Thursday, October 31, 2013

Info 250: On TV: Donnie Darko (trampoline)


Jena Malone ~16 yo in light blue bibs. Cycling and jumping on a trampoline. Another Halloween film also showing cutting pumpkins. Also on the chicks list. No entry yet.

I will make a regular entry after watching it. But I assume rather few scenes in bibs (many scenes especially at High School not showing bibs). There are lots of clips on YouTube and I'm lucky to find these scenes. I think I haven't seen this movie yet. This evening on German 3sat. Released in 2001. It's a very good idea jumping in overalls. Are there any other movies?

Jena Malone also appeared in other movies in bibs: Hidden in America (1996, rating 3, Lost Heaven (2002, aka The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys), rating 5) No entry yet: Saved! (2004), I think dark bibs, also coming soon.

Also check my previous Halloween film list. Again Happy Halloween!

Update: Set in 1988. I missed about the last third. Trampoline scene at about 40 minutes. Brief scene, no close-ups. Cycling scene must be later (at the end). I think I don't need more entries.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

List 26: Halloween movies with overalls

Happy Halloween! The only movie I remember from my blog was Amazing Stories (1985) s2e10 (f/m, brief scenes), so this is a list of the movies here. I might have much more horror movies and of course with farming plots.

Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (f/m) rating 6

Amazing Stories (1985) (f/m) rating 5

Pumpkinhead (m), rating 5

The Cosby Show (f) rating 4

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (f) rating 3

Donnie Darko (see next entry) f

Also see



Children of the Corn (m/f)

Cradle Will Fall (m) rating 7

Halloween (1978) girl rating 3

pics showing Children of the Corn V and Pumpkinhead. Lots of other horror movies, try a blog search with that word.

Some selected other horror movies on:


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Books 28: several (f/m)

Robert Newton Peck: Soup Ahoy, Trig, and some others.

I recently bought Soup Ahoy (hardcover, illustrations by Charles Robinson) and ordered Trig (same author, at least 2 boys in bibs, one with cuffed-up legs and barefoot, but main character is a girl (not in bibs on the cover)).

I only have read 1.5 chapters of Soup Ahoy and it's not as good as the other 2 books I own with other illustrators, (also see Book 1: Soup).

The illustrations of Soup Ahoy are in that style as on the cover (hardcover) The author in the 30s and his friend Soup are often shown in bibs; in Soup Ahoy also one skinny dipping pic. There's also a photo of the grown up author but not in bibs. Trig also seems quite interesting. It's also a series, but 4 parts only. I will update both later. There's also Little Soup and other books of Peck.

Other interesting books I found (not bought):

-Peck: Nine Man Tree (cover showing a shirtless teen boy in bibs) adventure drama.

-Jaqueline Wilson: Nobody's Perfect (teen girl in bibs)

-Carol Lynch Williams: My Angelica (teen girl in bibs)

-Ouida Sebestyen: On Fire (12 yo boy, set in 1911)

-Louise Dickinson Rich: Summer at High Kingdom (teen boy in bibs)

-(To check: Movie and novel Ouida Sebestyen: Words By Heart. At least black farmers in bibs. Plot about a woman. No women or boys/girls known yet in bibs in either book or movie).

"To Kill A Mockingbird" I now have read more than half of it. No more bibs scenes. And I don't like that book.

I also updated Mary Ellen Walton. Season 4 nearly completed. One more pic with pigtails. Season 5 and 3 to check next. I think I also will add entries of Jason, Jim-Bob and Elizabeth.


Update: The illustrations in TRIG are very kidlike and I don't like them. Cover image is much better. At least showing some kids and men in bibs. Also describes the bibs of one of the boys. Tomboy Trig not wearing bibs by now. I've read half of it. Separate entry soon.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Story 63: embrace in overalls - The Waltons


Mary Ellen Walton embraces her younger sister Erin. Both in bibs in s4e15 at 2h00. Also other scenes of embracements on this CD 4. Mary Ellen being embraced by her dad and he also embraced Jim-Bob (dad not in bibs).

