies here coming soon.
Le gone du Chaâba

–Year: 1997
–Year in film: 1965
–Country: France
–Who in bibs: Omar ~9 ?
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low+ ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this young boy, I think Bouzid Negnoug as 9 yo main character Omar (looking much younger to me) in light grey, I think cotton shortalls. Also this or more likely an even younger boy, maybe Nabil Ghalem, around 5 yo in long, light blue (jeans ?) bibs, shirtless but with a jacket.
I only have checked this complete movie at high speed. Pic taken from the trailer.
Autobiographical 1986 novel by Algerian Azouz Begag set in a suburb of Lyon. English title: The Kid from Chaaba. Several awards and a nomination for a César. Directed by Christophe Ruggia ("Les diables", 2002) !
Maybe a quite interesting movie. But the boy looks very young. Simple shortalls.
Rating 2-3 only.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Nightworld: Lost Souls
Thriller starring John Savage
–Year: 1998
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Canada, Luxembourg
–Who in bibs: Meaghan ~11
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: yes, partly TV recording
–Bib occurrence: medium
–Rating: 6/10
–Rating: ******
–Comment: Britain Laura Harling as autistic Meaghan in dark blue shortalls, also sitting. I think rather few scenes.
Another one from my VHS recordings. As usual only a partly recording left. Luckily I have the title.
Rating 5-6. I like dark denim.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Scout (1990s advertisement)

2 boys, maybe twins around 8 yo at school sitting in light blue bibs, also shown completetly (but behind a table). Also one or 2 more kids including one blonde girl, but briefly in the background.
Not sure about the exact year, I assume the early 90s. The commercial is about satchels.
One more commercial coming soon.
Thanks Michi for pointing out the title of my recent unknown movie (Her Hund aus der Elbe)!
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Der Hund aus der Elbe
TV crime movie
–Year: 1999
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: Rachma 13
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Bib occurrence: medium
–Rating: 6/10
–Rating: ******
–Comment: Yasemin Büyüksapci (Bueyueksapci on IMDb) in long dark blue bibs and an open shirt over them. Cycling, at least pushing a bike, also wet scenes lying in a sewer with a rat. Later in other clothes and undressing. Set in Hamburg. One man driving an open 1950s US car. Number plate Arizona RINGO. Hiding pets in cages underground. Recorded in or around 2004.
Kids detective series in Hamburg, I first thought of "Die Pfefferkörner" (rating 5), but I haven't seen anyone from the gang. Then I thought of "Ki.Ka Krimi.de" (rating 4) but I also couldn't find it.
One other boy with a bit longer dark hair wearing round glasses. The boy pictured is a Soccer fan.
Although wearing a shirt, some nice scenes including rear views.
So rating 6.
Thanks very much Michi, for pointing out this title!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Update: Cross Creek

I now have seen the complete DVD. db1 was right. Previously rated 8, now I can't give any higher rating than 5. The 2 hour movie has 3 boys, 1 girl, men and a woman, but rather few (good) bibs scenes. The main problem is not the amount of scenes, but there are very few scenes of complete views. Not even of the girl or men.
The 2 boys including Cary Guffey and another blonde, unknown boy in hickory striped bibs have mainly headshots, pic 2 at 28 minutes. Full view only for some few seconds at around 1h40 (pic in the main entry). Mary Steenburgen also some few seconds at the end (pic in main entry), and one other headshot (1h53), both with a jacket over them.
20 yo Ike Eisenmann (pic 4) has one long scene at 48 minutes. Working, partly wet, good front and even better rear views, but he's quite old. One other scene at a barn but dark lit (at 39 min). Faded and worn bibs.
Most of interest is the girl, Dana Hill, around 18 yo but appearing much younger due to a disease. Several scenes near the beginning, but also very few full views. 1 close up and one rear view. Pics at 23 and 18 minutes. Soon on my pigtails blog, rating 6. All actors except I think Eisenmann also wearing other clothes.
The movie itself is also not very good. Great setting, colors and music, though. Strong accents.
The DVD is a widescreen RC1 with good image quality. 1 extra. A 17 minutes later interview of Steenburgen, but mainly showing scenes from the movie. Very few other pics and footage, none of interest. Some more pics at

