Lassie film
-Year: 1949
-Year in film: 1912
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: ~7 boys
-Available on DVD: yes*
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating: 7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: At least 7 boys ~ 6-16 yo (wearing blue bibs. I have to watch this film
completely. I think this is the main actor Claude Jarman Jr. ~14 or 15
years (also in The Yearling, 1946) pictured with Lassie. This is not the
first Lassie film and perhaps not the best. More famous are the Lassies
TV series. But there are worse films.
Updates: I think few scenes of
the other boys. I don't like this younger actor in The Yearling but
he's much older now. Perhaps not so bad. Rating 7 instead of 5 now, but
have to check completely. Seems to be released not only on VHS but also
later on DVDr as mod (according to rottentomatoes, but is probably wrong). I think not officially on DVD. I would buy it.
Now I have seen the first half of this movie. Much more boys than
originally thought (about 7 instead of 4). Very handsome actor, although
quite long hair (for that time). The bibs are rather tight (and the boy
is thin). Some very good scenes but the bibs are worn and of simple
jeans fabric. Looks like a typical farmer boy. Due to the car the
setting is not in 1912 as originally thought. First bibs scenes at 21
I don't like too tight bibs and prefer raw denim bibs with a back bib. The last rating of 7-8 is correct.
Two more pics, showing younger boys and the main character taking something out of his bib pocket at
better pics, update also high back in the 2nd half, also wet scenes and in bed in bibs
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