Thursday, November 30, 2023

Tengamos la fiesta en paz

Family film
-Year: 2021
-Year in film: 2020s ? 
-Country: Spain
-Who in bibs: girl ~8, teen girl ~14?
-Available on DVD: yes ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium- ??
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least a young girl and a teen girl in medium blue bibs. And teen girl (probably the same) in a black bibs-like buttoned dress. All missing a bib pocket. Sitting scenes on grass.

I don't know the complete movie yet. But I assume several scenes. I don't like these kind of bibs.

For now rating ~4.

I also have completely checked Verana azul. One more cycling scene.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Prehysteria! 3


Family film
-Year: 1995
-Year in film: 1990s ?  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Michelle ~41 ?, man
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: One lady, probably Pam Matteson (1953-2015) and a man in bibs. Lady also sitting, great rear view. Bib at low position. Starring Whitney Anderson (daughter ?) and Matthew Bartilson ("Kidsongs") but both not in bibs. Man with a belt and I think 2 different pairs, faded, dark blue. Rather few good scenes.

Rating 4-5.    

I previously had part 2 (boy, girl, man, rating 6)


Updates: Verano azul, purchase


I have now briefly checked episodes 1-11. The young lady (might be an older teen girl as part of the gang) and the young boy also appeared in those yellow bibs in some few other episodes, both also cycling, also rear views.

Pic 1 from ep 8 (similar sitting and cycling in ep 3), pic 2 from ep 6 (bib at low position. I like the boy on the right, my favourite here). I think both at the beginning. The boy also in ep 9 brief scene at the end. Another great speedo and other scenes especially in ep 3+8+1.


The Guédiguian order (Dernier été) +7 others was canceled. I now have ordered 4 movies elsewhere (direct import, missing Ki lo sa?). One DVD is not in stock. Shipping should be in ~2 weeks. Shipping and watching takes time, so there will be a delay for updates. There are 2 or 3 "Complete boxes" (meanwhile there are more movies) but either rare or expensive.

Update Verano azul: Completely checked. One more cycling scene of the girl in ep 15. And good speedo scenes of the handsome boy in ep 17.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Verano azul


Family series, 20 ep
-Year: 1981-1982
-Year in film: 1980s  
-Country: Spain
-Who in bibs: lady, Tito ~7
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+?
-Rating:  5/10 ?
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least a lady or older teen girl (also on the back of a motorbike, side view and cycling) and Miguel Joven ~7 yo in yellow bibs, boy in 5/6th legth. Simple straps on the rear (both). Both pics from ep 4. Also very good speedo scenes on a beach. Young boys and older boys.

I didn't had the time yesterday to check more episodes but will today. Available for free on the broadcaster's site. I don't know for how long.

I found this by coincidence searching for the spanish title of Dernier été. I found this earlier and I think I had this on my shiny shorts blog but haven't found the bibs before.

Rating ~4-5 for now. I prefer blue bibs and the boy is very young. Great setting and scenes, but almost looks like the 70s. Some more scenes:


Dernier été (1981) other movies purchased

Drama Last Summer by Robert Guédiguian
-Year: 1981
-Year in film: 1980  
-Country: France
-Who in bibs: boy ~16?, woman
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: ordered
-Bib occurrence: medium-
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least Karim Hamzaoui (as young boy, on left?) shirtless in white bibs. After Ki lo sa? (at least lady in shortalls, currently rating 4), I've checked more movies from this director. I found 2 movies with boys in bibs. I haven't found streams of his early movies (except 1 or 2), so I have ordered a box with his 8 earliest movies. Most movies are set in Marseille and many have grown-ups at least in coveralls. And often good plots and swimming scenes, speedos or less. (Grown ups, speedos/shorts at least kids/teens).

Another boy ~10 yo in bibs with open bib also shirtless is "L'argent fait le bonheur" (rating 7).

Pic 2 is from "Marius et Jeannette" with man and lady in coveralls. Also a very young girl in black/white shortalls and a toddler girl in a bibs-like dress. I later found a brief scene of a lady in bibs and good jeans of a teen girl (bib rating 3). "A la vie, a la mort" has men in coveralls, "La ville est tranquille" has an older man in working bibs and I think coveralls. No bibs in La villa (2017), kids mainly at the end like a bathtub scene. I haven't checked most of his recent movies, yet.

