Friday, November 29, 2024

The Christmas Star (1986)


Disney Christmas film
Year: 1986
Year in film: 1980s 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Trudy ~6 ?
Available on DVD: yes    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low ? 
Rating: 3/10 ?   
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this young girl (Vicki Wauchope *1980) in faded bibs, unknown length, could be a dress. I only noticed this very brief headshot at 13.

Rating ~3. Movie probably much higher. Handsome boy (Zachary Ansley) but not in bibs.

Christmas is coming soon.

Meet the Mennonites in Peru


Year: 2022 ?
Year in film: 2020s 
Country: China/Peru
Who in bibs: boys, men
Available on DVD: no ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ? 
Rating: 4/10 ?   
Rating: ****
Comment: Another documentary about Mennonites, this time in Peru. Clip is 5 minutes. Not sure if that's all. Uploader CGTN America. 2022 upload but unknown production year but must be in or around 2022. They migrated from Belize and Bolivia. Report by Dan Collyns.

Boys and men in black or black appearing bibs, mainly bib at low position. Men (old and young) also milking. 

There are few vids about Peru. One longer vid "Los menonitas - Vivir como hace 200 anos - Peru" is in fact about Belize and I have this "Meet the Mennoinites".

For now for this brief clip rating ~3-4.

Some pics here

Another pics from Peru here

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Kellog's Crispix (1984 ad)


Another one from the playlist (folder pub). A boy in bibs, I think headshot only. Kellog's Cereals. 30". He mainly has modern clips that I won't add.

Rating ~3.

Other cereals commercials Kellog's Frosted Mini Wheats 1997 (rating 4), Crunch 'n Munch (Huckleberry Fox rating 6.

Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei - s2e10

I found a middle aged German farm lady sitting in bibs in ep Kindersorgen. I found an Hungarian vid (Kobra Takibi 019). I think this is Janette Rauch *1962. 1997 episode, so ~34. Sitting scene near the end at 38.

Obviously in total very few scenes in the series. There's at least a man in blue racing coveralls in s7e11. I don't like these action series.

Main entry (little girl and toddler boy, rating 3 (no pic left)

Ricky - normal war gestern


Drama/family film
Year: 2013
Year in film: 2010s? 
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Justin, Dennis ~17
Available on DVD: yes     
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low 
Rating: 2/10 ?    
Rating: **
Comment: 2 older teen boys in white or beige bibs on motorbikes, demounting and walking. I think Dennis Kamitz (*1995) and Samuel Hummel (*1995). One might be Jordan Elliott Dwyer (NZ/US *1996, 15 yo, brother of 10 yo main character) but I don't think so as he's even taller. I only noticed this brief scene at 14.

English title:  Kai S. Pieck.

Nice movie and plot but for this scene rating ~2. Movie rating ~4-5.

Sien van Sellingen


I recently found this as YouTube recommendation. I had this as KRO Kindertijd (rating 3, so no pics left). I now have checked most or all episodes. Main character the 5 yo little sister (season 1) in I think 2 different longer shortalls. Also her and teen boy, older sister and father in dark blue coveralls, dad also in green ones. Older sister in longer skirtalls (s2e1). Pic 1 from s2e1, pic 2 from s2e4. Also boy and man in coveralls in s2e1, Sien in coveralls in s2e3.

Very young girl, few coveralls scenes of the boy. Rating 3-(4).

Pravila geymera


Family adventure/detective film
Year: 2018
Year in film: 2010s? 
Country: Belarus
Who in bibs: Dasha ~14 ?
Available on DVD: yes ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ? 
Rating: 5/10 ?    
Rating: *****
Comment: At least this girl (Alina Rachkovskaya *2002 Алина Рачковская) in tight stone washed bibs, also sitting. Often with a blue backback. Pic 1 at 30, pic 2 at 33. And some more scenes later. There's a swimming and undressing scene of her and the boys at 52 (bathing costume underneath).

Original title: Правила Геймера. English title: Gamer's Rules.

I only have checked it briefly. Not that bad. Nice movie.

Rating ~(4)-5.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Info: Gemeinsam nie einsam

On my 2nd search I found a 4th, longer clip on my very last DVD. So I've uploaded it. Again too dark. It was 11 yo Friedrich in red bibs (looking similar like 12 yo Otto in blue bibs), also sitting on a motorbike. 14 yo brother Lukas (pictured above in clip) also in red bibs but a sweater over them. Maybe all 8 kids have red bibs what is quite rare for farm working bibs. There were 8 episodes. I assume several (good) scenes according the episode descriptions. Unfortuntaley, I think I don't have much more.

