Friday, February 28, 2025

Gloria nu cînta


Musical / comedy film
Year: 1976
Year in film: 1970s
Country: Romania
Who in bibs: boy ~11 ?, woman
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium ?
Rating:  4/10 ? 
Rating: ****
Comment: A boy in blue bibs, also sitting outside at 55. Pic 1 at 30. And also a lady in tight black non-jeans bibs at 47. Pic 2 from a promo. Completely on YouTube enhanced but in quite poor quality.

Correct title: Gloria nu cîntă. Aka Gloria nu cântă. English title Gloria Won't Sing. Found by coincidence during research (Google pic associated with another movie).

Not that bad. I don't like the 70s. 

Rating ~4. Only briefly checked.


Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard (2023 play)


Found during research. Originally a 1730 play. Lucile Jehel as Silvia in blue working bibs, right buttons open, also sitting on a man and regular sitting on the floor, and open bib (standing and kneeing). 2nd cast Céline Laugier as Silvia.

2023/2024. Theatre du Lucernaire, Paris. (Jan-Jun 2024).

There are several clips, not sure if there's a full video or even DVD. There are maybe also earlier plays.

Interesting, but lady is too old for me. English title: The Game of Love and Chance.

Rating ~4. 


Un bonheur n'arrive jamais seul

Romance Sophie Marceau
Year: 2012
Year in film: 2010s
Country: France
Who in bibs: Suzy ~14
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  3/10 
Rating: ***
Comment: Milena Chiron in shortalls (low back) in 2 brief scenes. Also sitting side view at 40 and walking rear going to sit down.

Suggested by Felix (4 weeks ago) including gallery. Thanks very much! I've chosen this pic. 

English title:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Update 3: Médico de familia (1995) f/m


Season 5 checked. Still some great scenes of Chechu, now ~10 yo. Nice orange shirt. Pic 1 from s5e4. Same shirt also in s5e2. White T-shirt and open and closed white shirt in s5e11. Bibs can be said for sure due to the tag on the rear and later the shirt is open.

Pic 2 from s5e3 showing the little girl, now older in skirtalls, also sitting. Fewer and fewer scenes, I doubt that there will be much more, but who knows.


Update 10: Dhar Mann


Some more episodes from Laurent's playlist (court Métrage). Pic 1 from "World's most spoiled teen abuses maid). Clip is 2h31 but I think very few scenes. Short shortalls. Pic 2 from Une Famille Jugée pour avoir trop d'enfants. 23 minutes but I think few scenes as well and think I haven't found (notable) full views. Latter one added 1 month ago. 

A 3rd one "Les enfants ignorent les conseils de leurs parents", I already had under the English title "11 year old arrested at school" in update 5.

Main post f/m rating up to 5-(6)

Wife Swap (2004)

Reality TV (US)
Year: 2004-2020
Year in film: 2000, 10s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Curtis 6, other boy
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: "King" Curtis Holland, 6 yo in 2009 with bowl cut in s5e18 (Brown/Holland, pictured, clip on daily). Also an (other ?) boy in s3e19 (Silver/Pitney) should be a boy called Curtis, but I haven't found that. There are 11 short clips on YouTube (young and older boys) but I haven't found any bibs scenes.

Another suggestion from db1. Thanks very much! Can you please tell me more about s3e19?

I remember the 2003 German version called Frauentausch. Very nice series, but I don't recall notable bibs scenes there. I have a post lady/men rating 4 (no pics left). There are also episodes in other countries (UK, Australia,...) and Celebrity Wife Swap.

For now rating ~3-4.

Update 2: Médico de familia (1995) f/m


Season 3+4 checked. Some more great scenes, unfortunately some with open shirt over them. Pic 1 from s3e9 handsome blond boy with bowlcut, probably same than in previous update. Later I think in great regular jeans (might be bibs) with closed vest. 

Pic 2 from s3e5 Chechu sitting, also standing. Pic 3 from s4e9. A teen girl/young lady in longer yellow checkered shortalls. Not sure about the other light blue ones. Might be bibs as well or sleeveless coveralls.

Unpictured:  Chechu sitting on bed and standing in s3e9 (other shirt), Chechu in T-Shirt rear view s4e9. Little sister outside in light blue bibs in s4e9.

Another speedo scene in s4e8. And Basketball scenes in s3e1 (Cheechu in red shorts, others in white and I think also dark ones).