Rating ~6-7 for now for Dernier été. I will report soon after shipment. Probably none is my unknown movie.

Update Dernier été: 4 scenes of the boy, not 14 but ~16 yo and not that handsome. Also a lady in tight red bibs and man in coveralls. Rating 5-(6) instead of 7.


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Ki lo sa?

Drama aka Who knows?
-Year: 1986 2007
-Year in film: 1980s ?  
-Country: France, Spain
-Who in bibs: lady 20s?
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low ??
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least this young lady in shortalls. But I assume few scenes. Pic is from movie "qui lo sa? (2007)"!

I only found a trailer and some pics.

Rural setting at the sea (Southern France). Some boys in shorts, some boys shirtless. Swimming scenes. It's even possible that it's the unknown Italian assumed movie #9 I'm searching on my other blog for years. (But it's unlikely). So I hope to find a full stream to exclude that.

(Written and directed by Robert Guédiguian.)

It's available on DVD compilations and on some special versions of BD and or DVD of La villa (2017).

La villa also featured some flashback footage scenes of Ki lo sa? (but I haven't checked that completely). 60s music.

For now rating ~4 for the lady.

I've ordered this and 7 4 other movies from this director (not for the lady).

Update: Ki lo sa? completely checked. No bibs no coveralls. Some good scenes of youg kids. The pic is from qui lo sa?, a 2007 Catalan movie. The trailer is wrong. More info here

Xin nan xiong nan di

-Year: 1993
-Year in film: ~1963  
-Country: Hongkong
-Who in bibs: boy ~8 ? 
-Available on DVD: yes ? 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: A young boy in rough cotton bibs. Also sitting. Rather few (good) scenes.

I first found a clip in poor quality (English title) but found a much better quality in original title 新難兄難弟 (1993).

First scenes I found at 1h04. Sitting distance at 1h34. Dancing, brief scene at 1h21. Scene pictured hunker down at 57 minutes.

Aka He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother. Time travel plot. 30 years back=1960s.

I don't like these kind of bibs. I think simple straps on the rear.

There was also a 2009 TV remake, but I haven't found that.

Rating ~3-(4).

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Grass Harp (1995)


Drama by Truman Capote
-Year: 1995
-Year in film: 1935  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boys ~10, men 
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: In fact there's mainly one boy ~11 yo in dark blue bibs. Could be ~9 yo Adam Crosby or maybe ~12 yo Grayson Fricke (latter one is probably too old)? Also one young man and some other men. One (other) boy and man from a distance at 24 (pic 2). There's a younger kid, probably a boy (pic 1 at 1h08 on right) also on stage in a tent (close up at 58) as a Cowboy who I first think might wear bibs but I think these are just jeans and a matching shirt with a vest and chaps. The other boy also appeared in the tent walking rear view and distance side view. But the best scenes are outside starting at 1h02. Some more scenes outside but mainly distance, also rear view but partial).

Starring Edward Furlong as 16 yo (not in bibs), Walter Matthau and Sissy Spacek (not in bibs). 1951 novel/play by Truman Capote. No mentions of bibs in the book.

After checking many 80s movies (some more to come); I've started checking many 90s movies. Good 30s setting. But rather few good scenes.

Grayson Fricke also starred in The Prince of Tides (he in bibs rating 5, needs to be rechecked), A Son's Promise  (not he in bibs, rating 6) and Fried Green Tomatoes (rating 6).

Rating ~4-5.

Cedarmont Kids: Little Cabin in the Woods


And another new official upload. Produced in 2002. 2 very young boys in bibs, one black boy (looks like the one who often appear before, same short and faded bibs, like in Mules , but these should be produced in 2022, maybe one is a spelling error?). And next to him a girl.

4 kids but young kids and rather few (good) scenes.

So rating ~3.