Also exciting plot about mom, Elizabeth and Jim-Bob being lost in the woods after having an accident, so that's the reason for this embracement and praying (just granny). Lots of scenes of Mary Ellen in s4e13 including sitting.

There are some other movie entries here about embracements (blog search embrace) but I think I don't have any pics yet and have to search for them.

Book entry coming next.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Info 249: Update: Phenomenon (1996)

phenomenon2 phenomenon3

I have recently seen most of this movie starring John Travolta, Kyra Sedgwick (in bibs, unpictured here, see main entry) and David Gallagher (first pic on right, not in bibs).

Quite interesting movie including nice farm content but in total rather few bibs scenes. 30 yo Sedgwick is quite thin and now I also have seen 9 yo Ashley Buccille as film daughter Glory (1st pic) in bibs, full length and at least one supporting actress (2nd pic in the middle and some men). Original rating 5, now 4-5. (Movie is a bit better)


Please also note my previous update. Another book entry (m/f) coming next. There is also a minor update of the Mary-Ellen Walton list (riding scene, but no new pics yet).

Info 248: Update 3: Löwenzahn


An older German woman called Judith in today's new episode "Holz" about wood (s33e2). Also a younger actress in a blue shirt and some handsome boys but none of them in bibs. Also see my other entries about Löwenzahn and Löwenzahn Classics (m/f) rating 5 at.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

List 25: The Waltons - Mary-Ellen Walton

This is a list of  scenes with Mary-Ellen (played by Judy Norton) in bibs (work in progress). For more infos see the main entry, the entry of each season and most of the story entries tagged as such or search for Waltons.

As announced, I have started rechecking season 4. The other seasons are previously written notes of (some) of my favourite scenes. Season 1 is my favorite one concerning Mary-Ellen and I like that kind of stone washed pair of overalls. She mainly wears bibs in the earlier seasons/episodes and later rarely, mostly while working in the kitchen or garden. Pics above showing s1e14 and s3e12.

Season 1:

s1e1 - at 14 minutes, group pic below in her typical bibs in that season. Overlapping straps. 13 yo in s1.

s1e1 50 minutes (pic on very top), note that her bibs appear a different shade of blue in that light

s1e5 - 27 minutes, close up bottom scene. (My favorite headstand scene?, see that story 38 entry), sitting on ground (unknown position)

s1e6 - 6 minutes

s1e7 - 1h46. Elizabeth's hands around her hip

s1e14 - 50 minutes. Lying on bed 1h30

s1e18 - 1h16 sitting.

s1e19 Mary Ellen making butter, barefoot (see story entry), 2h05. 2 butter scenes, this time outside

s1e20 (see main entry). More scenes maybe at the season 1 entry and story entries.

At laundry line (unknown ep)

Season 2:

pic showing ep. 13. She is 14 yo

CD1: s2e1: 2 min, 13 min, 1h58, 2h26 (sitting, s2e14), sh51 ! bottom

CD2: e5: 2 min, 39 min, 1h37 (ep. 7 bottom), 1h43 (front dark blue), 2h00 bottom, 2h 17, 2h41, 2h59

CD3: 6 min (1st time light blue, ep9), 14 min (bottom), 52 min (light blue), 3h07 dark blue sitting

CD4: 36 min light blue sitting, 50 minutes (pictured), 1h53, 2h01, 2h27 light blue sitting standing up, 3h08 with Jimmy

CD5: ~5 minutes light blue, front, 18 minutes sitting, 1h38 rear

CD6: 43 light blue.

CD7: 1h18 sitting light blue bibs

Season 3:

CD1: ep. 2 light blue bibs (?). 2h40 (light blue)

CD2: 7 min.(light blue, sitting, headshot), 1h22 (light blue, full body shown)

CD3: 3 min. light blue full body, beginning to undress, 1h55 sitting, rear view , s3e10

CD4: 22 min, light blue as 2nd pic on top (ep 12), 1h41 light blue, full view,

CD5: 53 min. light blue, 1h59 light blue bibs, full view, pigtails, 2h18 ligh blue rear view


Season 4:

(pic showing ep.17), also see separate entry s4e7. Season 2+this with white marks is removed tag brand Key.

