Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Info: Gli anni d'oro - actors - braces and more info

All kids seem to wore braces that are filtered out. Hard to notice as there are few close-ups. I first noticed it at the end of ep 13 (clown scene, pic 2) and then earlier when they all visit Igor.
I have recreated how Jerry would look. Here another comparison with his assumed daughter (2024).
Next to Jerry's (George's) family, also Marina (Elena) performed for years in Plovdiv and Carla (Lazarina) lives there, I bet that they all coming from one school and were friends before. That also hardens my assumption that she's indeed George's daughter. (Carla/Lazarina's son looks a bit like Rory Culkin and Andrea/Rudy has a blond son.) Research for Paolo/Ilija is difficult. I think he's a member of rock band D2.

The costume/cap of Jerry is obviously taken from Chaplin's movie The Kid (Jackie Coogan). The clown could be Antonio, so I assume that they all perform in the circus. Involving Sherazade that should be the main plot of the 2nd circus ep. In the unicorn ep I assume a girl being the main character, maybe Marina when she opens the window at night (or the wolf ep). Some titles/plots could be influenced by Enid Blyton (Famous Five, Circus, Mystery Island). A DVD release or re-broadcasts are still possible, maybe after Beppe Cino's death.

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