Famous DEFA romance
–Year: 1973
–Year in film: 1970s
–Country: East Germany
–Who in bibs: boy Colly ~3
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Bib occurence: low+ ?
–Rating: 2/10 ?
–Rating: **
–Comment: At least one very young, blonde boy, I think Mike Zessin as 3 yo Colly in checkered grey or similar cotton bibs. Maybe it's the same boy pictured in Lederhosen? Maybe some more actors (men) in bibs?
I found the following publicity pic, but didn't had the time, yet to watch the complete movie
Probably the most famous East German movie and even more famous it's music by the Puhdys, but I think, I haven't seen it yet as I don't like romances and the 70s. The boy is also very young. Starring Winfried Glatzeder. English title: The Legend of Paul and Paula.
So for bibs rating 2 for now only. Maybe better for Lederhosen scenes or else?
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