Monday, May 30, 2022

Under Wraps (2021)

Disney family film (Harold the mummy)
Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Amy ~12 ?
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Sophia Hammons in tight faded bibs. Also in wine red rare bibs or similar with zipper at least in clip How Well Do You Know the Movie Quiz.

Another new film tagged on IMDb. Remake of the 1997 movie starring Adam Wylie (coming soon, I think same character in stone washed bibs, and others including teen girl and lady in bibs, rating at least 5).

I don't know this movie, yet.

Rating ~4-5 for now.


Marvel Action series/sitcom, 9 ep
Year: 2021
Year in film: Future, (past)
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Billy ~9 ?
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating:  2/10
Rating: **
Comment: At least Julian Hilliard in light brown, buttoned bibs growing rapidly in s1e5, also sitting. Another one from the age transformation site (with pic there). Also at least one man in medium blue coveralls in s1e7.

I don't know the complete series. There are many different time settings including b&w scenes. Maybe more actors in bibs?

Rating ~2-3 for now only. I prefer blue jeans bibs and the boy looking even younger.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Kellog's Frosted Mini-Wheats 1997 ad


Another commercial, again from the age transformation site (pic was there). Clip is called "Young at heart" A young farm boy with straw hat sitting in bibs. Also more close-up with open eyes. YouTube clip says 1998. So I first had trouble finding this as there are many later clips, I think the link was defunct. More commercials to come. Aired (at least) in January 1998, so probably filmed in 1997.

Rating ~4-5. As usual brief scenes.

Der Trödeltrupp - Das Geld liegt im Keller


Antiques show
Year: 2009-
Year in film: ~2016
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: women ~20, men
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low
Rating:  5/10
Rating: *****
Comment: In s20e61 Otto und Marco bei Christel (2016) there were some models, first outside and later in small museum compartments. One in faded bibs (bib at low position) in a vintage 1950s hair dresser shop, and one in dark blue coveralls in a bicycle repair shop. Brief scene in around the middle of the episode. I don't remember their names, probably only first names mentioned.

The clients had a large museum with small shop compartments in the 1st floor, but had no permission for public opening. So they had to sell everything and the hosts had the idea to engage the models for better presentations.

I think also men in bibs, at least in other episodes. I used to watch this series several years ago. There was recently a marathon on TV, this episode also on the RTL mediathek.

For now rating 5-6 only due to the brief scenes.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Update 4: Tom Turbo (1993)


I found another young girl in ep "Wer klaut eine ganze Klasse?", but from a distance (rear view and hanging at a blue wall, pic 3). Also men in fishing bibs in "Die Geldfresser kommen". 

Two more pics of episodes, I already posted. Pic 1 showing the tomboy better showing her pigtails in ep Graf Drakulas Geheimbuch. Pic 2 showing a better headshot of Fratz Fantom in yellow bibs, ep Wohin verschwand Frau Pfefferkorn?. He's not unmasked there and there are lots of blonde boys, but most aren't light blonde and have shorter hair. I think he's in ep "Der Partyschreck". And with spiked hair in "Der Poltergeist im Pferdestall" and swimming in "Dracheneier". Although he looks older. The other Fratz Fantom (1st and 3rd update) has dark hair and is unmasked in the same episode (3rd update).

Since 2 or 3 weeks I also briefly check the new broadcastings online on ORF. I think on both SA and SU they are rebroadcastings (the host and author now has grey hair). So probably no new episodes (but some are missing on YouTube and have poor quality). Main entry rating up to 7 1999 ad


By coincidence (indirectly via the age transformation site as there was a "Grow" commercial (Abbott Grow), I still haven't found that clip.)  The Monster commercial is called "When I Grow Up", showing kids talking about their future career paths and was for the Super Bowl. Agency: Mullen, Boston, Creative Director: Edward Boches, Director: Bryan Buckley. Featuring the American BoyCoir. Showing  aboy sitting and also a girl (?) standing in bibs.