CD1: ep.1 18 min, 35, 1h15 ! (gardening and splashing with a hose), 1h30, 1h43, 1h49 (playing Baseball, rear), 1h52 rear, 2h30 (ep. 4, serving meal, hair grip), 2h42 standing, bottom, I think pictured. All dark blue bibs

CD2: ep. 5, 12 min (often rear view), 57 min, 1h13, 1h32, 1h 49 (ep. 7), 2h39 open hair, walking. (Also muddy bibs of Erin and previously pink/peach bibs) , 3h01 sitting, 3h06 (+Erin black).

CD3: 50 minutes light blue bibs, 2h25 dark blue bibs, sitting on floor (ep. 12), 2h37 serving

CD4: 4 minutes (ep. 13) standing on table dark blue bibs, 6 min. riding in dark blue bibs together with John-Boy, 11 min walk and sit, being embraced. 23 (see Jim-Bob's list), 28 min walk front+back (many good scenes, good plot. Nurse), 38 sit, 44 sit, 58 (ep 14). 1h15, 1h58 (ep15), 2h embracing Erin, both in bibs, 2h27 (ep16) standing, 3h03

CD5: 6 min (?, ep17), 12 Mary+family sitting on floor, 29 pigtails (pic below, ep17 + here), 2h40 front appearing dark blue, 2h54.

CD6: 30 + 49 min (with brothers), 52 sit, 55, 1h01 (ep21) pulling up pant legs, 1h15, 1h36, 2h09

CD7: 24 min front+rear, 30 sit.

Season 5:

Very few scenes with her in bibs All scenes are listed

CD1: ep.2 light blue bibs, beginning and middle of episode. 1h00 (as pictured)

CD7: ep 22 (?) maybe a mistake and it must be just ep 2

Seasons 6-8: No scenes or none of interest yet (will be updated later)

Season 9: no scenes

Main entry:



Info 247: Updates: Goldy etc




Some minor updates of the following:

Goldy: The Last of the Golden Bears, 1984, rating 6 (1st pic taken from a back cover, previously no pics)

Papa Was a Preacher (rating 9 but because of the teen boys). Main character Alyene wearing a dress and bibs at the same time or at least it looks like. Also see another teen girl wearing both in story 16.

And Summer of the Monkeys, adding this pic and tag riding. Thanks Felix.

Now I have some more time and start rewatching complete DVDs. The first was Papa Was a Preacher, which is one of my favourites. The plot is also good and I even bought the novel. But about half of the movie has no bibs scenes and it's a bit lengthy. Now I even start watching The Waltons. But that's much work and some scenes not showing the kids are very lengthy and boring and I often have to skip them.

Someone asked for shirtless scenes in The Waltons (see comment on s4e7).





Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Waltons - s4e7

Today I noticed some supporting actors (boys+girls) in s4e7 I've never noticed before. I think I only have seen this complete season once at slow speed and completely.

I think an older boy about 11 or 12, 1st pic on the right next to Jim-Bob. Maybe it's the same boy as in pic 2 (middle) but the bibs appear darker there. Also a young boy in white bibs (upper left) and a teen girl with long hair down on the right. It's not Mary-Ellen as she is wearing a dress in that scene. There's also a young boy about 6 yo in blue bibs and a straw hat sitting in the first row (not to see here).

Scenes at 2h18 and 2h15 at this aviation show on CD2. Also men in bibs

Some other good scenes including Mary-Ellen in dark blue bibs (1h49) and Ben in quite good bibs sitting, milking a goat (2h06). No more scenes of interest in this episode (but CD).

Originally I considered something different for today. Coming next and also the list of Mary-Ellen including some new pics.

