Sunday, June 11, 2017

Info: Huge update part 14


New pics in

Little Inside (girl, rating 4, pic 1+1 more)

The Yearling (1994) -  teen boy, rating 7, pic 3+1 more

Asteroid (1997) - boys rating 5, pic 4 +1 more+ another black boy

Bio-Dome (woman, man, rating 4, pic 2)

Panic (2000) - boy rating 2- (3) two better pics

The Mortician (2011) - boy, (teen girl) rating 5. Rear view of boy and one larger (slightly different)

Pic 5 showing Schloss Einstein (ep 693, only larger, rating 9)



db1 said...

This is an interesting site that contains dozens of commercials all featuring the theme of boys and girls wearing overalls. Here is the link:

Admin said...

Thanks very much! Very interesting! Currently, I don't have the time to check them all. I will add the link to my commercials list.

Admin said...

Thanks very much! Very interesting! Currently, I don't have the time to check them all. I will add the link to my commercials list.