Main entry f/m rating up to 8

Song list

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Twice in a Lifetime (1985)


Drama, Gene Hackman, Ellen Burstyn
-Year: 1985
-Year in film: 1980s  
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: young men, woman, (girl) 
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low-
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: 2 older steel workers in jeans bibs walking front+rear, 1 young tall and slim steel worker outside (pic 2 walking rear view, very briefly also complete but far distance). A very young girl in a jeans dress (also inside appearing darker) at the beginning. The girl also sitting on the floor at 33. One lady very briefly and with a jacket at 23.

There's also a boy ~10 yo sitting in regular jeans at 17.

I first hesitated to post as I first just found the men and the young girl in a dress, but then I also found the lady. Oscar nominated. I haven't seen steel workers in jeans overalls. Good 80s setting.

For the brief scenes rating ~2-3.


Monday, November 20, 2023

The Curse of La Llorona


Horror film, Conjuring universe
-Year: 2019
-Year in film: 1973 
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Samantha ~10 ?
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low ?
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least Jaynee-Lynne Kinchen in blue shortalls or similar, also sitting. Pic from the trailer. 1973 setting. I don't know the full movie, yet. 

Interesting horror series. I also found a black teen girl in Annabelle: Creation (comig soon).

Young girl and I assume few scenes.

Rating ~3-4 for now. Movie itself probably much higher.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Brotherhood of Man: Save Your Kisses for Me (clip)

Both British ladies I think Sandra Stevens and Nicky Stevens in white bibs. Legs not flared. I've recently saw it on TV in "Die 100 schönsten Hits der 70er - Platz 100-72. I don't know the original show/location/year. The song is from 1976 (won the Grand Prix/Eurovision Song Contest). I had trouble finding this clip which is not on the rbb Mediathek. Youtube clip from Music Butler Channel. They usually wore other clothes, I think including coveralls.

Catchy tune, reminds me of The Muppet Show and has some similarities with Abba. Also lifting up their legs. (Music clip).

Rating ~3-4.



Drama starring Emil Minty
-Year: 1982
-Year in film: 1980s ? 
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: boys, girl ~8 
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low-
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment:At least 3 kids, I think 2 boys and a girl in bibs. Girl in red, boys in light blue and tan or similar. Light blue bibs only very brief and partially. Mainly one scene at the end ~1h14. The girl also at 42 (jumping).

Available on VHS and (probably inofficial) DVDr. But I think officially added on another DVD (maybe in better image quality ?).

Starring Emil Minty ("The Haunted School" (see other blog), "The Winds of Jarrah", "Touch the Sun" etc).

Rating ~3-4. Young kids, few and brief scenes.


Friday, November 17, 2023

Angel Mountain


-Year: 2021
-Year in film: 1950s 
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Vincent ~10, Joshua ~12, Doro, Colette ~28 ?, men 
-Available on DVD: no ? 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: White boy (most often shown), Aiden Anderson in tight bibs, a black boy, Quincy Ricker and a teen girl, probably Megan Elizabeth Barker in bibs. Pic 1 at 31 (also rear view), pic 2 at 1h33. The girl I only noticed at the end, all also standing up. Some few men in bibs.

There is a young lady (I think Lynn Cao or less likely Colette) in a shop at 53. Unsure if bibs or rather an apron.

Other good scenes of the boy at the beginning and at 1h13 (kneeing on grass). 

The boy is quite young, rather few good scenes.

So rating ~4-5. On IMDb there's a behind the scenes with Vincent and his bib down. Nice early 50s rural setting.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Facts of Life (1979) - s2e7


11 yo Kim Fields in dark blue/purplish bibs in s2e7/s2e8 (1981). Also sitting (s2e8). Pic from s2e8. I found this by coincidence.

Maybe she and/or others in other episodes. I haven't checked them all (201 ep). 

Mindy Cohn also in turqouise bibs or shortalls as shown in the trailer on IMDb (unknown episode).

Previously teen boy and Mindy Cohn in other bibs, rating up to 6

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Anna to the Infinite Power

TV drama, Sci-Fi thriller
-Year: 1983
-Year in film: 1980s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Anna ~12 
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: 12 or 13 yo Martha Byrne as 12 yo main character in long beige bibs also sitting at 1h on the bench. But rather few scenes, also inside. Also she and her clones in a light blue sailor dress (soon on my other blog). 