Too few great scenes for rating 7, so currently still rating 6


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Update: Médico de familia (1995) f/m


I have checked seasons 1+2. A nice bathroom scene in s1e6. Faded bibs, overlapping straps. I think it's the boy with later a bowlcut. Pic 2 a girl in olive or similar I think long bibs in s1e11, also sitting. And again Chechu in his stone washed bibs in s2e9 similar as in the other post, a bit better, also sitting (front). There's a dark blue protruding tag on the rear. Not sure about the brand, maybe Gap? Still rating at least 6 hoping for even more

Hein (2024)

Family fantasy series, 8 ep +
Year: 2024
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: NL
Who in bibs: Terrence ~33
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: A young lady, Eva Laurenssen *1988 in rare dark bibs (zipper till the top and 1 button) in some episodes for some few scenes. She works at a graveyard. I have briefly checked all 8 episodes. Currently completely on zapp. Pics from ep 1.

Main character is an 11 yo boy (not in bibs but not much of interest either). Plot with ghosts. Season 2 in production. Rating ~3-4 for now. There are better series. At a first glance, she looks much younger.

Thanks db1 for another suggestions. Coming soon. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Médico de familia (1995)


Family series, 120 ep
Year: 1995-1999
Year in film: 1990s
Country: Spain
Who in bibs: boy Chechu ~9-11, Anita ~4-7, girl, boys, lady
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+
Rating:  6/10 
Rating: ******
Comment: During research for Bulgarian movies, I found by coincidence this nice series. I first found a publicity pic of the little daughter (Marieta Bielsa *1992), obviously from a later season. Also shown on pic 2 in the middle. Much better of course the boy Aarón Guerrero (*1986), also standing. Pics from s2e12. Girl sitting in s2e13.

Teen girls at least in bibs-like dresses (tan in s1e8, long dark blue in s2e13). Also nice speedo and swimwear scenes f/m in s8e11. And a boy with a bowlcut (s2e13).

Rating 6 for now. I didn't had the time yet to check all episodes. I checked about 1-2 episodes of each of the 9 seasons. But I will check all of them soon. I assume few good scenes though. I assume there are much more non-US series with bibs scenes.

Update: Another scene of Chechu, another boy and an older girl, some even better scenes and also a lady in update 2. Chechu in orange shirt and girl in skirtalls in season 5 (update 3). Girl in shortalls, lady and another boy in update 4. Chechy and lady full view in update 5. 2 more pics, seasons 1+8, little girl in raw denim and again Chechu in update 6.

Update 2: Bonhomme de chemin


By coincidence, not searching for it, I found a quite new upload of the full movie (not on YouTube) for the first time. Unfortunatley, I only noticed one brief scene at the beginning. Mainly headshots and partial views/distance. I might have missed scenes as I didn't had the time to check completely. 

Previously rating ~5, now rating ~4. I don't like much this actor. Movie itself isn't that bad, though.

Valerie (1986)


Sitcom, 110 ep The Hogan Family
Year: 1986-1991
Year in film: 1980s/90s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy Paulie ~8 ? Judy ~13, Mark, Willie ~18, women
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low *
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: A suggestion from db1, thanks very much! Not mentioned the episodes I have briefly checked them all (I might have missed scenes). There are clips in poor quality, best including a playlist and best quality is on daily by ClassicTVChazz. Some few ep are missing.

Pic 1 from s3e15, a boy in long faded bibs, I think it's Dylan Shane (only appearing here). In season 5 there are some episodes, I think starting with ep 82 (s5e8, 1989) with Jeremy Licht (*1971) and Dan Ponce (*1972) in raw denim OshKosh bibs. Also at least 2 young ladies or older teen girls (one black) and some few other young men at work (Burger restaurant). Pic 2 from ep 94. Pic 3 a girl in long faded bibs in ep s2e6 (ep 16). Maybe Laura Jacoby (*1974) ~13 yo.

Unpictured a man inside in fishing bibs in ep 81 (season 5). Starring Jason Bateman but I think not in bibs. Red soccer shorts (boys and girls) in ep 26 s2e16.

Very few scenes of the young boy and girl. And the others (men) are too old/too few good scenes of the ladies.

So rating ~4.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (2008 Nashville play)


And another one from Laurent's playlist (folder Théatre). Some young boys and a chubby teen girl in Dickies and I think another teen girl in bibs. 2 boys also sitting fishing (distance). Clip ist just 1'07 but several good scenes. Clip: Circle Player presents "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", uploader circle1949. Full title: Mark Twain presents, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

There's also a nice clip of To Kill a Mockingbird (at least girl and man in bibs), coming soon.

For the brief scenes rating ~4-5. Would probably be much higher it would be longer and in better quality.

Madame le Consul


Drama movie series, 8 ep
Year: 1996-1999
Year in film: 1990s
Country: France
Who in bibs: Céline ~9 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Marie-Charlotte Dutot *Nov 1988 in longer faded shortalls in ep 8 Ordonnance mortelle (clip says ep 7, 1999, aired 2002). I think few and brief scenes at the beginning only.

She also starred 2003 in Regards d'enfance: Le monde de Yoyo.

I have very briefly checked most episodes. I don't assume more scenes. Filmed in different countries.