I also have previously uploaded a collection of 7 clips from XXL Abenteuer Großfamilie (boy firefighter bibs rating 6). But missing the bibs scenes. I would have to recheck my tapes.

Main post rating 5, probably higher


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Chico Bento e a Goiabeira Maraviósa

Family film based on comic
Year: 2024
Year in film: 1960s? 
Country: Brazil
Who in bibs: boy ~9 ?
Available on DVD: not yet    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ? 
Rating: 5/10 ?    
Rating: *****
Comment: At least a young boy in tight faded bibs and straw hat. Currently unknown actor (not the main character, probably Guilherme Tavares *2013 as José ("Zé de Roca)). 2 trailers found on Laurent's playlist (folder Bande Annoncée). Cinematic release on 9. Jan 2025. So needs to be rechecked when available. Not barefooted as in the Comics. Comic first released in 1961. Rural setting. Character wore black and blue working clothes in the comic.

Same director and universe as in Turma da Mônica: Lições (girl rating 3), I also have Turma da Mônica: A Série (teen boy and teen girl rating 4).

For now rating 4-5. Somehow reminds me of Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn with the straw hats and fishing pole. Title would translate Chico Bento and the Wonderful Guava Tree.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Time Trap (2017)


Adventure film/action/time travel
Year: 2017
Year in film: 2010s ? 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Veeves 13
Available on DVD: yes    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ? 
Rating: 6/10 ?    
Rating: ******
Comment: 13 yo (thanks Felix) Olivia Draguicevich (as student Veeves) in faded shortalls.

I found this as suggestion on Carriers (2009) see previous post rating 3. I have briefly checked the full movie. There must be many scenes with her, also sitting in the cave. Pics on IMDb. I think I have to recheck it as I only found rather few good scenes. Maybe there are rope scenes or wet scenes.

For now rating 6, I first considered even more.


Carriers (2009)

Drama, Chris Pine
Year: 2009
Year in film: 2000s 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Jodie ~8
Available on DVD: yes    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low  
Rating: 3/10    
Rating: ***
Comment: Kiernan Shipka (*1999) in long faded bibs. 

A suggestion from Geordie. Thanks very much.

I have briefly checked the full movie and only noticed some few brief scenes at 19,24 and 29 minutes, mainly partial views/headshots. Also being lifted up/carried/hanging around shoulders and also lying on the floor. 

I first wasn't sure if it's a boy or girl. Quite good rear view while being lifted up, but young girl, even younger looking and few scenes. Also wearing a face mask.

Best/longest scene on YouTube by Movie Shortens. At the recommendations I found a promising older teen girl, but have to check that.

Rating (2)-3.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Info: Tigerenten Club 2005 with Matthew Waters


I found another clip from my collection. Only a girl in green bibs headshot and distance. Also Australian actor Matthew Waters ("Round the Twist", "Snobs!") singing from Musical Oliver! with a German Children's Choir. 2003 or 2004.

Main entry about this kids Game show f/m rating 5

Update: The clip must be from 2005, not 2003 as the mentioned Snobs! was first aired then in Germany. The Australian Oliver! musical with him was (started) in 2002.

Ghost World

Teen drama, Oscar nominated
Year: 2001
Year in film: 2000s ? 
Country: USA, UK, Germany
Who in bibs: girl, Rebecca ~16, teen girl
Available on DVD: yes    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low-  
Rating: 4/10    
Rating: ****
Comment: At least a young girl (currently unknown actress), and 2 teen girls in bibs/shortalls. Found on IMDb. Based on comic. Also Thora Birch in a Navy jacket with collar (soon on my other blog). Pic 1 at 48 showing Scarlett Johansson (*1984). Pic 2 at 43. Pic 3 at 59.

I think very few and brief scenes. Mainly these partial views, unknown length pics 1+2.

So rating ~4.

I have Scarlett Johansson in Home Alone 3 (rating 4) and The Horse Whisperer (f/m rating 5).


Magic Boyz (band)

Different clips are on the playlist (folder Divers) uploaded in 2018. Titled 金曜日のマジボネ. I think this was a TV-show Kin'yōbi no majibonera. Uploader stardustdigital. A younger boy in black bibs, also I think at least one other older boy sitting in dark blue bibs, also one strap down (clip 8). Pic from clip 12. Also boys in sailor suits, soon on my other blog (other band Zebra Star).

I think few good scenes, although long clips. Mainly sitting headshots. Rating ~3-4. Only briefly checked.