Season rating 10, this episode rating about 6.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Info 246: Update: The Waltons - Season 4

As announced I am rechecking The Waltons starting from season 4. Today and yesterday I have seen ep 1 and 2. Thats 1.5 hours. Some good but few scenes yet of Mary-Ellen (about 18 yo) in dark and light blue bibs. Also some few scenes of Erin and Jason. Erin in dark blue/purple non jeans bibs (simple suspenders only, behind Mary-Ellen on pic 2), Jason in darker almost purple bibs. I prefer his bibs he wore earlier. Jim-Bob in very light blue, I think hickory striped bibs, almost appear white.

As I previously focused on the males, I will create a list of Ellen-Walton scenes of all seasons (starting soon).

Other (non-Waltons) updates and story entries (f/m) coming next. I couldn't even remember the plots of the Waltons anymore as I often restart from season 1 or just checking the bibs scenes.

Pics showing Mary-Ellen in ep. 2 and 1 and a young boy sitting at the end of ep. 2.

Scenes on CD1 at 1h15 (also standing, gardening splashing with a hose at the genius), 35 minutes (?) picnic on the Walton's Mountain and 1h30 the boy, a bit earlier also other boys outside at a bazaar. More infos on the main entry (rating 10) and the main series entry


Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Great Waldo Pepper

Drama starring Robert Redford
-Year: 1975
-Year in film: 1926
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Scooter ~7 ?, boys, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence:  low+
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Patrick W. Henderson Jr. in light blue hickory striped bibs at the beginning (also fishing) and some other actors at least men (farmers) in bibs as well. Update also some few boys in dark bibs but from a distance and one in white bibs (at 27 min).

And another one from the Dungaree movies blog. Thanks again Felix. He rated 5.

Screenplay by William Goldman.

I have to check the complete movie the next broadcasting and can't say much more yet. There are lots of supporting actors and maybe even better scenes than the young boy.

Rating 4-5 for now.

This aviation movie reminds me of "Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies" (from my rare movies list, I still haven't seen this rare Spielberg movie. That one seems much better about rating 8). Some more pics

Friday, October 18, 2013

Extr@ (2003)

Educational sitcom
-Year: 2003
-Year in film: 2000s ?
-Country: UK
-Who in bibs: Annie ~26
-Available on DVD: yes ?
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence:  often ?
-Rating:  5/10 ?
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least Julie Buckfield in blue jeans bibs, also often wearing a matching jacket. Pic from ep.1

Today I searched for 2 non-bibs series for different school TV series (both not online) and found this one instead. Completely available online at planet-schule. Series called EXTRA English. There are also other EXTRA series in other languages and I think with other actors.

Personally I don't like this girlie haircut. I only checked it briefly but I think she often appears in bibs. I have to check it more carefully for better scenes and if rear views or other good scenes.

Like most school broadcastings most likely not on DVD except for teachers and for high prices including the rights for showing at school.

But unlike other series officially available for stream and download. At least 30 episodes, each 25 minutes.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Love and Other Catastrophes

loveandothercatastophes loveandothercatastophes2

Comedy film starring Matt Day
-Year: 1996
-Year in film: 1990s ?
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: woman, 20s
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence:  very low
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: A young woman (maybe Radha Mitchell ?) with short blond hair in light blue bibs. I only noticed few scenes at the beginning only. Also a woman in an apron a bit later.

And another one from the "chicks list".

What should I say about this one? Also starring Alice Garner. Rated R.

Few scenes and surrounded by a frame only.

Could be much better.

Rating 3-4 for now only.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Info 245: Webfinds vintage farm boys

First "One Day in Life of a Kansas Farm Boy"

Kansas Farm Boy, Dan Gardner having meal with his parents.© Time Inc. Wallace Kirkland 1947 (according to Google should be free for non-commercial personal use. More pics at

Very short haircut but I like true vintage pics. I wonder why it's this small family.  Is that a shadow or a different patch of jeans?

And another funny farm bib, sadly no bibs

Two English migrant boys enjoying very fresh milk at a farm school near Molong, New South Wales, 1958.
National Archives of Australia (A12111, 1/1958/8/29)


Another interesting pic
Old Photos: One Day In Life Of Kansas Farm Boy

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Sullivans (1976)

Drama series. 1114 ep.
-Year: 1976-1982
-Year in film: 1939-
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: Terry ~17, woman *
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurrence:  very low ?
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: I think at least Richard Morgan (1958-2006) in blue jeans bib overalls. Also a crew woman (Georgie Greenhill) in bibs.