Rating ~3-4 for now.

Update 2: Es geschah am hellichten Tag (1997)

And another better pic from Felix' galleries. Thanks very much! I previously just had a headshot from a publicity pic (bibs appear much more faded) and I have seen real screenshots for the first time.

Some scenes outside and inside including rear views and another sitting scenes. I think she was 10 or 11 yo but looking even much younger and smaller.  Although taken from a DVD and upscaled to 1024x576, the image quality seems quite poor, even outside, so the few full rear views and inside even appear out of focus. I don't like young girls anyway. Rather few good scenes, mainly partial views and later a sweater bound over her hips. Interesting plot though.

Main post rating 5 (rather rating 4-5 but maybe moving scenes are better)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Update 2: Trzy szalone zera


Some more pics from Felix' galleries. Thanks very much! Now also cycling, rear view and a girl. There's another girl in I think 2 episodes in faded blue bibs but mainly headshots/partial views. Pic 1 from ep 4, pic 2 from ep 2, pic 3 from ep 1.

Bib is at low position, but I like the style, color and belt. Actor is also nice. And several great scenes.

Main post, still rating 7-8 (maybe I have to consider rating 8 and re-checking the clips, I prefer US movies, settings and blond actors).

Friday, February 21, 2025

Updates: The Rising Place, Father and Scout


2 more pics taken from Felix' galleries. Thanks very much! Pic 1 from Father and Scout (rating (5-)6). There's mainly a brief rear view in the dark but that's nice. Here's the best headshot. Bib at low position. Nice camp movie with Brian Bonsall.

Pic 2 from The Rising Place (rating 7). At least 4 boys/teen boys in bibs and Laurel Holloman. I still have to re-check the full movie. Here's one pic I didn't have before. There are even better ones, like sitting (see main post).

Massacre of the Innocents (2024)


Short film, 13 minutes
Year: 2024
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: Sweden
Who in bibs: Minou 7
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: A young girl (Juni Grunewald) in faded bibs, unknown length, I think they are shortalls.

I haven't seen the full movie.

Rating ~3-4 for now.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Info: Gli anni d'oro (1992) all 6 VHS titles and plots

I searched on before. changed their site design with the DVDs; the earliest index page was in 2001. On the main site before index, I found earlier pages. Between early 1999 and early 2001 they always offered just 6 VHS (7.70 EUR), leaving space in the article numbers for the full series. Obviously they tried it first with half of it and I assume the sales were poor.

Ep 10 Al lupo al lupo (Art. 3757, EAN 80109270 3757 9) 

Ep 07 Il circo arriva in città (broadcast: Arriva il circo) 3754

Ep 08 Il falco (3755)

Ep 03 Il segreto di Luisa plot (3750) clip

Ep 05 Il tesoro della principessa (3752)

Ep 13 La fattoria (broadcast: Nella fattoria) 3760

The other episodes from the broadcasts.


Unfortunately there are no cover pics left. I found the ones before and after. These VHS were sold out in 2001/2002. In 2003 was another broadcast. Here are the plots, 3 were known before, for "Il falco" they just used the general description 

A series of films for kids where adventure, imagination, suspense, nature and friendship mix. The protagonists are 5 enterprising kids, always united and supportive in facing a thousand unexpected situations.

Al lupo al lupo

An old wolf who broke away from his pack is spreading terror throughout the villages. Our heroes don't want to kill him, so they build a trap to capture him. But in the end, the old wolf will only find peace in death.

Il circo arriva in città

The circus arrives in a small village and Jerry, who has always dreamed of being a clown, decides to try it.

Docteur Sylvestre

Drama movie series, 26 ep
Year: 1995-2001
Year in film: 1990s
Country: France
Who in bibs: teen girl
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least a teen girl in bibs, unknown length in s4e2 Mémoire blanche. Not sure about her name. I haven't found clips. Here's a (poor) pic

Marie-Charlotte Dutot (Regards d'enfance) also starred in one episode as young girl but probably not in bibs, at least not in all scenes. Also boys starring maybe also in bibs?

Regards d’enfance: Le monde de Yoyo


Drama movie series, 20 ep
Year: 2003
Year in film: 2000s
Country: France
Who in bibs: Clara ~14 ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: A girl, I think Marie-Charlotte Dutot *1988 as 12 yo Clara in blue and simple black bibs. Cycling at 33 maybe in blue ones but with closed jacket. There's a boy at 3 who might wear bibs but with a sweater over them, but could be regular jeans.

Not sure why I missed this final ep 20. I checked for one of my unknown clips. 

Rating ~4-5. Most scenes in the black pair, and I don't like that. Correct apostrophe to fix the search: Regards d'enfance, or search for Regards enfance.

She also starred in Madame le Consul s1e8 Ordonnance Mortelle (clip says ep 7), I think it's her in shortalls at 6, coming soon.