Monday, February 20, 2017
List 53: Cebollitas - full length - blue
I tried to find the best headshots and good full views, mainly standing (when I have this). More details, names, episode numbers coming later. Please also check the list by color (headshots only and including shortalls, skirtalls and dresses, but have descriptions), and other lists including the sitting lists.
More details later here.
1 Fede, 2 Miyaguer, 3 Axel, 4 Gamuza, 5 unknown teen, 6 Robertito, 7 Nacho, 8 Emiliano (no full view) + Vasco (no headshot)
1 Andrea, 2 Yasmina, 3 Roxana, 4 Estela, 5 Vero, 6 Christina ?, 7 Sofia, 8 Maru ?, 9 The woman
Some girls might be missing. Often they wore different pairs and especially later mainly shortalls. No boys in shortalls.
Info 548: Updates, pics

I'm running out of movies and I'm also quite busy, so I've started to make some other stuff like adding pics of entries without any, especially of reality TV. Also updating lists, rechecking older entries and rare movies.
Most vids are still online somewhere, some, especially TV shows aren't. Older pics are on my old PC and will be added soon.
For reasons of personal rights, I have blocked out the faces of non-celebrities.
Pic showing longhaired teen boy Jeremy-Pascal and his dad of Die Wollnys in ep 24 /s3e6 (2010) in blue working bibs. Also in green fishing bibs in ep 20. Series is still running, but not with him. Peter on the left still starring, here in green bibs (or pants) but with a pullover over them. I think he and Flo also some years later in fishing bibs.
Other new pics: (mainly low ratings)
motzgurke.tv (firefighter boys, girls)
Die Ludolfs (farm boy, green)
Am Schauplatz: Es stinkt zum Himmel (farm boys, green)
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Update 3: The Waltons – Season 7
Disc 3 of Season 7 of The Waltons. Pic 1 showing Jim-Bob hunker down in hickory striped bibs at 1h09 (ep 10). A similar scene but not that close-up at 1h00. Note, that the double episodes in Germany counting as 2 episodes, so must be ep 9 in the US.
Pic 2 showing Elizabeth in light blue bibs and thick pigtails at 2h22 (also full view front+rear). Soon after that also sitting at the dinner table next to Jim-Bob, both in bibs, Jim-Bob in light blue, not hickory stripes bibs.
Pic 3 showing an older teen boy in white or similar bibs but a shirt over them (1h42, ep 11). Jim-Bob also wearing bibs (probably the hickory striped ones) under his black pullover. Also sitting inside like that at 1h57.
Pic 4 showing black boy Josh, the younger brother of Jodie, in medium blue bibs at 14 minutes (ep 9).
Also some good rear views of Jim-Bob (4 minutes, 50, 1h21). Hands in back pockets at 1h06.
Sorry, I forgot disc 2 (coming soon) including 2 new girls.
Update: This scene is also used at the opening of the special A Waltons Thanksgiving Reunion. (Maybe in a different quality ?)
Friday, February 17, 2017
Fathers & Daughters

Drama starring Russell Crowe
–Year: 2015
–Year in film: 1989 (bibs)
–Country: USA, Italy
–Who in bibs: Young Katie ~10
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least 10 or 11 yo Kylie Rogers as 5 yo Katie in blue bibs at 57 minutes, sitting and walking (pic 2) and maybe one more scene and also cycling but more likely in a blue short dress, skirtalls or similar (pics 1+3 at around 38 minutes).
Obviously very few flashback scenes set 25 years ago in 1989.
A very young girl, few scenes. So rating 2-3 only.

Thursday, February 16, 2017
Sunes jul
Family series, 24 ep
–Year: 1991
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Sweden
–Who in bibs: Hakan ~ 7
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
–Rating: 4/10 ?
–Rating: ****
–Comment: At least Gabriel Odenhammar, around 7 yo but even younger looking little brother of Sune in blue bibs, sometimes with an additional apron. And 10 or 11 yo Andreas Hoffer as 9 yo Sune (IMDb says 12 yo) in an apron. Pic from ep 14. Obviously rather few scenes, mainly in the second half of the series, also in bibs in ep 18, 22 and 24 (sitting).
Also at least snow coveralls including other kids, especially in ep 5 (green snow coveralls, young girl ?) Sune in dark red snow pants or bibs in several episodes.
I almost forgot this.
I have briefly checked almost all episodes. He's very young. So rating 3-4 only.
However a funny series. Episodes are quite short, around 11 minutes.
Some other Sune series including an older teen girl, rating up to 6 linked in
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Tigerenten Club
Kids game show
–Year: 1996-
–Year in film: ~2003, 2004, earlier
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: boys, girls ~10-12, women
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: often
–Rating: 5/10
–Rating: *****
–Comment: Several boys and I think girls in light green (team frogs) and yellow and black striped bibs (team tiger ducks). The show is still running but I think not showing these bibs anymore.
The pic must be made in 2003 (or a bit later) as it already shows the host Malte. I thought that it's in the 90s. I think bibs also earlier. The show is a sequel to the Disney Club and is based on the cartoons by Janosch.
I rarely watch(ed) it. 90 minutes was a long show. It also included some other interesting TV series but very few involving bibs.
Not bad, but depends on the actual kids. Maybe some good scenes. So rating 5-6. I prefer blue bibs and farm settings. Ladies (no pics left) and a girl (clip, also with Matthew Waters, not in bibs)
Clip here
Another earlier episode (I have some more non-bibs clips)
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Pusteblume (1979)