Great sitting scene. But as usual for a commercial, short scenes only. The commercial is 30 seconds, but I also found a longer web version which is 2'38'' (but have other scenes).

So rating 6-(7) only. More commercials from the age transformation site coming soon.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Weird Science (1994)

Comedy series, 88 ep
Year: 1994-1998
Year in film: 1990s 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Chett ~3+8 
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least 2 boys Chett aged 3 and aged 6, latter one played by ~8 yo Justin Chapman (pictured, also one year later in "Problem Child 3") in dark blue shortalls. The 3 yo in long dark blue bibs. Same shirt, same chair. The shortalls should show the growth (but are still shorter than the other long pair). S2e12.

Another one from the age transformation site. (This time there were pics of this episode). 

Based on the great 1985 movie.

I have briefly checked some few clips. I bet that there are more scenes (supporting actors). For now rating ~3 only.

The English Programme


ITV Schools educational series, 297 ep
Year: 1976-2003
Year in film: 1970s, later 
Country: UK
Who in bibs: girl ~6 ? 
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  2/10 ?
Rating: **
Comment: At least this very young girl in red shortalls or similar (or might be a dress). Pic from episode (clip). Words Fail Us!. Produced by Thames Television.

Maybe more kids or even grown ups?

Also on my other blog (different pic). 

For now rating 2-3 only.

On English G Lighhouse 3, there might be more scenes (than just 7 minutes) as the whiteboard version is just for 1 of the 3 projects. Still not sure about bibs scenes.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Update: V.R. Troopers

As announced some more scenes/pics. Pic 1 is from the 5 parts episode Quest for Power (s2e4-s2e8), exact episode unknown, no better pics/clips found, clip has this aditional info: Ryan Steele's new suit. I think Sarah Joy Brown in faded shortalls, hands in pockets. Pic 2 is also from s2e3 (ep 55, same with the boy). A young girl in long, yellow bibs on the far left, also later walking more close, but out of focus. And an older girl in faded shortalls. 

Maybe some more actors/actresses. Main entry, rating 7

English G Lighthouse 3

ELT school book supplement, 7th grade
Year: 2014
Year in film: 2010s  
Country: UK, Germany
Who in bibs: Tally ~13 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating: 3/10  ?
Rating: ***
Comment: Maybe this young teen girl called Tally in bibs or shortalls or similar if any. I found this school book from German publisher Cornelsen for English learning. 3 means 3rd year=7th grade. The pics are from the official book preview (there are several variants, best is the one for kids with special needs, yellow cover, I think full preview (watermarked)). Pic 2 is defintely from a clip. Obviously holding pink shortalls, maybe she even puts them on?

The Video DVD has a yellow cover and is combined for Lighthouse, Headlight and Highlight. Please note that other grades and upcoming editions (mid 2022, just called Lighthouse/Access) have other kids/teens. I think the DVD is ~53 minutes, but contains scenes of London without kids and redundant scenes, so maybe just ~7 minutes with the 4 teens of Southwest London. (Update: I found new scenes on Headlight 1).

The regular price is 38 EUR. As I'm not sure if there are bibs scenes and as there aren't handsome boys either, I haven't bought this one, but 1st tried another one (5th grade, interactive whiteboard version, with a handsome boy, also in white shiny shorts). My first whiteboard DVD-ROM. For more infos see my School TV blog. I haven't found any clips on the web. There's a making-of of the upcoming DVD on YouTube (5th grade) handsome kids, set in Brighton.

There are also similar books and DVDs from publisher Klett, like the Action UK!, Action USA! and other series. Also on my other blog. I don't know all DVDs. No bibs scenes found, yet.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

V.R. Troopers


Action series, 93 ep, Power Rangers spin-off
Year: 1994-1996
Year in film: 1990s  
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy ~11, girls ~8-19
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating: 7/10  ?
Rating: *******
Comment: At least one boy (Timmy ?) in faded bibs with one strap down dancing breakdance in s2e3 (ep 55). Also girls in bibs and shortalls in this episode (coming soon).

