This is my personal blog / database about Bib overalls in feature films and TV series. It's my first blog. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was created in 2011. From 2012-2020 on and now I'm back. Many links are wrong but exist (blog search).
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Schloss Einstein – ep 902 + 903 (on TV)
As already announced, season 21 is running. Some few and brief scenes of Martha in ep 901 in the dark pink bibs (for car washing) and Kasimir (Sinan El Sayed) in blue working bibs at the end of today's ep. 902 (brief scene, pic 1 also headshot, rebroadcasting tomorrow).
Very good: Nele in dark green, Sarah in purple and again Martha in pink synthetic bibs at the beginning of tomorrows ep 903 (pics 2+3). Available already online. Unfortunately only one brief scene and mainly headshots, but probably more in upcoming episodes. White plastic braces.
Update: The Attic Door

After finding some short clips and adding this movie to my Western blog (f,m rating 5), I now have checked the complete movie.
Much better than assumed but fewer scenes at the beginning and end. Also nice sitting scenes, brief wet and shirtless scenes (latter one not bibs). Also an old man in bibs.
Nice bedroom scenes with a girl, soon on my other blog, rating ~6-7.
Still rating 4-(5) as he's quite young. One more new pic at the main entry

Monday, February 26, 2018
You Can’t Do That on Television – update 5

I recently checked some episodes for my shiny shorts blog (rating 7/8) because of new suggestions, and found another girl/interesting scene in a bathroom. Partly undressing while a teen girl is in the tub. The black girl is probably Angie Coddett. Also sitting scenes. Bibs are maybe not of jeans fabric (pic 3 has a better image quality).
Pics 1+2 from ep 22 Personal Hygiene (1981). Pic 3 from ep 25 Drugs (1981).
As said, most episodes have been deleted, even the official ones. Maybe because of the relaunch and paid streams. Perhaps there will even be a DVD release?
Main entry, f/m rating up to 7

Sunday, February 25, 2018
Update: Errance (2003)

Some slightly better pics of this movie. At least showing a bit more of his bibs.
As usual, I only have checked this briefly some time ago and don't remember much. Probably very few and brief scenes, and the boy is very young, so still rating (2-)3.
Main entry with one older pic
Die Pfefferkörner – ep 142
Kids detective series, 14+seasons
–Year: 1999-
–Year in film: 2014
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: Sonja ~33
–Available on DVD: yes, partly
–I own: no, partly TV recordings
–Bib occurrence: medium- *
–Rating: 5/10
–Rating: *****
–Comment: Victoria Fleer in tight, faded blue bibs in today's rebroadcasting of ep 142 (Der Bootsklau, s11e12). Several, quite good scenes, also rear views. She appeared in 8 episodes, but unknown if in bibs as well.
Rating 5, although I prefer darker and baggy bibs.
Main entry, girls, women, rating 5-6
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Unknown 18: Bibel TV clip
Kids show or musical clip?
–Year: 2010s ?
–Year in film: 2010s ?
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: boy ~7 ??
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: One young boy jumping and dancing in blue bibs or shortalls.
I've seen a trailer on TV about the Bibel TV Kids App (clip also available on the bibel TV website, Mediathek->trailers).
I don't know from what show/clip this trailer is from. Most kids songs are from Rainhard Horns Liederkoffer, other episode, girl rating 5 (also on my western blog)
I have briefly checked most or all episodes but couldn't find this clip. Maybe another show like Hallo Benjamin.
Interesting, but young boy. Rating ~3-4 for now.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Bares für Rares
Antiques auction show
–Year: 2013-
–Year in film: 2018
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: woman ~20s
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low+
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: One short, young lady in short red hair in tight black bibs, buttoned till the top and simple suspenders on the back. Bib at low position. Todays episode, ep 512 (s8e109). Scene at around 10 minutes.
Sorry no pics. I haven't recorded it and I don't like pics of reality TV/non-celebrities. I don't like this much anyway.
Available on the ZDF mediathek also showing a still of her.
Rating 2-3.
One old lady in ep 867, rating 1.
Another specials
–Year: 2013-
–Year in film: 2018
–Country: Germany
–Who in bibs: woman ~20s
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low+
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: One short, young lady in short red hair in tight black bibs, buttoned till the top and simple suspenders on the back. Bib at low position. Todays episode, ep 512 (s8e109). Scene at around 10 minutes.
Sorry no pics. I haven't recorded it and I don't like pics of reality TV/non-celebrities. I don't like this much anyway.
Available on the ZDF mediathek also showing a still of her.
Rating 2-3.
One old lady in ep 867, rating 1.
Another specials
Update: The Brave One (1956)

