Sunday, March 16, 2025

La bougeotte (1996) L'histoire du samedi

TV drama/comedy
Year: 1996
Year in film: 1995?  
Country: France
Who in bibs: girl Bénédicte ~9 ?
Available on DVD: no ?  
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ??  
Rating:  3/10 ?  
Rating: ***
Comment: At least a young girl played by Jessica Mesguich in blue bibs or shortalls and a red sleeveless shirt. Aired in Anthology movie series "L'histoire du samedi" (1995-) with at least 85 movies. But I think most or all movies were released under their episode title.

I haven't found any other pics or clips, only 2 pics on IMDb.

Some movies were also released in Germany. Most famous movies maybe "L'année du certif" and "Dessine-moi un jouet"

Filmed in 1995 but the boy (Dimitri Rougeul) * Sep 1981 ("Entre terre et mer") looking much younger. The older girl is Laetitia Legrix.

I found this by coincidence searching for (France telefilm) for my unknown French TV movies.

Rating ~3 for now.  English title would be Saturday's Story: The fidgeteer.

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