Saturday, April 30, 2011

Info 22: The Overalls Forum - closes today

I've just read that this forum will be closed today.
New address is at the right side at links. I don't know if old postings are transferred. Board owner tries to. Old link is still open. There are many links to pics, vids, stories, polls etc.

Edit. One day later the old site ( was offline. The new forum now requires registration to read the main posts.

Some post of the old and new board ( can be watched via a Google search.

Edit 2011/06: The old forum seems to be online again.  I linked it again on the right side at my links (Overalls Forum (old)).

Info 21: Waltons season 8 complete

Finally I have watched all episodes. I'm disappointed of the few bib scenes and also the plots. Rating stays at 3, I even considered 2.

For full review see main entry of season 8.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Neues vom Süderhof

German kids' series about a farm, 52 ep. in 4 seasons
-Year: 1991-1995
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: girls, boys ~6-14, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recordings
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating:  8/10
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Several boys and girls, children, teens and men in different bibs and shortalls. At least 3 boys, also 2 in shortalls and at least 3 girls. I don't know all names and I don't remember all episodes. Similar to "Die Kinder vom Alstertal" (see that entry), but even better, partly same actors. Books by Brigitte Blobel. Also some cycling scenes (both boys and girls), perhaps even riding? Also a girl in red shortalls (or bibs) and another teen girl not pictured. Family friendly series and also some other interesting scenes like swimming or in the hay. I have to watch all episodes again.

Images: Ep 28 top left, ep 29 top right, ep 2 bottom left, ep 6 bottom right (or intro)
Tim Küchler as Ben (image top left on right with his older friend Patrick, played by Jonas Reinsch), and image right in shortalls (wearing dental braces), image bottom left is Molle (Pamela Großer ?). I have to investigate other episodes and names. I think top images are from season 2. In season one are different actors like young boy Dany also in different bibs. One episode with junior firefighters, but I think bibs are covered with jackets.

Pamela Großer also appeared in series "Kartoffeln mit Stippe" see my sailor suit and Lederhosen blog.

Update: Also some more actors, older teen girls and Niki von der Burg. Adding tag baggy (Tim Küchler as Ben) and riding (teen girl).
Probablyalso sitting scenes (others than riding and cycling). Maybe
women?At least in aprons like granny. Also some book entries. I think I bought the book #38 Ben macht Karriere (about s4e11).

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Baby-Sitters Club (1995)

Teen film
-Year: 1995
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girls ~15 ys.
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recordings
-Bib occurence: medium?
-Rating:  6/10 ?
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least 2 or 3 teen girls in different bibs/shortalls (pictured). Also girls in yellow rain bibs. I don't know all their names. I also don't remember this complete movie. But this is a typical film for/with girls of the 90s and surely good family entertainment. I usually don't like these girls' films (except some few ones) but shortalls look good. Book series by Ann M. Martin. On the left image is main character Schuyler Fisk as tomboy Krysty, I think. I found this movie by coincidence at a link from Asher Metchik (also with Schuyler Fisk in Trading Mom, see that entry here). I have to see this movie the next broadcasting and will update this entry. Also a scene with a bike, but I don't know if cycling it. There is also a (I think) related TV series of the same name. I have to check this also for bibs. Rated PG.

The Green Promise

Farm film starring Natalie Wood, now PD
-Year: 1949
-Year in film: 1940s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Phineas ~16, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: very low
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: A teen boy in bibs (Ted Donaldson, thanks for the help!). I searched at IMDb for keyword 4-H club (junior farmers' organization). In total only 3 films and this is one of it. As this is an old film I searched on and saw that this is in Public Domain. I didn't had the time to watch the entire movie, but I assume few bib scenes. There are 3 mostly younger girls in the 4-H. No farm or 4-H keyword at No bibs in thumbnails. Bibs are not perfect, but I think realistic and also showing some farm work and some funny scenes. Film is freely available for streaming or download at

Previously rated 4 now 3. 2 very brief scenes. In mid 2024 I found a colorized version (which is also much sharper)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang (1978)

Fantasy film about a small shy kid
-Year: 1978
-Year in film: 1975?
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs:  Jacob "Two-Two" 6
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Stephen Rosenberg (pictured) in hickory striped bibs. I think this is a weird film and I don't know this complete movie. However I assume few bib scenes (at the beginning only? in non fantasy scenes). There was also a remake in 1999 and an animated TV series of Jacob Two-Two. Famous novel series by Mordecai Richler. I don't think that I would like this film of the 70s. And a small kid in even smaller bibs. Perhaps the book or the remake are better (?) I have to check this.

