I have checked (almost) all scenes more carefully. Rating 7 was correct, maybe rather 6. The boy (10 yo, not 11) even looking younger and is very thin. Bibs are great and the best as they could on him. I don't like much the rear. The 2 older boys would be more of interest. Or even all in bibs. And maybe it's mainly the glasses making him handsome.
There's a scene with him wet in speedos and without glasses and wet hair looking much different (ep 5 at 9).
I also found a girl sitting and standing up in dark brown bibs (ep 1 at 2). Felix hadn't mentioned her.
Pic 1 from ep 4 at 8, pic 2 from ep 5 at 14. Some few sitting scenes (eg ep 4 at 13, but I think not that good. From a distance and dark lit, but there's a better one.
I still don't understand your ratings! For instance at least I saved the export of my blog so I can check the ratings I gave back then and I gave 4/10 for The Music Man which you rate 10/10. I looked again and I still agree with my rating, so I don't understand at all how you gave that high. Now you suggest as low as 6/10 for this series, and I stick by what I said that this is a 10/10.
Well, that's fine, I already accepted we will rarely agree on ratings. :D
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With Mik from the Netherlands in dungarees, a nice photo here:
Very handsome shirtless US boys sitting that is or was a perfect scene. Also great movie and songs. One of my earliest posts. I already downgraded it removing it from the TOP10. Today I would give rating 7-8 as explained in Milltown Pride. The series is rating 7. So almost the same, although just 1 young boy, not US and poor rear.
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