Romance starring Ian Parsons
-Year: 1997
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: UK,Canada
-Who in bibs: Violet ~11, man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
Another one from the "missing Felix list". I have checkd it almost completely some time ago.
Interesting plot including gay men, an abusive father, a tomboy (probably not in bibs) etc. Rated R. But I think I somehow don't like this movie, there are much better ones. Directed by Thom Fitzgerald (Beefcake).
Unfortunately only very few bibs scenes in this awarded movie set in Nova Scotia.
Rating 3.
Thanks to 2 followers pointing out, that this is not a boy but a girl. The problem is when not watching a movie with sound at slow speed and IMDb has no further infos and birth dates. I read about a tomboy, but somehow thought that Violet would be a much older tomboy. I checked it long time ago. Rating is still 3.
I have already investigated this movie before and have found that the character in bibs is indeed a girl. The character is called Violet several times in the movie and is played by actress Christine Dunsworth. So I am afraid this is not a boy as it so very much looks like.
10 year old Ian Parsons does not wear overalls in this film. The only overalls are worn by 15 year old Christine Dunsworth who plays a Tom-boy named Violet. Few short scenes near the end and thats all.
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