Update: I think some more scenes than first assumed. But the boy is very young. I haven't found any bibs scenes in the modern remake. More pics later. Post exists


O. Henry's Full House

5 short stories of O. Henry in one film
-Year: 1952
-Year in film: 1910s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy J.B. (Red Chief) 9 ys, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: often
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Lee Aaker (pictured) in bibs. This is the short story "The Ransom of Red Chief" about the kidnapping of a boy. Short film about 20 minutes. Directed by Henry Hathaway. Not to be confused with other films of the same story title (one starring Haley Joel Osment) but I don't know of other films with bibs, but have to verify that. This complete film aka Full House (also other films with this title, even 2 films in 1952). I kinda like this film, actor and bibs, although short. Bibs are not perfect (probably not jeans fabric) but back is also OK, I think small bib piece, not only suspenders. He also climed on a back of one of his hijackers. Child actor Lee Aaker is also known for acting in other films and series like Rin-Tin-Tin (also good series, but I think without bibs). I think the other of the 4 stories in this film are mostly funny (and without bibs), but this is more excited. I watched most parts of this film and remember also 2 men in bibs (short scenes), if I don't mixed up.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Water Damage (1999)

Thriller starring Daniel Baldwin
-Year: 1999
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: boy ~7 ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: A young boy in blue bibs (pictured). I don't know his name (perhaps Colin Jefferson).  I also don't remember seeing this movie. Perhaps one of many thriller movies and I don't think anything special. I understand that this the youngest son of Paul Preedy (Baldwin) who drowned. Then I assume very few bib scenes. I hope that I can watch or record this film on TV. Film aka Lost Memory - Water Damage. B movie. However bibs don't look like they are too small and good color. I can't rate more than 4 for now. No trailer at YouTube that I could embed.

Story 10: Bibs for $ 1,79 - City man in bibs

The Waltons season 8 ep. 15

Bib overalls for sale at Ike Godsey's for $ 1,79 (in 1943), right sign. I'm not sure if this is realistic. A book (see story 9) was offered for $ 2,50. A book as expensive as overalls? Also I'm not sure if in WWII everything was available (and people buying a book for such a price).
Another funny story: Corporal Ted Lapinsky (pic, middle) who is at the army together with Jason (right) came from a city and never was on a farm. So Jason gave him light blue bibs and a straw hat (left hand). Jason shows him farm work (miking, feeding pigs and chickens). Ted is afraid of the chickens. Also some touching scenes, but  don't want to tell this plot. On the left is Elizabeth. More and more bib scenes in season 8, but mostly grown ups. Almost all kids don't wear bibs. I wonder why and why Ike selling bibs. The whole fashion in this season looks more like the 70s. But I still have some episodes to watch.

Edit: In ep. 20 there is a different sign at another place with price 79 ct.! The other sign is still there. Either it's a special offer or it's a different bib quality (non jeans?) Thats 3 bibs for the book. Suspenders are 25 ct.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Treasure of Pirate's Point

 Kids' pirate film
-Year: 1999
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl ~ 13
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium?
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: A girl in red and dark blue bibs (pictured, I think this must be Britanny Alyse Smith as Flame). I'm not sure if I have already seen this complete movie. If so, I can't remember. But this could be a funny and entertaining family film. Kids as pirates also wear (different) bibs, the girl red bibs, and I think also at least one boy and one girl in green bibs. I have to watch this film. There are not many pirates kids' films in the 90s. One is Metusalem starring Maxime Collin (there also a girl in light blue shortalls in film Tirelire Combines & Cie). I found this film coincidentally at a link by actor Asher Metchik (film Trading Mom, see that entry). Film aka The Legend of Pirate's Point. No trailer at YouTube to embedd.

Die wilden Hühner und die Liebe

German children's film about a girls' gang. Part 2 of trilogy
-Year: 2007
-Year in film: 2000s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: boy Willy 15 ys, girl Melanie 14ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Vincent Radetzky (image left) shirtless in blue bibs and a girl in light blue shortalls (I don't know her name, it's not the main character Sprotte, I think Paula Riemann, image right). This is a trilogy by Cornelia Funke (Inkworld) about a girls' gang vs. boys' gang, similar to Australian series The Sleepover Club. I saw this film some time ago and have only some parts left. But I assume few bib scenes. One or two teen boys at a school play only (left Willy played a donkey). First film Die Wilden Hühner (2006, same actors) I remember only a man in non-jeans bibs and in the 3rd film Die Wilden Hühner und das Leben (2009) which I saw completely I saw only a girl in dark blue shortalls at the beginning. I don't like these films where girls win over boys. Few bib scenes. Some funny and some touching scenes and some pranks. Film aka Wild Chicks in Love. 3rd films at a school trip and ending with a younger chicklets' gang. Unusual bibs of Germany in the late 2000s.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Story 9: Erin buys bibs - Waltons season 8