As announced on my sailor suit and Lederhosen blog.

I don't know the exact episode. Maybe both behind the scene pics only.

Also Richard Morgan in knickers and other historical clothing during WWII including underwear, uniform, scout uniforms (beige shorts) and sailor suit.

For more infos see my other blog. Link to bibs pics:



Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sex and the City (1998)


TV series
-Year: 1998-2004
-Year in film: 2000
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Miranda ~33, Carrie 34
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence:  low ?
-Rating:  5/10 ?
-Rating: *****
-Comment: I think this is Cynthia Nixon in a short bibslike dress or similar in ep s3e07 Drama Queens. Also in real blue jeans farm bibs in s4e57 and also Sarah Jessica Parker in blue bibs (or shortalls) and maybe more actresses in other episodes as well.

Bibs or similar also in s3e13 and s4e9.

I zapped by coincidence into this episode yesterday. I usually don't watch this kind of series. So I can't say much more but assume very few (good) bibs scenes in total. There are some pics on the web like

Rating 3-4 for now.

Update: I've seen a pic on vanityfair of Sarah Jessica Parker sitting in mud in faded bibs, rubber boots and sleeveless shirt (2001). Unknown episode. But looks very good. Previously rated 3-(4) now at least 5-6.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Polly (1989)

Disney musical, Pollyanna remake
-Year: 1989
-Year in film: 1950s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jimmy ~ 9
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence:  medium ?
-Rating:  4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least Brandon Quintin Adams in light blue and light brown non jeans bibs.

Remake of the more famous 1960 Pollyanna film (rating 5). Novel by Eleanor H. Porter. Nominated for 2 Emmy Awards.

Also starring Phylicia Rashad and T.K. Carter. Completely on YouTube.

I prefer the classic movie. But I have to recheck this later.

Rating 4 for now.

My previous entry "The Sweetest Gift" will be aired on Vision TV Canada on Oct. 15th.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Sweetest Gift

Hallmark drama starring Helen Shaver
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1990s ?
-Country: Canada, USA
-Who in bibs: Kate ~14, Chip 9, Luther ~7 ?
-Available on DVD: VHS only
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence:  medium ??
-Rating:  6/10 ?
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least a young boy (Marc Donato as 7 yo Chip?) in bibs and a teen girl, probably Kristin Fairlie (both Canadians) as 12 yo Kate in shortalls (also milking a goat called Sugar) and also a black boy (Brent Meyer ?) in red bibs and probably the girl or a woman in long bibs.

From my Rare movies list.

I have rechecked some movies on my list and finally found a short clip on YouTube (unfortunately not showing the milking scene and only these scenes of bad quality). So I made a headshot of the girl as well to identify her.

Also starring Dylan Provencher (1st pic on left, "Wind at My Back", rating 7). Young Artist Awards for all 3 kids.

Looks like a typical Hallmark farm drama about racism. I wonder why I doesn't already have it on my Hallmark list (obviously not part of the Hall of Fame series).

Rating 6-7 for now. Unfortunately not on DVD. But the boy is very young anyway.

I don't embed clips to not promote those commercial services nor copyrighted watermarked pics from other websites.

On TV in Vision TV Canada Oct. 15th. 2 more pics


Monday, October 7, 2013

Walk the Line

Johnny Cash biography
-Year: 2005
-Year in film: ~1942
-Country: USA. Germany
-Who in bibs: J.R. ~10, man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Bib occurrence:  low
-Rating:  6/10 ?
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least Ridge Canipe ("Cradle Will Fall (2008)", rating 7), Young Artist Award as young Johnny Cash (later played by Joaquin Phoenix) in very dark blue bibs, sometimes appearing almost black in dark light and at least one man (dad ?) in blue bibs. Few scenes at the beginning only. Fishing (sitting rear view but not close up)

Had been aired yesterday, but I missed the very beginning and the last about 45 minutes. But I think only the beginning showing the chilhood of Johnny Cash.

