Drama. Novel Miguel Delibes
Year: 1997
Year in film: 1956
Country: Spain
Who in bibs:
El Nini ~10, men
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: medium+
Rating: 7/10
Rating: *******
Comment: Alvaro Monje in grey, shorter bibs, around 3/4th length and a belt. Many scenes including at least 2 great sitting scenes (also on the grass).
I found this movie before, but only saw the beginning (pig slaughter scene) and there, he didn't wore bibs but almost in the complete rest of the movie. Also standing in a creek. And some men in bibs including dark blue non-jeans working bibs (farm work, but brief scenes and from a distance).
I like grey bibs. Handsome actor, good movie and setting.
English title: The Rats. Miguel Delibes made some good novels. I previously had "La sombra del ciprés es alargada" on my sailor suit blog (few scenes, rating 3). Directed by Antonio Giménez Rico, who also made interesting movies and series. I have to check more of them.
Rating even 7-8.