Some new pics of barefooted Michael Ray in The Brave One (rating 8). Adding tag Sitting M. Some nice scenes. Bibs now appear much lighter.
This movie is now also available on a digital restored DVD. Pics from a short YouTube sample. Great job by VCI Entertainment who also restored My Dog Shep (b&w, rating 7).
I still have to recheck the complete movie.
Main entry at
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Update: Book 66: Ben Logan: The Land Remembers
I have finally finished this book.
Quite disappointing, as there's no other notable description of bibs next to the one-room schoolhouse scene (noise of walking in stiff overalls). Some few other mentionings of the smell in a shop and others. I never searched for the term "bibbed overalls". Probably all kids and men wore bibs most or all of the time, but it's rarely talked about it.
Half of the book, or in fact almost the complete book is a description of general farm work, divided up into seasons, like in many other books. Rather few stories about the brothers.
Still one of the best stories about a one-room schoolhouse (one chapter). I wonder, why this scene hasn't been made into other books or even movies.
I currently don't have a new book involving bibs and now reading a ranch book and after that re-reading older books.
Quite disappointing, as there's no other notable description of bibs next to the one-room schoolhouse scene (noise of walking in stiff overalls). Some few other mentionings of the smell in a shop and others. I never searched for the term "bibbed overalls". Probably all kids and men wore bibs most or all of the time, but it's rarely talked about it.
Half of the book, or in fact almost the complete book is a description of general farm work, divided up into seasons, like in many other books. Rather few stories about the brothers.
Still one of the best stories about a one-room schoolhouse (one chapter). I wonder, why this scene hasn't been made into other books or even movies.
I currently don't have a new book involving bibs and now reading a ranch book and after that re-reading older books.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
The Poof Point

Disney film
–Year: 2001
–Year in film: 2000s ?
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: woman ?
–Available on DVD: yes ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low ??
–Rating: 2/10
–Rating: **
–Comment: At least this young, black lady in pink bibs with one strap down.
I found this by coincidence. As there's more than one black lady, I'm not sure about her name. Maybe Raquel Lee (*1986) or even Dawnn Lewis (*1961)? The plot is about an anti-aging machine, anyway.
I don't like this.
So rating 2-3 for now only.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Update: That ’70s Show

One better pic (this one), headshot of 19 yo Ashton Kutcher in raw denim bibs. Bib is at lower position when standing.
I tried to find better pics of the teen girls as well, but I couldn't find better ones.
Obviously rather few scenes. I like raw denim bibs, but he's also quite old and tall.
Main entry, rating 5
Monday, February 19, 2018
Update 2: The Little Rascals Save the Day

2 better, including one new pic (rear view) of Jenna Ortega. Her bibs appear much lighter inside in the light.
Nice remake, but I prefer the classic series (also having boys in bibs).
Main entry, rating 6
Update: One more pic now on my pigtails blog, rating 5.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Don’t Look Now (1983)
Kids comedy series, YCDTOTV spin-off, 5 ep
–Year: 1983
–Year in film: 1980s
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: boy, girl ~12 ?
–Available on DVD: no
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low
–Rating: 5/10
–Rating: *****
–Comment: A blonde boy in dark blue bibs and a girl in dark pigtails in tan bibs. Both also milking (inside, standing). Also both sitting but bad side view. Pic from episode 4.
Also on my shiny shorts blog (f,m rating 4).
Rather brief scene but handsome boy.
So rating 4-5.
Schloss Einstein - season 21 (on TV)

Wednesday, season 21 finally starts (daily 2 episodes). Again at least (teen) girls (and maybe boys as well) in different colored bibs including non-jeans dark pink, purple and light olive.
Pics from the outtakes.
Also boys in shiny shorts in final ep 922 (soon on my other blog).
Main entry, f/m rating up to 9
ep 901 Martha in these pink bibs (for car washing)
ep 902 Kasimir (Sinan El Sayed) in blue working bibs
ep 903 Martha in pink, Nele in green, Sarah in purple bibs
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Update: Dawson’s Creek

4 better pics of Katie Holmes in white shortalls including 2 new ones.
There's also a brief rear view.
The YouTube-Link showing her in blue shortalls is now dead.
Mein entry, rating 3
Friday, February 16, 2018
Update: Karlas kabale