The Waltons Season 8 Ep. 14 The Fastidious Wife

First teen in bibs in this season and except the toddler John-Curtis first Walton in bibs. Erin Walton ~18 ys (image top on left with Cindy, wife of Ben) buys dark denim bibs for gardening although they are not feminine she said. Shop owner Ike Godsey (image bottom on left) showed her a pile of bibs on a table. She dressed on a pair of bibs over her pants, showed herself by turning around and paid for them. She said, that she hopes, that they wouldn't loose the war because she wears bibs. Corabeth Godsey (image bottom middle) sells books titled The Fastidious Wife that the husband soldiers can be proud of their wifes (without bibs). Erin leaves bibs on for going home and Corabeth said, that she shouldn't take the main roads (so that nobody can see her in bibs). 

Edit: Later more scenes with Erin and Cindy in bibs. See also Waltons season 8 main entry.

Hände weg von Mississippi

German farm children's film
-Year: 2007
-Year in film: 2000s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: boy Leo ~10 ys, girl Emma 10 ys, men, woman
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurence: often
-Rating:  2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: Karl Alexander Seidel in dark blue non jeans bibs (image left), Zoë Mannhardt in skirt shortalls skirtalls (image right), a young man shirtless in bibs and an older woman in brown skirt shortalls. Novel by Cornelia Funke (Inkworld). This is a funny family film with weird characters and some funny plots like painting a horse (called Mississippi). I don't like either film nor bibs. German farms are different than American farms but I think that there are better films. A good and more realistic German farm series is "Die Kinder vom Alstertal" (see that entry). I think produced in 2006. Also a swimming scene but I don't like this either.

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Western starring Humphrey Bogart
-Year: 1948
-Year in film: 1925
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy 15
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Robert Blake as unnamed Mexican Boy (pictured). This is a famous film starring Humphrey Bogart, novel by B. Traven. 3 oscars. I don't remember this complete film. I don't like those b/w Westerns. I found few bib scenes and a short scene either (perhaps there are more?) Dark bibs are too short and heavy worn. Film aka Treasure of Sierra Madre.

Update: Now I have seen this movie completely (at high speed). I noticed only 2 short scenes with this teen boy and one good scene of men in bibs (one dark, maybe raw denim, one in light blue bibs). I don't like this film.

Rating 2-3.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trading Mom

Family movie starry Anna Chlumsky and Sissy Spacek
-Year: 1994
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Harry ~7
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low ?
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: A young boy in bibs, I think this must be Asher Metchik (pictured). I also don't remember this complete movie. I think this is probably a funny family movie. But a typical film of the 90s. Perhaps for fans of Anna Chlumsky (My Girl) or shirtless Aaron Michael Metchik (brother of Asher Metchik?). Also starring Sissy Spacek who appeared in other good farm films like "The River" and "Raggedy Man" (see that entries). I assume few-medium bib scenes according to the trailer. But I will have to check this full movie for other bib scenes or actors in bibs. Rated PG. Film aka The Mommy Market.

Update: Briefly checked at high speed. I couldn't find the scene pictured, but one other brief scene at 28 minutes. The older brother, at least shirtless twice is much more of interest but not in bibs. Also soon on my bedroom blog, rating ~6.


Préparez vos mouchoirs

French romance starring Gérard Depardieu, 1 oscar
-Year: 1978
-Year in film: 1970s
-Country: France
-Who in bibs: Christian 13
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low ?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Riton Liebmann (pictured) in light blue hickory striped bibs. I don't remember the complete film, which I saw in the late 80s or early 90s. I think of few bib scenes only (?) or mainly at the end of this film. This famous movie is also a first love story of the 13 year old boy and the woman Solange. Rated R (restricted). 20 years ago I liked this film but I don't know if I would today. A French film of the 70s. There are more. I have to see it again to check the bib scenes, but I can only rate 4 for now for the bibs. Film aka Get Out Your Handkerchiefs.

Update: I checked some more parts of this movie but had not the time to watch it completely. I still only noticed some few minutes at the very end of the film. The pockets of the side bibs are blue inside and it looks as if the bibs were ripped. I don't like hickory striped bibs and boys with long curly hair nor the 70s. For bib scenes rating 4-5. The movie itself is very good. Some very good coming-of-age and humiliation scenes. Typical French film. Lots of other kids, but I havent's seen any other in bibs. Film would be rating 8. But I think I wouldn't buy it. So I will check it again the next broadcasting.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ein Richter zum Küssen