Update: Gli anni d'oro (1992)


Great! Laurent found another episode called "Le acque di nessuno" ep 4 with Jerry in blue bibs and a man in brown bibs. (Folder Bande Annonce). Unfortunately very few scenes in this teaser (headshot and distance). Clip is quite new (6 months old, so newer than my purchase). The uploader selling it, I assume a DVDr, not sure about price and shipping. I think I won't buy it.

Main post with another episode, ep 6 (boy, lady, rating 6)

Update: There's another episode "Polvere di stelle" (missing on IMDb) with him obviously sitting in (simple) light grey bibs. Laurent didn't have this on the playlist. Update 2: He added it and I bought it rating 7, later also the other (pic 1 rating 5-6). Jerry also wore light brown ones.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Corinna Pabst – Fünf Kinder brauchen eine Mutter


Family TV movie
Year: 1997
Year in film: 1990s 
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: girl, teen girl, teen boy?
Available on DVD: no    
I own: yes, partial VHS recording
Bib occurrence: low- ? 
Rating: 4/10 *   
Rating: ****
Comment: I think at least a teen girl in faded bibs (Janina Flieger? *1982 or Laura Syniawa *1985, unknown length) and a young girl in red bibs (probably Laura Syniawa here, unknown length at the end). Maybe a teen boy painting in black bibs with open shirt at the end.

I was running out of clips to upload and started to recheck my DVDr. So I found parts of this rare TV movie. I don't have the full movie but these 20 clips, mainly with young Robert Stadlober. Clips in total 12 minutes. Few scenes in here.

English title: Five Children Need a Mother.

I later found the first half of the movie, better scenes of the teen girl

Friday, November 22, 2024

Die Schule der magischen Tiere 3


Family fantasy film, part 3
Year: 2024
Year in film: 2020s ? 
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Ida ~16, teen girl, man?
Available on DVD: 7. Febr. 25    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ? 
Rating: 5/10 ?   
Rating: *****
Comment: I think at least the main character played by Emilia Maier (*2007, red buns) in bibs. Also with an open jacket, with one strap down without jacket and also dancing. And at least one other teen girl sitting in film 3.

English title: School of Magical Animals 3. Pic 1 from song Karamell, pic 2 from songs/clip Halt, das ist unser Wald.

At least a man (Heiko Pinkowski) in bibs at least in parts 1+2. I don't know the movies yet.

Rating ~(4)-5 for now. I don't like these Fantasy teen movies. But bibs are nice. Not sure about the amount of (good) scenes. A 4th movie is currently being shot. Also her in bibs now ~17 yo. A clip is by coincidence uploaded yesterday. Also dancing in bibs (without jacket, distance).

Some pics of film 3 here, showing the other girl. Larger pics on the movie's official website.

2013 novel series. Forst movie in 2021 but probably not her in bibs.

Trois grains de gros sel

Drama short film, 26 min
Year: 2022
Year in film: 2020s? 
Country: France
Who in bibs: Judith 8
Available on DVD: no ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium ? 
Rating: 4/10    
Rating: ****
Comment: The older 8 yo sister played by Eowyn Personne barefooted in faded longer shortalls. Sitting at least side view. Rural setting, walking rear view near high plants.

Pic from a trailer or teaser on facebook. There's a clip on YouTube in "Bande Annonce / Court Métrages - La Grande Tournée 2022" by La Plateforme. I don't know the full movie.

English title:

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Info: Liebling, wir bringen die Kinder um!


I found one more clip and uploaded it. 2'37. Junior firefighters (I think boys and teen boys only), sitting and open jacket at the beginning. Man and lady said that the boys look like real men. I think it's the mum who's proud of her son(s). The boys also talk about their helmets being very high. Main plot is about loosing weight.

Main post rating 6

End of the Rope (2023)


Year: 2023
Year in film: 1931 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Daniel, Leland, boys, men
Available on DVD: yes    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low 
Rating: 5/10    
Rating: *****
Comment: Older teen boy (Jason Diers) and man in dark Dickies and young boy (Archer Schnaible now 13 then 12 or 11) in unknown brand. Brief scene at 15-17. Sitting also more distance, side view/partial. Young boy also outside rear view (briefly). Some other young boys very briefly at 59.50, 1h34.40 and 2h13.30. Some headshots/partial, distance, out of focus. Western style but 1931 setting.

A suggestion from JN. Thanks very much!

Now a good image quality, but very few good scenes.

That's rating ~5.


