This is my personal blog / database about Bib overalls in feature films and TV series. It's my first blog. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was created in 2011. From 2012-2020 on and now I'm back. Many links are wrong but exist (blog search).
Thursday, April 30, 2015
On TV: Down to You (2000)
I hope for more scenes and that I find pics.
I'm back again. More posts later.
Update also a young lady (pic coming later).
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
South Central (1992)

Crime film starring Glenn Plummer
–Year: 1992
–Year in film: 1990s ?
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: Boys ~10, 13
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: 2 boys, one older one in light blue bibs one younger boy in black shortalls. Both wearing a belt and one strap down. Also sitting down but no good view. And a toddler in shortalls.
Thanks once more db1 for this suggestion!
I assume few (good) scenes. Scene at around one 3rd of the movie. I don't like these kind of movies anyway but could be worse. Rating R.
Movie set in 1982 and 1992. Not sure of the scene pictured.
I can't say much more. Rating 3-4.
Please note that I will pause for around 2 weeks.
Monday, April 20, 2015
ABC Afterschool Specials: What Are Friends For?
TV family divorce drama
–Year: 1980
–Year in film: ~1980
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: girl 12 yo
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low ?
–Rating: 4/10
–Rating: ****
–Comment: At least one of the two 12 yo girls, maybe Dana Hill in medium blue faded tight bibs with flared legs.
ABC Afterschool Special s8e7 (I recently found it by coincidence on YouTube, scene at 33 minutes.)
I like this and the other Afterschool series (f/m) and I already have some other entries (partly under ABC.. , partly under the movie name, also check the different CBS series). One is still on my rare movies list, one more entry with pic coming soon. From time to time there are new uploads on YouTube but often they got deleted fast.
I haven't seen this movie at slow speed. So I can't say much more. Did the other girl wear bibs or shortalls as well?
Somehow I don't like tight bibs, flared legs and thin girls. And I think few scenes only.
Rating 4-5 for now.
Thanks db1 for another suggestion. "South Central" coming soon.
Main overview
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Book 43: Robert Newton Peck: Nine Man Tree
There's a shirtless blond teen boy in bibs on the cover but I think the boy is younger (around 10 yo) in the novel.
2 brief mentionings of bibs.
The book is set in 1931 Florida swampland.
Page 12: His only garment, the faded bibs (barefoot)
Page 57: peeing in bibs while shooting
I don't like this book. Hard to read and I don't remember much from the beginning.
No I will continue Ralph Moody's The Home Ranch.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Info 338: Latzhosen Forum new address
Old and new address on my blogroll on the right.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Update: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1955)
Yesterday I posted "The Proud Rebel" on my Western blog (rating 7). The director Michael Curtiz also made "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1960)" (good movie but no entries on either blogs, though I have many Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn movies on my bedroom blog), so I refound this movie, previously rated 4.
The bibs of 15 yo Charles Tayler as Huck aren't that bad in this scene (at 3:05).
I still don't had the time to watch the complete movie, but maybe I have to change my 4 yo rating. I like these classics and nowadays I might give rating 7 or 8 for that. The problem is always the image quality.
Main entry listed under the main series called Climax! at
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Káta a krokodýl

Family film
–Year: 1966
–Year in film: 1960s ?
–Country: CZ
–Who in bibs: Kata ~9 ?
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: often ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this young darkhaired girl, probably the main character Katia played by Ywetta Hollauerová in bibs. She went into a lake or similar but I think it's not shown coming out. Also at least one young boy in Lederhosen or similar pants (soon on my other blog, rating 3 as well). There are also many other kids. Maybe more in bibs or similar pants.
Novel by Nina Gernet. Szenario by Ota Hofman. Directed by Vera Plinová-Simková. 66 minutes.
I checked this some time ago, so I don't remember much of it.
Typical but not bad family movie. Unfortunately in b&w.
Rating 3 for now.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Overalls and Aprons