TV family comedy film, starring Klausjürgen Wussow
-Year: 1995
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: Austria/Germany
-Who in bibs: boys Wolfgang ~15, Benny ~7
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  8/10
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Teen Benjamin Spiehs (pic 1 on right) in blue bibs and Michael Menger in red shortalls. (I found also vice versa names). I had some parts on VHS but I bought this DVD. Title transliterates A judge to kiss. Wussow played the judge and the mother of the boys. German version of Mrs. Doubtfire. I usually don't like old men in womens' clothes. But I like bib films and this is also a good family entertainment with some funny scenes. Few bib scenes at start and end of film. Both boys sitting on the floor. Very good scene of teen boy, mostly sitting (no view of backside only front and side). I think this is one of the best non-american films with bibs. Although few bib scenes, and I prefer US farm films, I rate 8. Sadly not much more bib scenes than I already had, but better quality and I like this film. At least young Benny sounds like Austrian. Filmed in Austria but German production. First I thought this was the series Der Patenonkel season 2, but this was wrong. I search all films with Wussow and found it. DVD already released 2 years before his death. In the middle of film Wolfgang in suit and tie and Benny in sailor suit.
Update: Now also entry at my sailor suit blog.
DVD is RC0, 4:3 fullscreen and have some extras like pics and trailer.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oh, God! Book II

Part 2 of this comedy film trilogy featuring a girl
-Year: 1980
-Year in film: 1970s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl Tracy 11 ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Louanne in beige and light red bibs (pictured). I don't know this complete films, but I think I don't like either film nor bibs. I assume low-medium bib occurence. Starring George Burns as God. Novel by Avery Corman. I have to watch these films, perhaps there are more in bibs. For now rating 4. Part 1 Oh, God (1977) also starring John Denver and was nominated for an Oscar. Director Carl Reiner.

Book 2: Harris and Me

Gary Paulsen: Harris and Me

I don't have much farm and bib books, yet. I bought and read this book over 1 year ago.
No illustrations like in book series "Soup" (see that book entry). But other than in Soup, here are good bib scenes described.
I don't remember the whole book and have to read it again if I have more time. I marked the following scenes.
First the plot: Harris visits at summer holidays his uncle's farm and his male cousin.
Page 81: changing into bibs without underwear and this is noticed (by his mom?).
Page 130: unzipping the bibs and peeing at an electric fence.
Page 147: loosing bibs during an accident and walking in the nude.
Also another nude scene while sunbathing at page 112, perhaps he also worn bibs before.

Cover depicting one boy in bibs but that doesn't automatically means that good bib scenes are in the book.
I have to find similiar books, if someone knows any, please comment.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fortress (1986)

TV movie about kidnapped and escaping kids and a female teacher
-Year: 1986
-Year in film: 1977?
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: boy ~6 ys, woman
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: A young boy (pictured, I don't know his name) and a woman (Rachel Ward) in bibs. I don't know this complete film and have just seen some parts. I saw only few bib scenes in the beginning and end. Also swimming scenes in underwear. Novel by Gabrielle Lord. 9 children, mostly older and some in good other jeans. There are better films but also worse. Set in rural Australia also showing it's landscape and climbing scenes (also in bibs).

Story 8 Painting bibs

The Waltons. Episode 07.12 (Germany 13) The Boosters.
I'm watching season 7 again and I'm waiting for season 8. I found a scene, where some Walton kids helped Ike Godsey painting. I never remembered this scene. Again, is this realistic that they can afford new bibs just for painting in 1941? I have never seen these bibs on Elizabeth and Ben. Ben's bibs are a bit tight but correct size (he rarely wear bibs except in early episodes and then very small, dark blue bibs). Bibs are light blue (perhaps Elizabeth's are grey). Jim-Bob wears dark blue standard jeans (his normal clothes, not old ones). Also Ike Godsey in white bibs. Elizabeth turned 13 a few episodes before. I prefer her medium blue bibs with her red hair. Also very good scene one episode earlier in those bibs and pigtails sitting in the barn. I also discovered another girl in (non-jeans) bibs and updated entry of season 7. Image on top showing Jim-Bob and Elizabeth; image on bottom: Ike Godsey, Ben, Yancy Tucker, Elizabeth, Jim-Bob and Corabeth Godsey. Season 8 will be updated in the next days.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Field of Dreams

Kevin Costner farm/baseball movie
-Year: 1989
-Year in film: 1972
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl Karin 7ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Gaby Hoffmann in blue bibs (pictured). I don't know this movie and have seen only fragments. Perhaps I've seen it some years ago, but I can't remember. This is a farm film set in rural Iowa. Novel Shoeless Joe by W. P. Kinsella. Famous movie, nominated for 3 Oscars. Usually I don't like sport movies, but this is also a farm movie and I have to see it. Maybe there are even more in bibs. Big farm and field, but girl is very little and I assume few good bib scenes. For now I rate 4, possibly going up.
Edit: I now saw a part at the end, missing again most of this film. Bibs are rather light blue and girl is very young. Leave rating 4 and check again next time.