Family / educational series. Peter Lustig Löwenzahn prequel
–Year: 1979-1980
–Year in film: 1979
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: girl ~6 ?
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this very young girl with short hair (looking like a boy) in light blue skirtalls or similar in ep 9.
By checking briefly all 199 Löwenzahn Classic episodes on YouTube (mainly for my shiny shorts blog), I also found this series.
Only 20 episodes, I didn't knew that, so I haven't checked them completely. Boys shirtless in speedos in ep 13, some kids on a beach in ep 22.
Young kid, so rating 2-3 for now only.
Löwenzahn (f/m) rating up to 7 (one more entry, boy, coming soon) at
Monday, February 13, 2017
Grazie... nonna

Erotic comedy film. Edwige Fenech
–Year: 1975
–Year in film: 1974
–Country: Italy
–Who in bibs: Marinella ~16 ?
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this teen girl, probably Graziella Mossini in light blue bibs. Scene at the beginning. I think also sitting on a motorcycle (behind the boy, Valerio „Giusva“ Fioravanti).
Typical movie of it's kind (but including granny (Fenech) and grandson plot). English titles: "Lover Boy" and "Thank-you... Granny". Uncut 95 minutes.
I can't say much more. I assume rather few bibs scenes. I don't like the 70s.
Rating 3-4.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Die Schatzsuche (1985)
Swiss school project
–Year: 1985
–Year in film: 1985
–Country: Suisse
–Who in bibs: boy ~13 ?
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low
–Rating: 5/10
–Rating: *****
–Comment: At least this boy, around 13 or 14 yo in faded bibs, bib at low position and hands also in the pockets.
After finding "Der Ausgestossene (1984)" for my shiny shorts blog (rating 7), I checked briefly some more clips from this YouTube uploader (basis104) and so found this one.
This has even been aired 1986 on Suisse TV (Sälber gmacht).
Rating 5. I think few scenes.
Nicht von schlechten Eltern (1993)
Family series starring Ulrich Pleitgen. 39 ep
–Year: 1993-1998
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: Alexander ~12+17, Philipp ~6
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium-
–Rating: 5/10
–Rating: *****
–Comment: Dutch Colin Klippenberg (pics 1-3) in light blue bibs also worn backwards (like other jeans with suspenders), one strap loose and also in fishing bibs in s3e1, 5 years later. Felix Schmarje around 5 or 6 yo in osh kosh hickory striped bibs in s3e1 (pic 4, 2 very brief scenes, the other one partly shown inside).
Unpictured in s1e5 in light blue jeans or bibs but with a jacket (brief scenes). In s1e6 he wore a short, dark union suit or similar.
And yet another suggestion. Thanks very much!
Pic 1 from s1e3, pic 3 from s1e8. But rather few and brief scenes. In season 3, I only found him in these fishing bibs (but too old anyway).
Typical family series. Not bad but rating 5-6 only. Also starring Patrick Bach.
Bibs also worn backwards by a man in Hee Haw.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast
Crime series starring Katy Karrenbauer
–Year: 1997-2010
–Year in film: 1990s, 2000s
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: women, teen girls
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low+ ?
–Rating: 5/10 ?
–Rating: *****
–Comment: Some young women and maybe older teen girls in bibs and coveralls (including light blue). Also some boys acting, but unknown if in bibs. Next to the lady pictured (unknown episode, I think Sanna Englund in beige/tan working bibs), I also found some pics on wunschliste.de (maybe more actresses):
ep. Die Verführung (woman Annette Frier light blue bibs)
ep. Verloren (blonde teen girl Anna Herrmann, light blue bibs)
I don't like Crime series, especially not with women.
Rating 4-5 for now. Needs to be rechecked.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
TV drama starring Morgan Freeman
–Year: 1978
–Year in film: 1933
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: boys ~7-17, men
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium+
–Rating: 5/10
–Rating: *****
–Comment: Several black boys and teen boys in faded bibs, also men including white men some in dark denim bibs. I haven't found teen girls in bibs like in the novels. I only have checked (many) parts of the movie as there's no quick preview window. School scene pictured at around 29 minutes. One brief scene of a white boy (Mark Keith as Jeremy in black or dark bibs at 1h25, at the beginning with a pullover (obviously bibs underneath)).
How could I miss this? I even own one of the novels.
Awarded novel by Mildred D. Taylor. Interesting 1930s Mississippi setting.I haven't found perfect scenes, and very few and brief farm work scenes only.
The only DVD I found is a documentary or interview about the books. Originally as longer 3 part mini series. Now on DVD (maybe not officially). The movie is the pilot.
Rating 4 for now but needs rechecking more carefully, especially the full version.
Update: More scenes than though. And some good scenes. Also a young boy in dark blue, maybe raw denim bibs, one boy in jeans coveralls. Now rating 5. 4 more pics
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Tsatsiki, farsan och olivkriget
Family film, part 3
–Year: 2015
–Year in film: 2010s ?
–Country: Sweden
–Who in bibs: Alva ~12
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
–Rating: 5/10 ?
–Rating: *****
–Comment: At least Sara Vilén in short shortalls, bib at very low position. Even making a headstand (like Mary-Ellen Walton).
Also boys and girls in swimwear including a boy in pink board shorts. On my shiny shorts blog, I currently only have the 2nd movie "Tsastiki - Vänner för alltid" (boys rating 5).
I don't know the complete movie yet. Typical movie of it's kind. Not that bad.
Rating 4-5 for now only. I don't like this girl and neither shortalls.
English title: Tsatsiki, Dad and the Olive War.
The Littlest Hobo (1979)