Some more and much better pics of this one. Even more scenes than assumed.
Nice tight, dark blue bibs. Later appearing black but are probably always the same pair. Not raw denim either, much faded at the bib and legs. Also one strap down when walking (next to the bathroom scene).
Previously rated 3, but I think I have to give rating 4-(5). I don't like this actor.
Main entry

Thursday, February 15, 2018
Die Science-Checker

Science series
–Year: 2018
–Year in film: 2017 ?
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: Mira 29
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: medium *
–Rating: 4/10 ?
–Rating: ****
–Comment: At least 29 yo Scientist Mira Pöhlker in short and tight light blue shortalls, also sitting (regular and partly lying) and walking outside. Pics from yesterday's episode 1: Flüssige Phänomene. Channel ZDFInfo.
I haven't seen it completely and don't know other episodes. 2 episodes yet.
Available on the mediathek and YouTube.
I don't like shortalls.
Rating ~4.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Info 738: Updates females

Some, mainly minor updates
-Je déteste les enfants des autres (pic 1, rating 4, barefoot)
-Jaws 3-D (pics 2+3, rating 3)
-Me, Myself & Irene (pic 4 rating 2)
Jaws parts 1-3 now also on my shiny shorts blog.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Update: Christmas Lilies of the Field

I found a new trailer in much better image quality and this rare movie is now even available as (non-free, but cheap) stream. I still consider buying it (if it's available outside the US), currently rating 7.
At least one boy and at least 2 or 3 young girls as orphans in bibs. Setting obviously in the mid or late 1960s.
Does anybody know this movie and can tell if this is worth buying?
Nice sitting scenes, adding tag sitting M.
Main entry
Monday, February 12, 2018
Update: Commando (1985)

Another update. I haven't seen the complete movie as I don't like action films.
Next to the dining scene, there's at least one more scene at 1h06 (pic 3). Partial rear views. Typical 80s bibs with a belt. Not that bad. But I don't like her and prefer darker bibs. Bib at quite low position.
Main entry, rating 3-(4)
Update: There's another longer scene at the end (dark lit) and also a wet scene (thanks dale!). The last 5 minutes missing on one of the YouTube's clips. Some clips are mirrored, others are either too dark, in bad image quality or missing large parts of the upper and lower frame.

Sunday, February 11, 2018
Fuller House
Sitcom 45 ep
–Year: 2016-
–Year in film: 2010s ?
–Country: USA
–Who in bibs: Max ~9, girls, men
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium- *
–Rating: 5/10 ?
–Rating: *****
–Comment: Elias Harger in faded blue bibs in s2e5 (pic 2) and s2e7 (also sitting and gardening) and in raw denim bibs with flashing neon LED lights in s2e8, also dancing. Also 2 men and a toddler in blue bibs in s2e8. Obviously also at least little girls as shown at the intro of season 2 but this is probably from Full House. Maybe some more scenes and actors, as the series is still running and I haven't checked all episodes.
Another suggestion. Thanks very much!
This is a Netflix sequel/ spin-off series of Full House (1987) f/m rating 4
I don't like much this boy and he's quite young. Several scenes of him in these 3 episodes. I like raw denim bibs but I can't give more than rating 4-5 for now. Also soon on my bedroom blog, ~rating 5.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Update: Sarahsarà

Some more scenes than first assumed and even 3 different pairs (dark blue, light blue and white). Also sitting scenes.
The boys works at a garage, hence the cloth in the bib pocket.
Pics 1+3 at 42 minutes, pic 2 at 1h05, pic 4 at~47 minutes, another scene at 18 (also rear view but from a distance).
In total 5 new pics, one other in the main entry, rating 5-(6)

Friday, February 9, 2018
Update: Trollsommar

Previously very poor pics, now these better ones of the two boys. Still not perfect quality. At least one boy also sitting (mainly or only from a distance). Also men in bibs.
Quite interesting and handsome blonde boys, but there are better movies.
Main entry rating 5

Thursday, February 8, 2018
Update: Unlikely Angel

Another movie checked and image replaced in much better quality and now also full view.
Bibs of 13 yo Allison Mack are tight.
Not that bad but still rating 3 due to very few and brief scenes. Also standing inside the house.
Also soon on my bedroom blog (boy rating ~6).
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Update: Génial, mes parents divorcent!

I have checked some few parts of this movie, rating (5-)6 (Felix gave rating 8) and added these pics of better quality.
I don't like at all this young boy. But needs to be rechecked for more scenes and other actors. Still rating 6 for the bibs scenes.
Now also on my shiny shorts blog, rating 7. Main entry here
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