Uno sceriffo extraterrestre - poco extra e molto terrestre

Bud Spencer movie
-Year: 1979
-Year in film: 1970s
-Country: Italy
-Who in bibs: boy H7-25 7, man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recordings
-Bib occurrence: low?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Cary Guffey (pictured) in light blue bibs with hickory stripes. I don't like Bud Spencer films, however this is a bit different featuring an extraterrestrian child. Funny family and fighting film, but I don't like film nor this small kid in these bibs. Also at least one man in blue bibs. Filmed in the USA and with US actors. I don't remember the whole movie, so rating 3-4 for now. Film aka The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid.

Update: I recently have seen the first half. He probably wears these bibs in most or all his scenesm but often a sweater over them. The movie is very good though. Nowadays this would be rating (2-)3 for bibs scenes of this very young boy.

There's also a sequel, one year later, same actor in blue bibs. Looking much older, but maybe fewer bibs scenes? Also women in bibs. Rating 5. Post exists


Sunday, April 17, 2011

What Love Sees

TV drama movie about blind parents and blind child
-Year: 1996
-Year in film: 1940-1959
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Hap 9 ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recordings
-Bib occurence: low?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Courtland Mead (pictured) in bibs. I don't remember the complete movie, but this might be a touching family drama. After real story; novel by Susan Vreeland. Also starring Richard Thomas (The Waltons). Courtland Mead did also appeared in the mini series The Shining (1997, see also that entry). I assume few or medium bib scenes and bibs are too small and the boy very young. So rating 4 for now. I have to view the whole film again. I think the bib scene is set in about 1952 and the son will also become blind (at age 7 in the novel). Book cover also pictures a boy in bibs, not sure if this are the film characters. No trailers found. As this film covered 15 years, it's possible that there are also others in bibs. Edit: First I was not sure, if the boy is blind or pretends to, or even if he is the later dad, as I first only read that this film is about a blind couple.

Story 7: Mary-Ellen makes butter

In ep. 1.05 Mary-Ellen Walton makes butter in bibs and barefeet, while reading and putting her bare feets on the table. Her mother Olivia puts her feet down. On the left is John-Boy in his light blue bibs with suspenders. I like historical farm work. But again I don't know if this is realistic (fashion and behavior) especially for this religious family of the 1930s. I think Mary-Ellen is about 15ys. The milking is the job of John-Boy. Also an outside butter scene in ep. 01.19 also reading but with shoes. In ep. 14 she lies on her bed in bibs. Aren't bibs dirty after farm work and playing?

Image at bottom shows Mary-Ellen in dress, then John-Boy in his light blue bibs, Jason (rarely without bibs in the earlier seasons) and Ben in his too small bibs (ep. 1.09). I think they were at school. In an earlier episode Mary-Ellen wants to spend her money for a baseball glove, but she bought a dress to attract her boy friend while another girl likes a dress, which is for sale at Ike Godsey's (see image in post Waltons Season 1). Mary-Ellen and her mom didn't like the dress, so she returned it.

Info 20: New post-reaction voting boxes

I have added this possibility of post reactions. Setting was well hidden.
Reactions are meant for films, but also for (one of) the actor(s) if you like. Also possible for older posts. Sorry that I haven't found this earlier. I tried a lot of settings.

Update: This feature (poll widget) is not available anymore. Was available at least from 2008- June 2016. Maybe a bit longer.

Update: In Dec 2020 (or earlier) it obviously works (again).

This post and one more have very high traffic, probably due to a bot.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mama ist unmöglich

German TV comedy series with 2 girls, 26 episodes in 3 seasons
-Year: 1997-1999
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: girl Melanie (Milly) ~13 (1997), Konrad 12 ys, men
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no, partly TV recordings
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Marie-Luise Schramm (pictured) sometimes in blue bibs and shortalls. This is my favourite German girls series. Also some boys as guest stars. This is the only series/film I know where Hannes Maurer (image left on left, famous voice actor, often together with Schramm) is in front of the camera. Also episodes with young Robert Stadlober (image right). Very funny and good acting of all, also the 2 mothers. Good plots. She also wears other mostly short pants and dresses. I can' t remember other actors (incl her older sister) in bibs, but I have to check this. Some episodes with many background actors. Also some other good scenes (playing basketball in shorts and wearing braces). Very good series, but for bib scenes I can't rate more than 6.

Edit: I now found also the boy Konrad (Tobias Retzlaff, 12 ys) in bibs (season 3. ep. 5, pic below (only?)). There also his "father" in jeans bibs and other men in working bibs. Still have to check this complete series again. I think image left I took from ep. 2.06, image right is from ep. 01.11 (or 01.13). Schramm looks much older in season 3 and I remember her also cycling, but I don't think in bibs.