Family series with dog. Remake, 114 ep
–Year: 1979-1985
–Year in film: 1970s, 80s
–Country: Canada
–Who in bibs: men, girls
–Available on DVD: yes *
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low ? *
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least these 2 men in bibs. I didn't had the time to check all episodes, yet. There are many actors and several episodes showing horses, ranch and rodeo settings. I somehow think, that there might be more actors/actresses in bibs as well. Does anybody know this series or has the time to check all episodes?
I found some other pics of an unknown series or movie on my backups (no entry yet). One boy looks like Derrick Jones from "Matt and Jenny (1979)". So I searched for him and found this nice series.
Some very good other actors and scenes (soon) on all my other blogs (except sailor suits).
Rating 9-10 on my bedroom blog and high ratings on my shiny shorts (f/m) and pigtails blog.
Pic 1 from s5e8, pic 2 from s1e2, one strap loose. Officially on DVD only seasons 1-2.
Currently, I'm very busy, but I try to check all episodes later.
For these men, rating 2 only.
Update: Also at least 2 girls in bibs, Donna Dobrijevic in s3e2 (new pic1) and a young girl in brown bibs in s1e9. Now rating 3.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
The Other Me (2000)

Disney film starring Andrew Lawrence
–Year: 2000
–Year in film: ~2000
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: teen girl ?
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Bib occurence: very low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this black teen, probably a girl in dark blue, maybe raw denim bibs. Scene at 58 minutes. Maybe another girl on the right? Or more likely they are straps of a backpack.
As announced on Baby (2000), rating 7, also starring Alison Pill, I have rechecked this movie, as there should be nice pigtails of her, but this was wrong and in "The Life Before This". At least I this scene that way.
Good movie, some good scenes of Andy Lawrence including shirtless scenes, but not in bibs. I have several other movies with him and his brother (blog search for Lawrence).
I assume very few and brief scenes here only.
So rating 3-4 only. Movie rating maybe 5-6. But there are better ones (with younger Andy).
Monday, February 6, 2017
Die Spur der roten Fässer

