Sci-Fi film. Director John Carpenter
-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl ~7 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurence: very low
-Rating: 2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: A young black girl near the beginning. Brief scene but showing front and rear.
Had been aired yesterday. I have seen parts of it before but now have seen it again completely.
Perfect plot, good movie. Is there anybody who haven't seen it or at least the faces of the aliens? Sometimes I think the plot is true. But where are those sun glasses?
Exciting movie and 80s fashion and hairstyle, but unfortunately only this short bibs scene. Plot rating 10, movie 7-8, bibs 2-3.
Please also note my previous post earlier. I also checked some movies of the Felix list (coming soon). "The Adventures of Young Brave" I also had: "Waking Up Horton", rating 6, but now I've found a cycling scene as well.
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