Info 146: Update Mama ist unmöglich


The Red Fury

Kid's Western about an Indian Boy and a horse
-Year: 1984
-Year in film: ~1910s?
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: 2-3 boys ~11 ys, man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: At least 2-3 boys in bibs (one dark blue, one light blue, pictured) and at least a man. I don't remember the complete move, but I don't like it, although farm and horse scenes (riding I think without bibs). I think only some few bib scenes at school mainly in the middle of the film. And a good fight in the mud (later with all kids). I have to see this complete film again. Novel by Joe Elliott.

Info 19: Purchases

This are my last purchases, dates, ratings and if I like them (only if there are many bib scenes, so about Rating 7). All my personal thoughts.
Not including TV recordings. Some of them are bought for other reasons.
Interesting, only about 50% are really good. Perhaps I should buy only if I'm sure.

Title                                          Date      Rating     I like

L'argent fait le bonheur     12/23        7 yes (boy)
Dernier été (1981)              12/23      5 no+ teen boy
Gli anni d'oro ep5 VHS      10/23       6 yes (boy)
Gentle Ben (1967)              8/2023     7     yes (boys)
The Big Show/ Our Gang   9/2018     7    yes (boys)
Wish You Well                     11/2017   7   yes (boys+girl)
Cross Creek                           02/2017   5      no+  (boys+girls)
The Waltons s9                       01/2016  5        no (boys, females)
Krempoli                                01/2016   7     yes (boys, girl)
Anderland (1980)                    01/2016  7         yes (boys, girls)
(Big City (2007)                     12/2015    4        yes- (boy)
Pierino contro tutti                11/2015   7        yes (boy)
My Dog Shep (2015 release)  10/2015  7        yes (boy)
Olly, Olly, Oxen Free               10/2015  7        yes- (boy)
The Children Nobody Wanted 9/2015   8          yes  (boys)
(Highway to Heaven)               8/2015   5          no+  (boys+girls)
Several 80s movies and series but no or few bibs scenes
Father is a Bachelor              7/2015       6            yes- (boys)
My Dog Shep                         7/2014       7           yes (boy)
Superman II (1980)                12/2012        8-       yes- (boy)
Kidsongs: Country Sing-A-Long 12/2012 8       yes (boy+teen girl)
Where's Willie?                        1/2012       4            no (boy+woman)
Running Wild                           1/2012       8            yes- (boy)

Papa Was A Preacher              7/2011       9            yes (boys+ girl)
Carry Me Home                       6/2011        7           yes (boys+girls)
The Seven Little Foys (1955)   6/2011       6            n+ (boy)
Jack the Bear                          6/2011        6           yes-
Some Things That Stay          5/2011        8           yes (boys+girls)
The Waltons - Season 8          4/2011        3            no
Ein Richter zum Küssen         4/2011        8           yes (boys)
Rupert Patterson Wants ..     4/2011        7           yes (boys+girls)
Crazy in Alabama                    4/2011        2             n- (boy)
Last Train From Gun Hill        3/2011        6             n (boy)
E.T.                                         3/2011       5              n+ (boy+woman)
The River                                2/2011       5              n+ (boy+woman)
Laura und Luis                       12/2010       2             n+ (boy)
Cradle Will Fall                       11/2010       7           yes  (boy)
Waltons Season 2                   10/2010       9           yes
Sugar Creek Gang                   9/2010       10          yes (boys)
Author! Author!                       7/2010        7          yes- (boy)
Huck & the King of Hearts      6/2010        7+        yes (boy)
Rascal                                       5/2010        6             n+ (boy)
Wind at My Back                      5/2010        7           yes (boys)
Waltons Season 3                     3/2010        7           yes
Secondhand Lions                   1/2010         8          yes (boy)
To Kill A Mockingbird              1/2010        9           yes (boy+girl)
Honkytonk Man                        2/2006       10         yes (boys)
Lost Heaven                              5/2005        5           n (girl)
Family Tree                               ~2003         6           n+ (boy)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Richie Rich's Christmas Wish

Film about a rich kid starring David Gallagher
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Richie 13 ys, other girls and boys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: David Gallagher (pictured) and other kids (outside while racing with snow mobiles) in snow bibs. This is a funny children's and family film starring Gallagher (7th Heaven, see also that entry). My first entry with snow bibs. I was remembered to them by strange bibs (De Tuin and firefighter bibs). I saw this movie some years ago. But I prefer real jeans and farm bibs. Though good acting. Also written like
Ri¢hie Ri¢h's Christmas Wish. I remember also a changing scene showing his underwear, or is this a different movie? Not to be confused with other Richie Rich films starring Macauly Culkin.
Update: At least 3 boys and Michelle Trachtenberg in black or dark blue snow bibs (according publicity pic).