At least one lady in short shortalls and roller skates in s1e7 (pic 2). I think Sarah Joy Brown in faded shortalls in 5 parts episode Quest for Power (s2e4-s2e8) coming soon. Also grown-ups in superhero coveralls (like in s1e25 green thin suit).

I have briefly checked all episodes available online (mainly season 1), but season 2 is obviously better. Aka VR Troopers.

From the Age transformation site (no bibs pics there). At the end of the final page (series T-Z). I have now finished that site but have to check the commercials. I haven't checked every movie and not every episodes.

Rating ~6-7 for now.

Friedmanns Vier - ep. 8


One brief imagination/flashback scene of the later dead wife (~39 yo Picco von Groote) at ~29 minutes, faded blue bibs, I think long, partial front and rear view (high back). Sleeveless shirt.

The first of a lady in this series. Final episode (of season 1).

The series itself was very good (mainly the early episodes). Very touching (mainly due to the music), but also too dramatic and so unrealistic. Some few but very interesting scenes of the 11/12 yo trans boy.

Rather few bibs scenes. So still rating 4 for the bibs scenes, series rating ~6.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Update: Words and Pictures (1970)


I already had this BBC Schools series, with a girl and lady. Now I found this black boy in bibs, also kneeing but from a distance. 14/03/1983 ep "Not Now Bernard / Prehistoric Animals.

Main entry still rating 3

Unser Lehrer Doktor Specht

Family series, 71 ep
Year: 1992-1999
Year in film: 1995  
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: woman 30s ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?
Rating: 3/10  ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this older lady in gardening bibs and rubber boots in ep s3e4 Eine heiße Spur. Not sure about her name. Could be Petra Kleinert.

Rating 2-3 for now. There are many older teens at school, mabye more in bibs?

I never liked this series. I found this by coincidence as the title is similar like Die heiße Spur (Tom Turbo).

Monday, May 16, 2022

Ghostbusters: Afterlife


Adventure film aka Ghostbusters: Legacy
Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ? 
Country: USA, Canada
Who in bibs: Phoebe ~14 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating: 6/10  ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least McKenna Grace in both long bibs (at least 3 different long pairs, medium blue buttoned straps, medium blue with a belt (pic 1) and beige (pic 4) with braces), also sitting (pic 1) and in faded blue shortalls (buttoned, also rear view). First I wasn't sure if this is a boy. Also a teen boy and another actress or actor in coveralls. Farm setting (at least partial).

Another new movie tagged overalls on IMDb. Some more good pics there. Pics here from different trailers. Has to be checked completely the next airing. Obviously several good scenes. She also wore other clothes like beige shorts.

Rating ~6 for now.

There's a 2024 sequel called Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. Same actress rating 5.


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Vagabonden (1940)

Year: 1940
Year in film: 1940 ? 
Country: Denmark
Who in bibs: Peter ~13 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+
Rating: 6/10 
Rating: ******
Comment: At least ~13 yo Fredbjorn Bjornsson as 11 yo Peter in dark (blue) bibs, also sitting.

Looks very interesting. I like classics. I haven't seen the full movie, yet.

Rating at least 6-7 for now. 

Directed by Arne Weel, starring Carl Alstrup.

2 good pics here

Update: Even more and good scenes, adding tag farm. But still rating 6. More details and 3 more pics

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Update 3: Tom Turbo (1993)


I think, I now have checked all episodes available on YouTube. Several are missing, some are partial. So I have to check them on the upcoming (re)broadcastings SA/SU. I also have identified the super hero boy: it's Fratz Fantom, the nephew of villain Fritz Fantom. The boy is unmasked in ep Die silberne Truhe.

Pic 1 is a boy in faded baggy bibs (also on horse and lying/rolling on grass) in western ep Das Kaputto-Gift. Rather few but very good scenes.

Pic 2 is from ep Das Gold des Geiermeiers. This episode is not completely on YouTube. The clip title is Fratz Fantom - Video. Update: Full episode seen in 2024.

Now also a boy and man in Lederhosen on my other blog, rating 5.