Also starring Reese Witherspoon (Oscar + BAFTA + other Awards).

Quite interesting movie (also showing another boy, but not in bibs), but for bibs scenes rating 6-7 only for now.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Now on TV: Walk the Line

At least boy and man in bibs. On German RTL2.

No entry yet.

Starring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon. 2005 Won Oscar.

Please also note my previous post (woman).

Lightning Bug

Horror film starring Bret Harrision
-Year: 2004
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jenny ~37
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low-
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least Ashley Laurence ("Hellraiser") shirtless in farm jeans bibs. Maybe others (men) in bibs as well?

And another one from the "chicks list".

Sorry, I can't say much more yet as I haven't seen this movie completely. I like farm and horror movies. I can't say the amount of bibs scenes (maybe few scenes only ?). Maybe the movie is a bit better. Also starring Laura Prepon and Kevin Gage. "Shot in 20 days".

So rating 5-6 for now.

Update: Briefly checked. I only noticed this brief scene near the beginning.

So rather rating ~3-4 or 4-5.

Also a Christmas scene (boys in shorts sitting under the tree).


Saturday, October 5, 2013

I bambini ci guardano


Drama, director Vittorio De Sicia
-Year: 1944
-Year in film: 1940s ?
-Country: Italy
-Who in bibs: Prico ~6
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence:  low ??
-Rating:  3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least this little boy, I think Luciano De Ambrosis as 4 yo Prico in dark shortalls. Backside simple but wide suspenders. Looks more like shorts or Lederhosen from behind. Also other interesting clothes like a bathing suit. Maybe also of interest for both my other blogs.

I don't know the complete movie yet. But the boy is very young. Some other kids but I don't know of any others in bibs.

Good rural and hay scenes.

Novel by Cesare Giulio Viola ("Sciuscià (Ragazzi)"/Shoeshine). Aka "The Little Martyr" and "The Children Are Watching Us".

Probably an interesting movie. But for these bibs scenes rating 3 for now only.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Info 244: End of blogging pause. 1st DVDs to watch

My blogging pause is over. I now will have more time for blogging.

But it will take some time for research etc. As I said before it's more and more difficult to find (good) movies involving overalls. Maybe I will create more story entries. I still appreciate suggestions. I probably can't post every day.

My first DVDs to rewatch I considered:

-The Waltons (season 3-4)

-Papa Was a Preacher (rating 9) M, (F)

-Cradle Will Fall, (rating 7 M), I have seen it some weeks ago.

-Huck & the King of Hearts (rating 7+ M)


My first watched DVDs after having more time were (mostly concerning music):

- The Music Man (1962) rating 10 M

- The Sound of Music (1965) (sailor suit/Lederhosen rating 8)

- The Sugar Creek Gang (vol 3).


While watching a documentary about Siegfried & Roy yesterday (10 years after Roy's accident), I had to watch and hear the last 2 songs of The Sugar Creek Gang  (vol 3).

I'm not very religious but I need these simple folk songs. Not on CD and sung by the Sugar Creek Gang members and relatives and (female) producers and their relatives.

Note that it differs slightly of my list of my most watched DVDs.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone

Adventure film starring Billy Unger
-Year: 2013
-Year in film: 2010s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Allie ~16 ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence:  medium+
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least this girl, I think Sammy Hanratty in shortened bibs (~5/6th).

I don't know the complete movie yet. Pic taken from the official trailer. Rated PG.

Looks like a typical family movie.

For bibs scenes rating 5-6 for now. I will have to update this later. What else should I say about it? Probably there are better

movies. But maybe there are some interesting scenes?

Update: Completely checked. A bit fewer scenes than first assumed. Also some more sitting scenes. And even swimming in bibs. Backside simple suspenders only. Bibs often appear darker. Most scenes from a distance. At the beginning also other, longer medium blue shorts with suspenders. Still quite interesting. Rating 5-6.