Sunday, March 9, 2025

Die Kinder vom Alstertal - ep 20 s2e7

I recalled this circus episode and found a young blonde girl in bibs or shortalls standing rear view and also sitting inside and another kid in an orange shirt, I assume a boy sitting front row. (Briefly checked).

Also other boys and girls I think in season 1-3 only. I don't like much Tobias (curly hair). Timo not in bibs. (Great singer and I had them on my bedroom blog rating 10). Lisa in great shortalls. Also other girls like Asian Kiki in bibs and shortalls in s1+s2.

Some scenes in season 3, I currently don't have pics of that but description in the updates. Meanwhile the series is released on DVD.

Main entry rating 5

A similar earlier series also with Tim Küchler (Tobias) is Neues vom Süderhof, f/m rating 8.

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