Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Update: Joséphine, ange gardien


A re-upload of this boy sitting, rating 3 (brief scene). There's at least a young teen girl in a bibs-like dress, Lucie-Cerise Bouvet in s12e3, see previous post. Maybe there are even more?

Main post

Coup de coeur (2014)

Medical TV drama
Year: 2014
Year in film: 2010s    
Country: France, Belgium
Who in bibs: Lola ~18 ?
Available on DVD: yes    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?   
Rating:  4/10 ?   
Rating: ****
Comment: At least a young lady/older teen girl, probably Lucie-Cerise Bouvet (*1995) in red pullover and faded bibs (bib at low position). 

Sorry no pics. One is here

She also wore bibs in 2017 short film "Là d'où vient le vent" pic on IMDb and some few more here

As younger teen girl she wore a bibs-like dress in Joséphine, ange gardien in s12e3, 2009 (currently I just have a boy sitting rating 3, pic re-uploaded). 

I can't say much more. I assume few or very few scenes. It's even possible that there are no scenes at all and just a publicity pic/behind the scenes.

Rating ~4 for now. 

Unknown 25: Nickelodeon Deutschland ca 1997 city portrait Zeitz


I found and uploaded this short unknown show with 3 kid reporters, portraiying their city Zeitz. Girl in bibs with a belt. Channel was active between 1995-1998. 

Brief scene, no rear view. Rating ~4. Probably there were more episodes and more girls and boys.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

FunnyMovie: H3: Halloween Horror Hostel

Horror parody, movie series, s1e2
Year: 2008
Year in film: 2000s ?   
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: girl "Kürbiskopf" ~10 ?
Available on DVD: yes    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?   
Rating:  3/10 ?   
Rating: ***
Comment: Harry's son called Kürbiskopf with a pumpkin over his head, appearing in the middle, at the end without pumpkin turned out being a girl in different bibs (I only noticed few scenes in blue bibs, low back). I think uncredited.

Another suggestion from Marc. Thanks very much!

I only have checked briefly the parts, available on YouTube. Pic from "H3 Teil8". Most are in poor quality and dark lit.

Aka ProSieben Funny Movie. 8 ep in 3 seasons (other movies).

Rating ~3-4 for now.

Brand #44: The Waltons - season 9 part 2


Nothing much more of interest. Just Jim-Bob in coveralls but not that bad, also sitting. Disc 4 at 1h26. One disc to go, but I think nothing or nothing notable there. Final season is rating 5 (f/m).

After that I think I'll watch the Sugar Creek Gang DVDs again.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Droit de Regard

TV drama
Year: 2023
Year in film: 2020s ?   
Country: France
Who in bibs: Elorie ~ 7?
Available on DVD: no ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low   
Rating:  3/10 ?   
Rating: ***
Comment: A young girl Emmeline Maniccia (* 2/2015) as daughter in long bibs. Brief scene at 18. 

English title: Out of Sight.

Not that bad. Rating 3 for this brief scene.

The Muppet Movie


Family film
Year: 1979
Year in film: 1970s ?   
Country: USA, UK
Who in bibs: boys ~9, men, woman
Available on DVD: yes    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low   
Rating:  3/10 ?   
Rating: ***
Comment: 2 brief scenes of boys (rear view) and one headshot. Also a lady walking (pic 2 woth hat) and some men in bibs.

Another suggestion from Marc. Thanks very much! Pic 1 at 10, pic 2 at 38, unpictured headshot (just straps young blond boy) at 45. 

Nice movie, but for these brief scenes I can only give rating ~3. I don't know if the 1h35 clip I found on daily is the extended alternative 97 minute version. And maybe there are some more supporting actors in the distance?


Update 2: Snotneuzen


I checked all episodes and first haven't found my scene bit finally I did. It's indeed Kriebels in m'n buik but only in the German version called Kribbeln im Bauch (at 1.30). The scene is very brief but at least some movements. I don't know why they replaced only this brief scene and just in German. 

Can't qualify for either rating 7 or 6, but I found another nice song, Bassie der Streuner (Bassie de zwerver), pictured. Another handsome boy (or is it a girl ?) in bibs on beach, sitting with legs cuffed up (I think also a bit more close-up) and headshot.   

So I now give rating ~5-(6). For the clips/kids much more. 

I also checked all the other foreign versions listed on the website. Most are defunct and I checked them via Unfortunately nothing else of interest found. At least the Polish group had different kids. But obviously short lived and/or not much clips available.

In Germany there should have been a VHS but just 12+1 clips. 2 or 3 clips missing on the official channel and 1 Dutch clip is unavailable.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Update: Snotneuzen, rating 3-> 6-7

By coincidence I found this screenshot on one of my backup discs yesterday. I currently don't know from what song this is. I like these music clips and this and other blond Dutch boys, but I didn't recall this scene. I will have to check all songs soon if there are more or even better scenes (sitting ? rear views etc ?). I think I had checked all clips (available then). Same location is in Kriebels in m'n buik.

Update: I found it. It's in deed in this but only in the German version Kribbeln im Bauch. I also found another boy. Now rating ~5.

Similar like Kinderen voor Kinderen (f/m rating up to 8).

In Germany the gang/band/series is called Rotznasen. Later called Eurokids.

I have an entry, previously rated (2)-3 with no notable boys and girls. Also an entry about the CD and its cover. No need for re-upload the other pics, so I will copy this to the main post. The CD post still has one pic. There were at least 5 German CDs (+1 Karaoke) in the Rotznasen series showing some boys and girls in bibs on front and rear covers. Some more Eurokids and  6 Dutch CDs with 54 songs. There were also French, Spanish, English and Polish version maybe with other kids. I think no DVD but official clips on YouTube. 3x12 clips, not sure if all 54 songs had clips.

Chupa (2023)

Netflix adventure film, Christian Slater
Year: 2023
Year in film: 2020s ?   
Country: USA, Mexico
Who in bibs: Luna ~14 ?
Available on DVD: yes ?   
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium-   
Rating:  3/10 ?   
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Ashley Ciarra (*2008) in faded long bibs, I think always with a sweater bound around her hips. 

Another one from Laurent's playlists (folder Bande annonce, trailers), found several weeks ago.

Also at least one handsome boys acting (not in bibs) and nice rural setting. How should I rate this when there's a sweater over her hips? 

I have just very roughtly checked the full movie on daily.

Rating ~3-(4) for now for the bibs. Movie probably not much higher.