Has just been aired. Zachary Bennett in the same striped bibs (appearing plain light blue from a distance but are striped, simple straps on the rear, pic 2 at the beginning, previous pics in s2e12). Great walking and also sitting on a cart (mainly side view and headshot). S3e4 "When She Was Bad, She Was Horrid, Part 1". IMDb says s3e2, other streams called this s3e8 or s3e1. Double episode. Maybe different episode numbers in different countries. (Same as The Waltons). Ep numbers according Fan Wikias and wunschliste.de.
Some, much better scenes of the fat boy at school (looking like Poetry, sitting behind Felix at 36 minutes), still don't know his name (previous pics in s2e13). Probably a different pair (same style), in raw denim. Front+rear view walking outside including fighting but from a distance. Sitting and headshots inside. Some characters are played by up to 4 different actors like Montgomery Dale (2 twins). Maybe it's Tyler Labine, brother of Kyle. He is only credited in 2 other episodes, including s3e3 Another Point of View. Looking a bit different and has longer hair. Maybe filmed later?
Also one older teen boy in olive or similar bibs at the docks.
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