This is my personal blog / database about Bib overalls in feature films and TV series. It's my first blog. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was created in 2011. From 2012-2020 on Wordpress.com and now I'm back. Many links are wrong but exist (blog search).
Family film
–Year: 2019
–Year in film: 2010s
–Country: Denmark
–Who in bibs: Vigga ~15, (boy)
–Available on DVD: yes ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: medium
–Rating: 5/10 ?
–Rating: *****
–Comment: As announced, I found this by coincidence. Redhaired teen girl Frida Luna Roswell Mattson in long, faded bibs. Also sitting. And at least a boy in red coveralls.
Pics from the trailer. I haven't seen this movie, yet.
Not bad.
Rating ~5 for now.
Update: Also a boy in red coveralls. Better pic of both