Sunday, March 2, 2025

Update 5: Médico de familia (1995) f/m


Thanks Felix for checking season 6-7 and now also 8-9. Too late for season 6 and I missed some scenes indeed. s6e13 does not exit though. Do you mean s7e13?

Almost all scenes I missed are very brief/partial views. I noticed Chechu in s6e2 (headshot, open shirt), in s6e4 I'm quite sure that he wore bibs under the red pullover, in s6e12 a partial rear view. S6e10 I already found.

Both pics from s7e2. Chechu sitting and a lady. Probably the same as in previous update, so confirming the length. Unpictured the little girl in s7e1 (headshot) maybe in the skirtalls. 

Felix would give rating 8 considering rating 9 for the boy actor. I'm considering rating 7, but I think too few perfect scenes like rear views and many scenes with a shirt. Too few other actors and I prefer blond and US actors, farm setting etc.

Main entry currently rating 6


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