Saturday, October 13, 2012

Info 182: ads, spam, upcoming lists, tags, subpages, stats

Yesterday I noticed for the first time ads on my blog, while not logged in. Please note that I don't earn any money and wordpress occasionally place some ads themselves. I hope it's not too much. That's one of the disadvantages. I also still have some spam comments, about 5-10 every day on each blogs, but it could be worse and is not overgrowing.

Coming soon a list (with pics) of most baggy (and maybe also most tight) bibs. And maybe also the best farm movies.

I also planning a list of unusual colors (not including blue, black and brown bibs). Originally I wanted to create more tags (also for different countries), but that's too much work and also too buggy as many entries are not displayed. I also will add the lists to the females and boys subpages and add an "All list" button below the blog title to show a list of all lists. If someone searching for a country or else it's easy to do a blog search.

I also have enhanced my favourite boys stats pic from 5 to 10.

I had considered to change my rating system. Like a rating for the movie itself and a more balanced rating, especially for females (as I personally prefer males), but it would be too much work for 1000+ posts. Most females I rate with 4-6 and probably a 4 rating for me is a 10 rating for others who like that actress. It's always my personal rating. Please keep these things in mind. I usually don't buy many DVDs but I'm still looking for perfect films. I buy what I rate 7+. So I will make more lists and update them.

And I'm also considering a more enhanced Introduction /About page and/or an FAQ page, but I have to think about it.

I probably won't split up this blog (into males and females), it's too late now, I therefor have tags, list and subpages. Maybe I will create additional blogs (related or unrelated) at some time, but I'm busy enough with this one.

If someone has an idea to improve this blog or movies to suggest, please comment.



allbill said...

Would go for notifications and displays of snowbibs only.

allbill said...

Would go for notifications and displays of snowbibs only.

biboverallsfilms said...

I don't understand what you mean. I have many info entries and unfortunately very few snow bibs. How to improve that? Do you mean an additional list of notifications? Or a subpage and also to remove (older ones) from this blog? Not sure if this would be useful and if a blog search will work then. People also shouldn't miss them. I hope to find more snow bibs this winter and will create then a list.

biboverallsfilms said...

I don't understand what you mean. I have many info entries and unfortunately very few snow bibs. How to improve that? Do you mean an additional list of notifications? Or a subpage and also to remove (older ones) from this blog? Not sure if this would be useful and if a blog search will work then. People also shouldn't miss them. I hope to find more snow bibs this winter and will create then a list.