Family crime, Kids detective film
–Year: 1996
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: Steffi ~32 ?
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Bib occurence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least one young lady, shirtless in faded bibs, shortalls or similar. Farm setting. I'm not sure about her name. Maybe it's 32 yo Teresa Harder? But she seems to have longer hair. Probably also not 35 yo Kristiane Kupfer. Maybe a supporting actress?
Sorry, I currently can't find any better pics. Rare movie. Not on DVD.
English title: The Trace of the Red Barrels. Directed by Kai Wessel. Music by Konstantin Wecker. Also starring Peter Sodann and Klaus J. Behrendt.
Also on my shiny shorts blog, longhaired, blonde boy (rating 6).
I assume few good scenes. Rating 2-3 only.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Cross Creek (purchased)
Biography/drama. Nominated for 4 Oscars
–Year: 1983
–Year in film: 1928, 1930s
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: Paul ~10, Floyd 20, Ellie 18, Marjorie 29
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: yes
–Bib occurrence: medium
–Rating: 5/10
–Rating: *****
–Comment: Dana Hill as tomboy Ellie, looking much younger (pic 2, also in other posts like "The Kids Who Knew Too Much", rating 7), 10 or 11 yo Cary Guffey as Paul (Bud Spencer movies, rating up to 6), Ike Eisenmann as Floyd (farm work, partly wet, also in LHOTP and "The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon", both rating 7), Mary Steenburgen as Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, author of "The Yearling" (1994 movie rating 7), some men and maybe others in bibs.
This movie obviously has it all. Boys, girls, woman and men in bibs. I found it by searching all 80s US movies on IMDb for my shiny shorts blog.
2 hours. Dana Hill ("European Vacation") died in 1996 aged 32.
Update: Even one more boy in hickory striped bibs, but very few good scenes. Previously rated 8, now 5. More details and pics at
Unknown 10: Swedish child interview
Unknown German children's magazine
–Year: 1990, 1991 or 1992
–Year in film: ~1990s
–Country: Germany / SUE
–Who in bibs: girl ~11 ?
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Bib occurrence: low+ ?
–Rating: 4/10
–Rating: ****
–Comment: At least this blonde, probably Swedish girl sitting on the floor in faded blue bibs and a yellow belt. Maybe more kids at school? Early 90s or 1988/1989.
Another fragment, I found on one of my tapes. It's about friendship.
A similar series like Stark! - Kinder erzählen ihre Geschichte (boy, rating 4). I think I can update entries without pics of non-celebrities and just put a bar over their eyes.
Maybe a Dutch EBU UER production as it has the original sound and the dubbing over it.
In today's episode of the children quiz show "1, 2 oder 3" there's a young girl around 8 yo sitting in dark blue bibs in the front row (bib at high position). I don't have a recording of that.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Sunes familie
Family comedy film
–Year: 1997
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Denmark
–Who in bibs: Anna ~17, girl
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no, partly TV recordings
–Bib occurrence: medium ?
–Rating: 6/10 ?
–Rating: ******
–Comment: At least tall Sofie Lassen-Kahlke in blue bibs. Obviously several scenes including sitting, lying, standing and walking (also rear view). Also a toddler girl in skirtalls (colorful skirt). Another one, I found on a VHS.
Also a younger blonde boy (main character Sune) and a girl in shiny shorts (shiny shorts blog, rating 5).
A young boy in blue bibs (partly with an additional apron) in series “Sunes jul” (coming soon, rating ~4).
Other related entries: Sune i fjällen (boy, rating 3) and Sune pa bilsemester (girl rating 3).
Funny movie, handsome actors, good bibs. So rating 6-7 for this.
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Youth series. 220 ep
–Year: 2000-2005
–Year in film: 2000
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: boy ~16 ?
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no, partly TV recordings
–Bib occurence: very low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this teen boy, maybe a supporting actor, in faded blue bibs in ep 1 "Soundcheck".
I always thought of this series, the other youth series next to Schloss Einstein (f/m, rating up to 9, new episodes starting on February 9.)
I checked several parts online but couldn't find any in bibs. Not all episodes are online. Yesterday, I found this scene on a VHS by coincidence. Maybe there are more in bibs, maybe girls as well?
Some few handsome boys here like Kevein and some guest stars (some wearing braces), but not in bibs. I used to watch it, but prefer Schloss Einstein.
Also on my pigtails blog, rating 6.
Nothing more found of "Dr. Mag". Maybe on other tapes? At least confirmed production year in 1992.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
L'ultimo sapore dell'aria
Drama "Last Feelings"
–Year: 1978
–Year in film: 1970s
–Country: Italy
–Who in bibs: Claudia ~16 ?
–Available on DVD: VHS only
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium- ?
–Rating: 6/10 ?
–Rating: ******
–Comment: At least Vittoria Galeazzi in blue bibs. Bib at high position. Scene, sitting on a bike at 58 minutes. Another scene standing at 1h06. Bibs maybe a bit darker than appearing here. Also the teen boy obviously in blue coveralls (with a zipper).
While still checking all Italian movies on IMDb (1970s-1992), I found this one.
I think officially only on different VHS including Italian and English. But available on YouTube.
I only have checked it briefly. Should be a tearjerking drama about a swimmer getting a disease.
Rating 6 for now.
Thanks to db1 for pointing out that the boy in Les parents modèles is in fact a girl. (I won't buy the DVD for the 9 yo girl). Currently, I find almost only females.