Another nice 80s movie. 1981 novel my Mildred Ames. Interesting plot.

Rating ~4-(5). I prefer blue bibs.

Careful, He Might Hear You

-Year: 1983
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: boy PS ~6 
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Nicholas Gledhill in light brown shortalls, I think (often) barefooted. Backside one simple strap. Also full view (mainly rear views) and sleeveless white shirt. But rather few scenes.

Good rural Australian 1930s setting. 1962 novel by Sumner Locke Elliott.

Handsome but young boy. Few scenes, so rating 3.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Update 8: Tom Turbo (1993)


A boy called Robert ~10 yo with an open jacket in faded bibs in 1997 episode "Die heisse Spur: Das verschwundene Raumschiff". I noticed 2 brief scenes. One good one, running, pictured at 7 minutes (part 1). The other one in part 2 (partial/headshot). Villain Fritz Fantom (man, not boy Fratz) also in silver coveralls over his purple suit.

Thanks very much for this suggestion! I hadn't any for a long time.

Rating ~4-5 for this brief scenes.

Probably I missed that episode due to the jacket and brief scenes. Earlier episodes don't have title Tom Turbo, but I had checked all early playlists.

Main entry f/m rating up to 7 (incl. boy in yellow shortalls)

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Apprentice to Murder


Drama, Donald Sutherland, Chad Lowe
-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1920s
-Country: Canada, USA, Norway
-Who in bibs: Alice ~20, Billy ~19, men
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Several young men, most shirtless in bibs including Chad Lowe ~19 yo and a young lady in faded bibs with a belt, obviously Mia Sara. I think few scenes at the beginning. Set in 1920s Pennsylvania (but shot in Norway). Also both sitting outside, he with an open jacket and she with a close jacket at ~30 minutes. Mystery based on true events.

Nice setting. Ladies in bibs in the 1920s are rare. 28 yo Mia Sara also wore bibs in Undertow (1996) rating 5.

Rating ~4.

Haruka naru yama no yobigoe (1980)

-Year: 1980
-Year in film: ~1980 ?
-Country: Japan
-Who in bibs: boy ~8 ?
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low-
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: One young boy in dark blue bibs, maybe raw denim, front and rear view. Although depicted on the cover I only found a very brief scene at 1h50. Farm setting and riding but I think not in bibs.

English title:

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Murder in Coweta County

Crime film, Johnny Cash
-Year: 1983
-Year in film: 1948
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boys ~11, men
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: One boy sitting outside at 1h07 and this or probably another, thinner boy with a cap standing in a shop, side view at 15. Very brief scenes. Also men in bibs. Set in 1948 Georgia. Based on true events.

Another early 80s movie.

But for the brief scenes rating ~4 only.

Cedarmont Kids: Hinges


Another new, official upload. A young girl in dark blue longer shortalls. Also sitting on a swing.

What else to say? As usual a short clip. Very few sitting scenes. I think, I never have seen her before.

Rating ~4.

Main entry f/m rating up to 8

Song list

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Improper Channels

Comedy film
-Year: 1981
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: lady
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: One lady in faded blue bibs. Not sure but probably it's 40 yo Mariette Hartley (first I thought of another younger blonde lady like Monica Parker) Brief scenes at the beginning at 4-7 minutes (pictured at 5), simple straps, quite baggy. Earlier reparing a car in bibs.

Not bad but for the very brief scene rating ~4-5.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

...And the Earth Did Not Swallow Him


Drama, Mexican immigrants
-Year: 1994
-Year in film: 1952
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boys ~7, 10, girl, men
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least one young boy ~ 7 yo (unpictured) a boy, a bit older at the beginning (supporting actor ?) also standing at 26 full view but side view (brief scene), a farm working young girl (pic 2) with a shirt bound around her hips and men in bibs.

Nice early 50s Minnesota (and maybe Texas) farm setting but rather few good scenes. At least 2 scenes of the younger boy (mainly headshot ?), inside and outside from a distance. The main character is a 12 yo Mexican boy (I think not in bibs).