Another good episode with swimwear (f/m) in ep Dracheneier (handsome blonde boy). Also firefighter but only grown-ups with closed jackets. A shirtless blonde boy with a bowlcut in documentary Die heiße Spur zur heißen Spur.

Please also note my post about DVDs, books and CDs and the previous post (girls, rating 6).

Main entry, now rating 7


Update 2: Tom Turbo (1993)

I think, I now have checked all episodes available on YouTube. Several are missing, some are partial. So I have to check them on the upcoming rebroadcastings SA/SU.

Girls in these episodes. Pic 1 from ep Graf Drakulas Geheimbuch. Several scenes. Basecap backwards like a tomboy and long pigtails. Pic 2 are 2 girls in bibs-like dresses in ep Das bitterböse Schlossgespenst. Maybe same castle location. Pic 3 a girl in a short bibs-like dress with a belt in ep Die Festung der Piraten.

Now rating (6)-7.

Main entry

Info 1502: Tom Turbo - DVDs, books, CD

Before I post 2 more posts f/m and upgrading this to rating 7, some infos about the books, DVDs and audio books.

Next to a DVD of the feature film, there are obviously only 3 DVDs of the series with 3 non-notable episodes each.

The main series (1993-2001) consists of 38 books (OOP). I have seen some samples. The books are rather picture books (full page illustrations in color with rather few, large texts over them). Main characters (next to the bike Tom) are a boy and a girl. And some of the villains. I haven't found any notable episode as book.
One color illustration of a girl in dark red bibs in book Das Millionen-Meerschweinchen.

There are also at least 5 books "Ratekrimis" (1998) maybe of interest and some special books like

"Die goldene Fan-Edition" 3 books: Der Wolf mit dem Goldzahn, Der fliegende Wikinger, Die Gespensterschule.

"Detektive- bleibt auf der Spur" 20 Jahre Tom Turbo im TV with photos of the series (ep 1 Spuk im Museum, ep 100 Der goldene Greif, ep 139 Der Ball der Vampire)

"Immer auf der Heißen Spur", 25 Jahre Sonderband.

There are also some re-releases (compilations ?) Turbotolle Leseabenteuer?,

A new spin-off book series about the villain is Fritz Fantom (2020). Even more like a picture book and fewer texts. As Fratz Fantom is the nephew some books might be of interest. Currently 3 books.

A similar series (same author) is "Die Knickerbocker-Bande" (I also have a post of this TV series and movie). Some books also have "heiße Spuren" as subtitle.

Cassettes/Audio CDs:
There are at least 15 audio books, read by Brezina himself and some more voices. Available on YouTube. I have heard some. No notable known.

There are more merchandises, like a board game. And a treasure chest (book ?).

Conclusion: All media are not of interest. Only the series. The new and upcoming (re)broadcastings are widescreen, so better quality but cropped top and bottom. Update: Some early books have much more than one case (up to 8), see update 5, but probably none of interest.

Die Carolin Kebekus Show

Stand up comedy show
Year: 2020-
Year in film: 2022 
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Carolin ~41
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  3/10 
Rating: ***
Comment: Host Carloin Kebekus in light purple bibs on her knees as young girl in s3e3. Brief scene at 28 minutes. This is something FOR the age transformation site. Not sure if they already had this. Has been aired 2 days ago and rebroadcasted yesterday.

Good comedy show. But very bref scene and she's quite old.

So rating ~2-3 only.

Update: Also 2 other ladies including Martina Hill in s6e5 (30.11.2023), rating 3-(4)

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Poskromienie zlosnicy (2022)

Netflix / Hallmark romance
Year: 2022
Year in film: 2020s ? 
Country: Poland
Who in bibs: Kaska ~33 ?, man 
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Magdalena Lamparska and also a man in bibs. The lady also in beige coveralls with zipper. Farm setting. Another new IMDb movie tagged overalls.

Correct title: Poskromienie złośnicy. English title: The Taming of the Shrewd (or is it shrew ?). Note, that there are lots of other movies with the same title (even Polish title and even also in 2022 which is a drama).