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Elsa (2013)


Family mini series, 8 ep
Year: 2013
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: Norway, others
Who in bibs: Elsa ~5
Available on DVD: no ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ? 
Rating: 3/10 ?   
Rating: ***
Comment: Main character played by Maya Anna Hansen Frølich in shortalls, also cycling. Pic from ep 1. But I think in all episodes. Each episode is just 7 minutes. Character and maybe actress is 5 yo. I thought she is a bit older. She has an older sister, but I think not in bibs. I haven't seen all episodes.

Found as YouTube recommendation.

Bienvenue chez les Mennonites

Year: 2009
Year in film: 2000s 
Country: France
Who in bibs: boys, men
Available on DVD: no ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ? 
Rating: 6/10 ?   
Rating: ******
Comment: Another documentary about Mennonites, this time in Bolivia (San José de Chiquitos). From the playlist (folder divers). Uploader L’Effet Papillon. Originally from CAPA Presse, now part of Newen Studios. Cyprien D'Haese. Clip on YouTube is 9 minutes, they also have at least one other, 15 minutes (2017).

Not just raw denim bibs but also medium blue and blue/green. Also younger teen boys.

Not sure if this is the official title. I haven't found it on IMDb. Length also unknown. Maybe a series. Rating 6-7 but hard to rate as this is probably not complete.

Another clip from the playlist, same uploader is "Ils REFUSENT la technologie et vivent à l'ancienne" (15 minutes). Mennonites not sure if Bolivia.

Another Mennonite movie shown at Cannes in 2007 is "Stellet Licht" Silent Light. That is about Mexico.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Update 7: Dhar Mann


Episode "Baker's Life Changed in 24 Hours".  A young girl in dark blue bibs (or probably shortalls), bib at very high position. From the playlist, folder court metrage. Pic at 0. I think few good scenes. So rating ~4.

Main entry f/m rating up to 5

Birch Interval

Year: 1976
Year in film: 1940s 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Samuel ~12, men
Available on DVD: VHS only    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ 
Rating: 5/10 ?   
Rating: *****
Comment: A boy in Dee Cee bibs. I think it's Brian Part (*1962 Carl in LHOTP). Rather few scenes. Also men in bibs. Main character is a girl. Also Amish persons. From the playlist, a recent upload. I found 2 other erlier uploads in slightly better quality. I think the best/sharpest is from Vic King (pic 1). But all are from VHS sources. Maybe there are even more uploads.

Pic 1 at 19, pic 3 at 15. One scene with an open jacket. But I only have checked this briefly 1964 novel by Joanna Crawford. Book is also rare, I haven't found contents.

Rating ~(4)-5.


Info, stats clips

I've finished uploading my rare clips with bibs. I will upload some few others non-bibs (less than 10). Surprisingly, the rare Haydaze clips weren't popular at all. Around 150 views in 3 weeks that's 0.2 % of my recent uploads. Up to 3 likes. Although being in English, aired multiple times in different countries and announced here and on the lost media wiki.

Much more famous is my series Träume, Tränen, Tönen. 8000 views for one episode. And uploaded later and just in German. Although both boys and girls shown, I have 80% female viewers (~30-40 yo obviously watched this in their childhood). 

My second favourite clip is Fortsetzung Folgt David wird Schauspieler (firefighter) clip 2. 4000 views. 80% males. 94% found this as YouTube suggestion, only 1% from this blog. Schloss Einstein is still a famous series.

I maybe wouldn't have started uploading if I knew that there are just 150 views. That's 15 people watching it 10 times. Haydaze is too unknown and few others are interested in it. 

Ok it was time to give something back. I also gain a lot from YouTube. I now had the first completely blocked clips.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Darnaby Tom Sawyer (2012 Tulsa County play)

And another one from the playlist. 15'46. Uploader UnionPublicSchools. Darnaby Elementary School, Tulsa County, OK. Image quality is quite poor, but several (at least ~5) boys and girls most barefooted in different bibs including raw denim and striped. Pic at 2. Sitting (distance/side view). Different brands including Liberty.

Rating ~4-(5). Raw denim younger girl, rather few good scenes, younger kids and poor quality.

Meet the Mennonites


Documentary, 52 minutes
Year: 2018
Year in film: 2010s 
Country: France/ZA
Who in bibs: boys, men
Available on DVD: no ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ? 
Rating: 6/10 ?   
Rating: ******
Comment: Another documentary about Mennonites (also Belize). Part of the DW Documentary series. Magneto Presse. Directed by Mélanie Van Der Ende. I think this is the most common movie about Mennonites (at least about them in South Africa). There are several different/foreign titles: Mennonites: Life in the Ultra-Conservative Christian Colonies of South Africa (Documentary). Aired 2020 on M6. A German title: Mennoniten - Die geschlossenste Gemeinschaft der Welt - Untersuchung - Weltdokumentation - MP.

