–Year: 2002
–Year in film: 2000s ?
–Country: Sweden
–Who in bibs: Pontus ~7
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low+ ?
–Rating: 3/10 *
–Rating: ***
–Comment: I think Bisse Unger *1994 in long bibs and rubber boots inside/outside, also sitting.
Another new one from Felix' galleries. Thanks once more! I haven't seen the full movie yet. There's an older blond boy called Patrik (Anastasios Soulis, not in bibs).
Bisse is handsome in later movies but he's way too young in here. ~6-7 yo. I don't like him at all in here nor the bibs. Obviously also rather few scenes. That's a typical rating 3 (for bibs scenes).
There are also "other" scenes of interest (I haven't checked them yet), I think a bit older boys (probably incl. Patrik) in a shower without clothes. So movie itself might be higher. But I usually prefer US movies/actors.
English title: Everyone Loves Alice.
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