I searched on archive.org before. Avofilm.it changed their site design with the DVDs; the earliest index page was in 2001. On the main site before index, I found earlier pages. Between early 1999 and early 2001 they always offered just 6 VHS (7.70 EUR), leaving space in the article numbers for the full series. Obviously they tried it first with half of it and I assume the sales were poor.
Ep 10 Al lupo al lupo (Art. 3757, EAN 80109270 3757 9)
Ep 07 Il circo arriva in città (broadcast: Arriva il circo) 3754
Ep 08 Il falco (3755)
Ep 03 Il segreto di Luisa (3750)
Ep 05 Il tesoro della principessa (3752)
Ep 13 La fattoria (broadcast: Nella fattoria) 3760
The other episodes from the broadcasts.
Unfortunately there are no cover pics left. I found the ones before and after. These VHS were sold out in 2001/2002. In 2003 was another broadcast. Here are the plots, 3 were known before, for "Il falco" they just used the general description
A series of films for kids where adventure, imagination, suspense, nature and friendship mix. The protagonists are 5 enterprising kids, always united and supportive in facing a thousand unexpected situations.
Al lupo al lupo
An old wolf who broke away from his pack is spreading terror throughout the villages. Our heroes don't want to kill him, so they build a trap to capture him. But in the end, the old wolf will only find peace in death.
Il circo arriva in città
The circus arrives in a small village and Jerry, who has always dreamed of being a clown, decides to try it.