Family film/TV series, part 4
–Year: 2015
–Year in film: 2010s ?
–Country: Norway
–Who in bibs: Petra ~ 5 ?
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least one girl, obviously main character Nora Amundsen as 5 yo Petra (Emma in other languages) in light blue shortalls. I think rather few scenes, mainly in the 2nd half. Pics at 1h00. I don't know all movies. In film#2 Karsten og Petra på vinterferie (2014), there are kids probably in snow bibs (entry coming soon).
1992 book series by Tor Age Bringsvaerd. English title: Caspar and Emma on Safari.
For the few scenes and young girl rating 3-4 only. Movie itself might be better. Also shirtless/swimwear scenes.