I have now watched the full movie, except the last 10 minutes. And there are much more scenes. The first scene starting at 26 minutes. He almost wore bibs all the time (main exception is at the river), and of course not shown all the time.
Pic 2 at 29 minutes. He always has the side buttons open, obviously the bibs are too tight otherwise. Pic 2 at bit later, walking front view.
Pic 3 at 52 first showing him sitting in light blue shirt instead the white one (lap partially shown). 1 overlapping strap. Pic 4 at 37 showing him standing at 37.
Unpictured: another side view at 26, another rear view at 29, sitting (side view) and lying on his back at 32, sitting side view and smoking at 51 and starting at 1h12 with a jacket and top hat (costume).
Still rating 5-(6), main entry at
Update 2: Some more good scenes at the end like
Sitting on the ground at 1h37, walking in the river, jumping at a man and hanging at a man, sleeping outside in bibs (mainly under sheets) and kissing a lady. But I think I have enough pics. Maybe I should make a list for jumping at a person.