1971 novel  ...y no se lo tragó la tierra "...And the Earth Did Not Devour Him" by Tomas Rivera.

Rating (4)-5. Maybe needs to be rechecked including the novel.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Le otto montagne


Alpine drama, The Eight Mountains, 2h27
-Year: 2022
-Year in film: 1984, (1999)
-Country: Italy, B, F, UK
-Who in bibs: Young Bruno ~12
-Available on DVD: yes 
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Christiano Sassella in tan bibs, backside simple suspenders. Might look great but unfortunately just 2 very brief scenes milking and standing at 28 minutes. Another brief scene at 6 but with a pullover over them.

The other boy (Lupo Barbiero) is more handsome, also in good jeans at 11. And both swimming in tighty whiteys but very brief scene. Long movie, but the 2nd half is very boring and showing just grown-ups (except some few scenes of other kids but I think none in bibs).

2016 novel by Paolo Cognetti. Won the Jury Prize at Cannes.

For the very brief scene I can only give rating 3-(4). Great setting, though.


Monday, November 6, 2023

American Playhouse: Hot Summer Winds


Play series, 164 ep, this s10e6
-Year: 1982-1994 (1991)
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl Yoneko ~12, boy ~7
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Another American Playhouse episode. A girl (Tricia Joe) and a boy (Rand Takeuchi ?) in long blue bibs as Japanese immigrants set in 1930s California. Nice farm setting and plot. The girl also sitting inside. I first haven't noticed the boy in pic 2. Several scenes but mainly of the girl. Both in bibs at 26. The boy is very young (missing teeth, so ~6-7 yo).

Rating ~4.

The girl also starred in The Baby-Sitters Club (1995) and died in 2021.


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Silence of the North


Drama, arctic wilderness, Ellen Burstyn
-Year: 1981
-Year in film: 1900s-1930s
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: Olive ~48, girl, man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+ ?
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: As announced at least Ellen Burstyn in bibs with a belt and boots (pic 1). Also starring Tom Skerritt. Obviously another male? actor in white or light grey bibs or similar (update: a lady maybe the same). One of the girls (I think Donna Dobrijevic) also wore similar light grey bibs or similar and a green blouse but this looks more like a man (hair). Also a toddler boy.

Also at least 2 girls in a sailor suit (on my other blog rating 3), Donna Dobrijevic (The Littlest Hobo (1979)) and Jennifer McKinney. There's also a young blond boy (Jeff Banks ~7yo ("My Bloody Valentine)", unknown if in bibs or sailor suit).

Set in 1900s-1930s and some more supporting actors. So maybe more scenes. At least a(nother) man in (regular) white bibs (lobby card on IMDb showing a man and the belt of the lady).

For now rating ~4. I haven't found the full movie, although available on DVD. Autobiographical novel by Olive Frederickson. 

Pic of the girl



American Playhouse: Noon Wine


Play series, 164 ep, this s4e6
-Year: 1982-1994 (1985)
-Year in film: 1890s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Young Herbert ~7 ?, men
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low *
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: As announced at least a young boy (and man) in bibs. Maybe Enrique Brown. (Or less likely Adam Faraizl as Young Arthur). Brief scenes at 10+12 minutes. More of the men. Teen character not in bibs.

White and black men. White man milking in bibs (at 17).

Nice setting but for the brief scenes of the young boy rating ~3-4 only.

Much better is the 1966 version in ABC Stage 67 (boy, teen boy, rating 5). Also this or another boy in a nice sailor suit (at 25, other blog, rating 4).

In this series I also had s4e5 Go Tell it On the Mountain (1984), rating 2, recently updated. At least one other episode (girl) coming soon.