Food documentary
–Year: 2014
–Year in film: 2010s ?
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: men, women
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low ?
–Rating: 1/10 ?
–Rating: *
–Comment: At least men and women in bibs, a man in fishing bibs and men in aprons (including restaurant chefs).
I found this by coincidence and only have seen the trailer and some pics (on the facebook site).
The strong lady pictured in white bibs is called Kimberly.
A documentary about overalls (or here about agriculture, farming and food) is generally interesting. Maybe there are also historical pics and probably more men in bibs.
But I haven't found any good scenes yet. Why this title when there aren't any people wearing real overalls (at least not in the trailer)? Movie is 103 minutes and set in the US South.
So rating 1-2 for now only.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Chissà perché... capitano tutte a me
Bud Spencer movie
–Year: 1980
–Year in film: ~1980
–Country: Italy
–Who in bibs: boy H7-25 ~8, women
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Bib occurrence: low ?
–Rating: 5/10 ?
–Rating: *****
–Comment: American Cary Guffey (pic 1, around 8 yo older looking on this pic) in blue bibs and I think black or dark boots. Also at least 2 young women in blue and orange bibs. Maybe more supporting actresses.
Before I post the new suggestions I post this movie which had been aired some days ago. Unfortunately I missed most of it, so I have to recheck it the next broadcasting.
English title "Everything Happens to Me" and "Why Did You Pick on Me?". This is a sequel to "Uno sceriffo extraterrestre - poco extra e molto terrestre" (same boy, rating 4, 1979).
Rating 4-5 for now. Somehow I don't like these action comedy movies. I assume rather few (good) scenes.
Update, also good sitting scenes including close-ups, hickory striped. Also Soccer boys in white shiny shorts (rating 6)
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Update: My Hometown (1996)

I have checked all available previews of this series. Unfortunately they are very short and someone should pay for the complete downloads.
I could find (looks like) a young woman in ep 38 (pic 1), a teen girl in shortalls (ep 5, pic 2, maybe the same teen girl as previously found) and also a younger girl in ep 23 with a horse (riding as well ?).
Main entry (also a teen boy, rating 7)
Thanks once more Felix for another suggestion.

Monday, April 6, 2015
Now on TV: Scent of a Woman (1992)

Drama starring Al Pacino
–Year: 1992
–Year in film: 1990s ?
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: girl ~7
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: very low
–Rating: 2/10
–Rating: **
–Comment: At least a young girl in dark blue bibs. Now on German 3sat. Rating 2-3 for now
Sorry. No more bibs scenes later. Just a brief scene at the beginning.
Rating 2 only.
Also an interestingn bathtub scene. 2h36. 1 Oscar.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Stark! – Kinder erzählen ihre Geschichte
Documentary series
–Year: 1999-
–Year in film: 2012
–Country: Europe (D)
–Who in bibs: Justus 10, girls, boys
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Bib occurrence: medium *
–Rating: 4/10
–Rating: ****
–Comment: A medium blond boy called Justus wearing medium green bibs in ep. "Justus - Bauernhof ist cool". He is looking much younger than 10, like 7 yo. Already wearing dental braces (upper teeth only). Real farm work. Episode is 15 minutes. About half of it showing him in bibs (which are rather tight).
As usual for reality TV no pics. Can be watched on
This series is mainly with and for younger kids. But sometimes there are also teens shown. Also on my Lederhosen blog (rating 3).
He's too young and not very handsome.
Rating 4 only. But very interesting series. Maybe others in bibs in other episodes.
Update: Some more episodes of boys and girls including firefighters and coveralls. Rating maybe ~6
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Update: Earth 2

As announced the riding scene from Earth 2 (s1e3 or s1e4?). 9 yo Madison Wright (1984-2006)
Here you see the black part where the legs can be attached or zipped off. Rather short shortalls.
Interesting bibs and handsome actress but somehow I don't like this series. She's also quite young. Sundays on German RTL Nitro.
Main entry, rating 4 at
Happy Easter!