Drama starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt
-Year: 2004
-Year in film: 1981
-Country: USA, NL
-Who in bibs: women
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurence: very low ?
-Rating: 2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least one (overweighted) young woman or teen girl in blue bibs or shortalls and another one in blue shortalls watching a baseball game, I think near the beginning which is set in 1981. But probably very few or this scene only.
I searched my HDD recorder for something to delete and found this one. Very good movie and interesting plot. I'm not sure but I think I have this movie completely on a DVDr but only some short scenes left on my hard disc. So I have to recheck that later. but I doubt for more or better scenes. So rating 2 for the bibs scenes for now and much more for the movie (at least 7).
Also starring Chase Ellison and Michelle Trachtenberg. I think I don't have to tell much more about this famous movie.
Some years ago I bought these kind of movies and remember considering it then. But I wouldn't today. First, they are often on TV, 2nd the boys are very young and 3rd no handsome actors in bibs. Great movie though and good 80s setting.
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