I don't know the full movie. Pic from the trailer. The publicity pic showing her without the additional shirt (white sleeveless shirt underneath) looking much younger.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Alive and Kicking (1977)


ITV Schools PSHE educational series, 26 ep
Year: 1977-1983
Year in film: 1970s/80s 
Country: UK
Who in bibs: boy ~10 ? 
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this young boy in faded bibs in ep Families. Also sitting on the swing (together with the other boy), mainly shown rear views but few good scenes.

I don't know all episodes. So there might be more boys/girls in bibs.

There are many good ITV Schools series. But I haven't found any other showing bibs. I first considered adding it to may other blog, but it's not for learning English (ELT). I just have Middle English. Also coming soon here: The English Programme.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Update: Tom Turbo (1993)


I have checked many episodes, for now mainly of the earlier title Die heiße Spur. Maybe I even have them all, so I will continue for Tom Turbo. Some more good scenes, so I will give rating 6 instead of 5. Unfortunately, there's not a complete playlist but many small ones with doubles.

Pic 1 is from ep Das schwarze Tor, a boy in beige bibs and open jacket ice skating including lying on ice on his back, several scenes, later also off ice. Great. I think he also appeared in Die Rache des Wassermanns in beige pants (or could be bibs with a pullover over them). Also men in super hero suits/coveralls.

Pic 2 from ep Die silberne Truhe (partial upload) another super hero boy (probably the same as in yellow bibs and maybe same as in pic 1), this time in purple bibs. He wanted to enter a building, but he think wearing the wrong clothes, so he changed them (I think not shown).

Pic 3 ep Der Schatz tief unter der Schule, a (teen) girl in dark, probably raw denim bibs. Also sitting at school (mainly or only rear view). Walking scenes, different angles, unfortunately poor image quality.

Pic 4 from ep Der Internet-Herkules, a kid, probably a girl in red coveralls. Also others, boys in light green coveralls. It's a game show, probably a real (Austrian) one. I have to check for that later.

Also men in bibs (including a young man but with closed jacket, but mainly older men in working bibs), also other sports like American Football (ep Faules Spiel), and soon on my sailor suit blog (Vienna Boys Choir).

Main entry

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Tom Turbo (1993)


Kids interactive detective series, 407 episodes, aka Die heiße Spur
Year: 1993-201x
Year in film: 1990s, 00s, 2010s 
Country: Austria
Who in bibs: boys ~12, girls ~10-13, men 
Available on DVD: no/partial
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  7/10 ?
Rating: *******
Comment: Some boys and girls in bibs and coveralls. I found the title (no pics) of this show on the last page on the Age transformation site (series T-Z), I still haven't finished it. The best, yet! And the first with a boy. I think there are also snow bibs but for now only no notable scenes (distance, grown-ups, closed jackets).

Pic 1 showing a super hero boy (Fratz Fantom) in yellow shortalls (very good) in ep Wohin verschwand Frau Pfefferkorn?. Pic 2 showing kids in red coveralls in ep Notruf aus der Weltraumschule. Pic 3 showing 2 girls sitting at school in ep Notruf aus der Schule.

There are many different titles and I mainly have checked 2 playlists (title Die heiße Spur) so only around 20 episodes. There is also a 2013 movie (Tom Turbo - Von 0 auf 111) which also needs to be checked and a 1994 documentary Die heiße Spur zur heißen Spur.

There are obviously different, new kids in almost every episode, often handsome. The main character is a talking bike. Also good swimming scenes in ep "Der Schwimmbad-Pirat" and "Dracheneier". I haven't seen it on German TV. So many still needs to be checked.

Rating at least 5-6 for now. But could be much higher. I first thought of rating ~7-8 when seeing the boy in yellow shortalls, but there are only few and brief good scenes. Later some more  headshots. There are DVDs and books by Thomas Brezina, but the series is still running (?).