Info 18 - High-res images - gadgets

For those who haven't noticed, I've  added new higher res pics as a slideshow of "De Tuin". I also tried some gadgets at the bottom (Pagerank/week, added popular posts/week and expanded popular alltime posts to 10 including thumbnails. It's interesting, also for me, how even the alltime posts sometimes changes within a day. Also good for new visitors.

I also thinking of adding more hi-res images or even videos especially for rare films/series that aren't available on the web. But  I fear to get into trouble and that this blog could be deleted. Some video and broadcasting companies seem to be very strict, eg. there are not even trailers for Disney films. Any suggestions?

I thought for add votings, but I only saw one multiple choice gadget. And I don't think that I should add this. What should I ask? Do you like men or women? Light or dark bibs? Tight or baggy ones? That's all a matter of taste. And everything could better told by commenting. Any suggestions?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Everything That Rises

TV drama of a ranch boy starring/directed by Dennis Quaid
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: unknown boy ~6ys
-Available on DVD: VCD and VHS only?
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: Ryan Merriman as Nathan ~14 ys (image left) didn't wear bibs but good standard jeans. This is my favourite ranch movie and I planned a posting for non-bib farm and ranch films. But I found a young boy in blue bibs at the last minutes of this film (image right). Plot: After the second accident, Nathan has to use a wheelchair but he didn't give up. This is a touching and good family film also featuring some shirtless scenes, riding and rodeo scenes and a scene in a bathtub without water where he slides and his mother helped him. I also like ranch films, but most (modern) films are without bibs. Perhaps because it's not good riding in bibs than in stretch jeans. Sometimes ranching and farming is mixed and at least the youngest family members or girls/woman could wear bibs. I also like these cowboy hats. Although this short bib scene, I rate 7 because of this good film.

Hallo, Onkel Doc!

German TV series about a children's doctor. 81 episodes in 6 seasons
-Year: 1994-2000
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: boy Frankie ~1, others
-Available on DVD: Season 1 only
-I own: no, party TV recordings
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Stephen Borski in dark blue bibs (pictured). Season 5, episode 2 (1998): Die Zeitbombe. The boy had swallowed rusty nails and went to the doctor at the hospital. Bibs are opend while lying/sitting shirtless. Also showing the edge of his underwear (red shorts). I believe that there must be scenes at the beginning where he swallowed the nails at a construction site but I don't have this. Bibs are a bit too small. I like this series featuring many different kids and some touching and exciting scenes. Perhaps there are more in bibs, I have to investigate this further. Most patients are much younger. I assume few bib scenes for this episode and whole series.
Update and larger pic

Info 17: commenting now for all

From now on everyone, including without Google account and also anonymous users can now leave a comment which will directly be shown under a posting. I will still check before publication. Please clean comments.

I first thought that almost everyone has a Google or YouTube account but there were only 2 persons yet. So please comment here or at the film postings, if you have suggestions, questions, more infos (eg bib style, brand or other scenes/actors) or found a mistake. Especially if you know some good films.

I also consider to add some kind of votings or other additions as there are now more readers. But I will post that.

Info 16: updates

I searched my old tapes and found some good films, that I partly had posted and will continue the next days. I also have updated the following recently (including images):

Too Young the Hero, Huckleberry Finn and His Friends, Lassie, LHOTP. And before that Grapes of Wrath, Los olvidados, The Waltons season 8 and The War.

I will also add more general images of De Tuin.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

De Tuin (Villa Achterwerk)

Belgian TV series inside Dutch matinee Villa Achterwerk. Unknown number of episodes
-Year: ~1993
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: Belgium ?
-Who in bibs: boy Anton ~13
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no, party TV recording
-Bib occurrence: medium ?
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: A boy in light blue rare bibs (pictured). Zipper till neck. Perhaps these were coveralls with sleeves removed. Looks like thin (cotton) fabric. This seems to be a very rare and weird series. De Tuin (Dutch for The garden). Episode 4: Geesten (ghosts). I couldn't find any infos on the web. Not on IMDb not on official Villa Achterwerk or other Dutch TV sites or Google. First I didn't know if this is a short film or a series or an experimental film or a film made by kids or a documentary. I watched the presentation again on my tape, which was done by 2 kids (from Rotterdam? which were at the studio) and this is about kids living on a backyard without grown ups. Weird scenes, kids are playing. Have to take care about a baby, (dead) birds, one is playing piano, one girl is inside a small refrigerator which is also outside. An Asian boy is playing with a handheld and watching (or is this a remote for ghosts?). All this doesn't make sense. I have to ask some Dutch people about this. Villa Achterwerk is a long running kids show on Sunday with Dutch and foreign series, films and other things. There are some DVDs but I don't think that this is thereon. One episode is about 17 minutes. And I think that there are possibly 6 or even 12 episodes. About 12 kids, main character is a boy I think. Dutch Wikipedia leads to a different radio drama. If someone knows more about this series or names of actors or director or knows this bib style or has something else to say, please comment.