Info 1676: Webfinds Wil Wheaton in overalls

I'm currently searching many 80s movies, searching for 1984 movie The Buddy System (probably no bibs), I found this BOP poster showing older Wil Wheaton in bibs. Unfortunatley only side view. I wonder if there were also front views. Does anybody know?. I almost hadn't recognized him.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Hurry Sundown


Drama, Michael Caine
-Year: 1967
-Year in film: 1940s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Timmy, Wyatt ~9, men, girl, others
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium+
-Rating:  7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: As announced in Noon Wine (Steve Sanders, as 14 yo older brother but not in bibs but jeans). How could I miss this great classic? I first haven't found a stream and considered buying it. Several great scenes but mainly of the 2 boys, rating 7, (best near the beginning) so top 5 on my brothers list. Directed by Otto Preminger ("River of No Return"), based on novel (few bibs mentions). 

Scene 1. Young black man (Robert Hooks) very good bibs scenes, walking front at ~9 minutes, later ~3 more scenes but not as good

Scene 2. Starting at 13 (pic 1+4). Boys climbing out of car (front) and hanging/sitting on hands of dad John Phillip Law (later in bibs), one front other rear view (other pic on IMDb), hanging at dad, distance at 16.

Scene 3. Inside at 16-19. One stepping on bench (pic 3), good rear views of both.

(Boys sitting in jeans on car, older brother rear view at 40.)

Scene 4. Playing outside at 58 but distance. Also dad.

Scene 5. One boy, stepping out of car and in shop. Also black man. 1h21. Then boy sitting on car 1h25 (pic 2).

Scene 6. 2 men standing at 1h29. One boy, now the other standing and other men (explosion)

Scene 7. Black boy ~8 yo, and young black man brief scene rear, partial. 1h32 

Scene 8. Brothers outside, distance, quite good rear view. 1h46

Scene 9. Brothers being carried at night, good rear view. 2h10

Scene 10. Dad shirtless and one black girl in bibs (briefly). 2h19. Brothers in pajamas (also shirtless) (previously older brother shirtless 2h11)

Rating 7, although boys are quite young. I would buy it.

Lacombe Lucien

Drama, Louis Malle
-Year: 1974
-Year in film: 1944
-Country: France, I, D
-Who in bibs: France ~30 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: very low
-Rating:  2/10 *
-Rating: **
-Comment: A young lady in short and tight white 1970s shortalls. Set in 1944. I only noticed this very brief scene at 30 minutes, distance view, I think this front view only. Could be one of the main characters 30 yo Aurore Clément due to the curls.

Quite good movie. Nice rural setting and plot.

But for the brief bibs scenes rating ~2 only. Movie rating higher but less than 6.

Info 1675: Webfinds Football teens in bibs f/m

Some young ladies and older teen boys in bibs, teen boys shirtless

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Littlest Hobo (1979) - s3e2


Next to the 2 men I found earlier (rating 2), I found Donna Dobrijevic in 1981 episode The Secret of Red Hill. Light green/grey long bibs also completely shown when lying on her stomach on grass. But only few and brief scenes at the beginning. She's not credited on IMDb. I first found some b&w publicity pics (b&w) and first wasn't sure about the episode. There are also girl scouts shown but I think none in bibs.

Another young blonde girl ~6 yo in brown bibs in s1e9 Little Girl Lost (maybe coming later).

There are 114 episodes, I haven't seen them all.

Main entry, now rating 3

She also starred 1981 in "Silence of the North" with at least a lady in bibs and I think 2 girls in sailor dresses (coming soon on both blogs).

ABC Stage 67: Noon Wine


Play series, 26 ep, this s1e10
-Year: 1966-1967
-Year in film: 1890s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Arthur ~13, Herbert ~9
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+ ?
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Steve Sanders (1952-1998 "Gun Smoke", as Arthur) and Peter Robbins (1956-2022 "Blondie (1968)") in bibs. I think some few but very good scenes. Very good remastered image quality. Set in 1890s Texas. Older boy also shirtless (without bibs).

I first found the 1985 remake, American Playhouse s4e6, also with a boy in bibs and sailor suit, coming soon on both blogs , rating ~4 each.

Steve Sanders also starred (not in bibs) in "Hurry Sundown" with 2 younger kids, probably boys and young men in bibs, also coming soon, rating ~5 rating 7.

Maybe there are some more episodes in Stage 67. 

I already had A Christmas Memory (s1e14, Truman Capote).