Update: Some more scenes, now rating 6 instead of 5, adding tag, teen girls, men, raw denim, riding. Later also skirtalls, baggy, farm. Firefighters only grown-ups with closed jackets. Also men in fishing bibs. Boy and men in Lederhosen and boys in sailor suits.

Update 2: The superhero boy is Fratz Fantom, the nephew of villain Fritz Fantom. I think uncredited actor. Also in purple bibs (other boy) in the update and in ep Das Gold der Geiermeiers. Broadcasting Saturdays and Sundays on ORF, also on the mediathek. Girls rating 6 in update 2, boys rating 7 in update 3. Best girl in update 7, rating 7. In 2023 there is a new documentery 30 Jahre Tom Turbo. 2 brief scenes of the young Fratz Fantom in dark purple bibs.

Friedmanns Vier - ep. 3


At the beginning of episode 3, Tilda sitting on a bed in her faded bibs, also with one leg angled. I noticed only this brief scene and no scenes in ep 4.

In ep 4 there's a very good plot of trans Carla (on left) almost had her (his) hair shaved by a girl with force, but later buzzed it himself. I hope that the hairshaving blogs already found it. A bit later, now as a boy, another great scene when first wanted to enter a boy's room. 2 boys at a urinal including his boy friend (but no details to see).

Main entry

Books 114: Eva Knox Evans

There are several books of her, most notable the stories of young African-American kids on a farm, I think starting with Araminta (1935). The city girl Araminta visiting a farm and met John George Jerome Anthony and other kids having adventures. Later sequels and similar books like Araminta's Goat, A Surprise for Araminta, Jerome Anthony and Key Corner. Depicting boys in bibs on the cover and inside. The plot and setting might be interesting. First illustrated by Erick Berry.

I found 2 books online but not with searchable text but images of the pages. I don't have the time to read them online. First, I found a German book, I think this is Life Around Us (Better Living series) and later "Tim's Place" with men in bibs. There are also some books with white kids in bibs like Something Different (girl in bibs, illustrated by Pelagie Doane), Where Do You Live? (boy), these are books for beginners with few text, but I haven't read them either, except for some few samples. She also wrote non-fiction books.

Friday, May 6, 2022

To All the Boys: Always and Forever


Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ? 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Kitty ~17 
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low-
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: This time ~17 yo Anna Cathcart in dark red shortalls. Pic 1 showing her sitting in a faded dress with overlapping straps, also standing up, walking away, rear view. Pic 3 look like rare, short, sleeveless coveralls with a red belt (better pic on IMDb). Pics 2+3 from the trailer (I haven't noticed these scenes in the movie). Pic 1 at 56 minutes.

I think I have briefly checked film#2, and probably no scenes there. She also appeared in the upcoming spin-off series XO, Kitty.

I prefer this actress and pic 1 looking good, but this is just a dress. And very few scenes, so rating 3 only.

Updates: L’instit (1993) - rating 4

I have re-uploaded pics of all 4 remaining rating 4 posts of boys. So there are only very few posts missing pics, I think only girls, rating 2-3. The links of the main entry are still wrong. (-> blog search "instit" without apostrophe).

Pic 1 is from s3e3, pic 2 from s1e1.

2 more pics

Main entry, f/m rating up to 6

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Update: A Cool, Dry Place


And another rating 4 re-upload. Bobby Moat, around 5 or 6 yo. I still haven't seen the full movie. Good bibs, good ranch setting, also riding and I think other sitting scenes, but he's very young.

Main entry

To All the Boys I've Loved Before


Year: 2018
Year in film: 2010s ? 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Lara ~20 
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low-
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: Vietnames-born Lana Condor in long, black bibs. I noticed 2 brief scenes. Standing at a staircase (Fake Horror trailer) and also sitting on a bed, legs crossed. I think both near the beginning. Pic 2 at 6 minutes.

Not that bad, but for the brief scenes, rating ~4-5 only.

Typical movie of it's kind. I don't like romances.

I also checked briefly the 2 sequels. Part 3 has few scenes as well shortalls/dress (other girl). Also related: this series, I posted before (girls, rating 5)