Edit: In the following slideshow there are some images to illustrate some scenes and actors of this show. The kid in black shirt who looked through the wooden hole is a boy (?) and may be the main character.

Edit 2: Now I have digitized the complete episode and watched it on TV. I'm not an language expert but I now think that this is a Belgian series or some kids are Belgian. And the kid in the black shirt is rather a boy. It's possible according to the presentation, that there are on each episode different main actors and tells his adventure. This is about good and bad ghosts. I don't understand everything but it looks still weird without a strict plot, except that this backyard is forbidden for grown ups. Some supernatural scenes with strange music (a cola bottle falls from a table, a girl is locked and the chain at the garden fence locks itself. The boy in bibs takes care of a dove, it died and the boy hits himself mutiple times on his cheeks while standing on a car. The boy at the piano sings a French song. It's still unclear, if the kids were forced to act alone there and had to take care for the baby and bird. Aired ~1993, but could also be produces much earlier.

Images on Picasa can be zoomed, however resolution is smaller than original, used under Fair Use policy. Images c) VPRO.

Update: Confirmed Belgian. Slideshow from the previous Picasa albums don't work anymore on Google+, so I made on here.

A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries

Drama starring Kris Kristofferson
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1970s? (bib)
-Country: F/GB/USA
-Who in bibs: boy Stephane ~ 11ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, party TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Frédéric Da (pictured) in dark blue non jeans bibs (looks like mechanical bibs, backside with suspenders only) and sleeveless shirt underneath. Rated R (restricted) for language. This film is about a French family who went to the USA and later back to France. And divided into 3 chapters showing childhood, teen and grown up. Novel by Kaylie Jones. I recorded this movie, but have only one scene left. I don't know, if I could describe this scene here without a blogger disclaimer. The Frech boy is alone on a tree house with the younger US girl but she ran away. I am also not sure if the German dubbing is exactly like the original. Perhaps I have to search for subtitles or even buy this book. I assume few bib scenes but this is an interesting scene. I read the English subtitles but couldn't find this scene. At some scenes it reads "French speaking". Or this scene was removed.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Six Pack (1982)

Country/Comedy/Drama/Racing film starring Kenny Rogers
-Year: 1982
-Year in film: 1982
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy ~ 15
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: medium
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: A fat boy in blue bibs (pictured left, I don't know his real name, must be Tom Abernathy) and later all 6 orphan boys in coveralls (picture right). I saw most parts of this movie. I like country themed films and country music but not especially racing or sport films. I also don't like big fat boys, but I kinda like this film and setting. Some funny scenes and some fighting scenes. Also starring young Anthony Michael Hall (National Lampoon's Vacation (1983), Weird Science (1985)). Rating 5 because of this good film.

Adding tag teen boys. 

The Flying Doctors (1986)

Australian Drama TV series 221 episodes in 9 seasons
-Year: 1986-1991
-Year in film: 1980s?
-Country: Australia
-Who in bibs: boy Alex ~ 11
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: A boy in beige bibs (pictured, I don't know his real name). Image from Season 5, episode 28 The Last carnival. This is at the end of this episode and I think he wears the belt only then. I found parts of this episode on my old tape, but I saw some episodes in the 1990s. Good family series. Typical Australian. There are also other films and series with the Flying Doctors. Medium bib scenes in this episode and I guess few scenes in the series. Good plot with this orphan boy and his grandmother at a funfair. In between scenes at a hospital and of course the plane and the Australian country. I like this exiting and touching series, but prefer US farm films with blue jeans bibs.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sounder (1972)

Film about a boy of the Great Depression, nominated for 4 Oscars
-Year: 1972
-Year in film: 1933
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: David Lee ~ 12, other boys, men
-Available on DVD: yes  
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Kevin Hooks in white bibs (pictured left, sometimes shirtless). Also his father shirtless in blue bibs, and some other school boys (first white boys (short scene, pictured right), later at another school afro-american boys). His mother helped him getting fixed one suspender. Another sharecropper movie. This one ranks Top 3 at IMDb. Novel by William H. Armstrong (Newbery Medal). I saw most parts of this film and this is good plot and view of rural Louisiana of the 1930s. There is also Sounder Part 2 (1976), I think with (partly) the same actors and a Disney TV remake of 2003. I don't know the other films because there are few infos of Disney films. But all are with bibs. There is also a related movie called A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich. Sounder is the name of his dog, but I didn't noticed it. Perhaps I should watch the whole movie at slow speed or even read this book.

Removed deleted clip.