I only checked this briefly. I think there are better ones (see previous and upcoming Mennonites movies). Rating ~5-6. Iconic pic 2 for better identification.

Update: I later found a shorter 2020 German documentary which might be the same


Wearing 5 pairs of overalls at once

And another one from the playlist. Folder Divers. Usually I don't post personal clips. But this is very interesting. Shown putting on every single pair over another. Rather poor views, though (no sitting no rear). 4'06. Uploader "Overalls Are the new 2018". At least the first one are shortalls, there's also a mirror. There are some more clips like "How to style overalls if your embarrassed to wear them" with a belt.

Several clips from the playlist are unavailable in Germany, up to 48 clips in Folder Série TV, even much more in the UK. I assume it's mainly one series. 21 in film. I could reduce that I think to 8. Probably most are geoblocked (due to music), some might be private or deleted. There's no function anymore "show unavailable clips". With a website I discovered some few. At least 6 from L'instit (folder film) and L'argent fait le bonheur. I have to check other VPNs. Also, new additions are added both on top and bottom even in one list/folder. 

Laurent, it would be great if you can post a list of all titles or links at least for upcoming ones missing here. 

To Kill A Mockingbird (2017 Grand Rapids play)


Another one from the playlist. "To Kill A Mockingbird | Trailer" 0.30 by Circle Theatre (Grand Rapids, Michigan). Young lady (Ashley Isenhoff as Scout maybe around 18yo) sitting, climbing up a tree, walking and lying on grass. Quite interesting. Jem not in bibs but Tom Robinson.

There are some pics on

Rating ~5.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Update: Woof! (1989)


Still not Rachel, but another lady in bibs in ep Getting Up Steam (s7e9) part 2, train plot. Also main character played by Adam Roper here in s8e6 Car Trouble, partly putting on man's coveralls after turning from dog to boy. At least 2 scene also at the end but poor views. He always lost his clothes after transforming. Both pics at 12 each.

The recent uploader stopped uploads due to health issues.

Main post f/m currently rating up to 5

Update: Safety Patrol


Next to the 3 boys in bibs (very brief scene, see main post) and some in orange coveralls there are also brief scenes of girls and teen girls. From the playlist.

Pics 1+2 young girls at 1h27, pic 3 (I think 2 teen girls) at 32, pic 4 at 1h07. I only checked this briefly. Probably there are some more (teen girls) in the background.

Main post rating 7, maybe rather 6. 

The Wizard of Oz (2010 Fayetteville, AR play)

I mentioned that before. At least this girl sitting. I think not on the playlist. Uploader: Arts Live Theatre. 58 minutes. Fayetteville, Arkansas. I only have checked this briefly some time ago.

They also have a 2016 Tom Sawyer play (boy, teen boy rating 5) and Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing (2018 play, boy girl rating 4).

Info: Professor Poopsnagle's Steam Zeppelin

I made a playlist of all the intros and outros on YouTube (English andSpanish). Most are of very poor image quality, but there are some good ones. One even has some seconds of the series. I uploaded my version but it was cropped from 478 heigth to 360 px and so I removed that.

Interesting that there is a copyright holder of image and audio contents. Even mistitled Proffessor. Claiming that my outro is from E10 (although there were just 6 episodes).

I read that there were several parts of episodes 3-6 (=9-24) on YouTube (and nfsa have them, so only the beginning is lost) on this 2023 post

Here are some pics

Latter one tab screenshots. They also say that there are sometimes offers of recordings. Not sure if this is a general phrase. No entry on the Lost Media Wiki.

When I have time I will again search my tapes, but probably I don't have the lost episodes id any. Here's my playlist 


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

CID Vorwasch-Spray (1982 ad)


Teen boy Sven, must be 15 yo (due to his motorbike) in tight, faded mechanics bibs. Also oil smeared, also full view kneeing and standing up. The clip is quite dark. Henkel detergent pre-wash spray.

Pic from "80er Jahre Werbung ZDF 1982 (HQ)" by Oliver Twist. At 9. There's a brighter version but in poorer quality, CID Vorwaschspray (1983), Rilando Werbung- und TV-Klassiker.

Rating (4)-5.