There are better episodes f/m rating up to 7 (L'homme de la maison), I have 5 more listed here (I have re-uploaded that pic)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (2012 Franklin, TN musical)

Another one from Laurent's playlist, (folder Musique), "Studio Tenn Presents "Big River - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Trailer". 1'47. Music score by Roger Miller. 2012-2013 play, The Franklin Theatre. 

Huck Finn in simple tan bibs. 13 yo Jackson Nance as Huck (looking much older to me like 16) and Jack Alcott as Tom Sawyer.

Some screenshots and better pics (including sitting) and a PDF with details of the cast on the Studio Tenns's site

This looks like a professional play/musical. I haven't found longer clips. Originally a 1985 Broadway musical. There are some later tours and revivals and several school and other plays. Some with men and not all in bibs but pamnts with suspenders. Since 2024 there is a feature film in the making.

Here's another teen boy sitting in dark blue bibs (poor quality)

I had a 2011 play also in TN "Mark Twain Meets Roger Miller in BIG RIVER: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" with teen boys and teen girls in blue bibs, rating 6

For this rating 4-5 for now. Laurent found several more plays. I will add some few of them. 

The Starling (2021)


Netflix tragedy
Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ? 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Lilly ~50
Available on DVD: yes 
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+ ?
Rating:  2/10 ?  
Rating: **
Comment: At least Melissa McCarthy in tan bibs. Farm/gardening plot. She also wore lots of other clothes.

From Laurent's playlist (Bande annonce) French title Lilly et L'oiseau.

I haven't checked the full movie. She's too old and overweighted anyway.

Rating ~2-(3) for now. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Update: AI video improvement

Felix commented on my previous AI post. And said many details got lost. And I'm not talking just about upscaling but improvements and removing errors. I tried this (de-noise) on "Benny allein gegen alle" (same clip as Moving to Marlborough, so I still have one try left on the trial version). 

Here we have even more details. Especially on the black cap and the hair. Maybe mainly on dark parts. Not sure if it would be the same for a regular brightness or contrast correction. And the face is much better. First there are still many artefacts. But most scenes are much better. Yes, usually other details got lost and AI is still not perfect, especially moving faces not close-up. There are also other tools like for removing ghosting in fast movement scenes, stabilize shaking or de-interlacing.

Update: Les Parents Modèles


Originally an unknown movie (previously rating 6), db1 pointed out the title. I only had one pic of a boy skating in black bibs. Felix now provided a gallery with 644 pics. I didn't recall scenes of the other kid in the 2 or 3 blue pairs with many different shirts (incl sleevesless), obviously much more scenes, sometimes with an open jacket. The faded pair is striped. 

I first thought it's a boy (face and hair) but obviously it's Clémentine Pasco as Chloé. I considered a higher rating but I think rating 6-(7) is enough. Some few sitting scenes but rather poor ones. Obviously fewer scenes of the boy in black bibs. I don't like much black bibs nor the actor. Rating ~5-6. So in total 6. Many scenes in total. Adding tags girls, hickory stripes.


Antero Varovainen ja Onnenkivi


Family film
Year: 2023
Year in film: ~1992 
Country: Finland, Latvia
Who in bibs: girl Ilona ~9 ?, man
Available on DVD: yes?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  4/10 ?  
Rating: ****
Comment: A girl, I assume Luna Huotari sitting in shortalls near the end. Also at least one older man in grey bibs and other grown-ups in grey coveralls.

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks very much!

I haven't found the full movie, pic from the trailer. Obviously few scenes. Rating maybe ~4 for now. Needs to be re-checked.

English title:

Summerhill at 70 (Cutting Edge)

Documentary, s4e5
Year: 1992
Year in film: ~1992 
Country: UK
Who in bibs: teen girl
Available on DVD: yes?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  2/10  
Rating: **
Comment: I only noticed this very brief scene at 48. Unknown length.

Other scenes of interest: swimming/walking f/m without clothes. 

I have another 1966 documentary Summerhill on my ELT blog.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Info: AI video improvement


On my uploads I have mainly 2 quality issues. First I have clips with (severe) artefacts from a poor satellite recording (above, "Ein ehrenwertes Haus (1998)", 3 minutes, no bibs). After some filters, I tried a pro AI tool. Very good results, here de-noise. Only the faces/eyes often look weird. Probably there are even better tools like used for the Our Gang restoration with similar artefacts/scratches. Or retouch every frame manually.

The 2nd issue is low resolution 320x240 (and compression artefacts), below from Moving to Marlborough. I tried de-noise and enlarge, both have similar results. Much better and sharper, especially clothes and hair. Maybe it's possible to better identify brands. Unfortunatley it's a trial version (3 clips/tool) and the calculation takes much time. For a 3 minute clip de-Noise 30 minutes, enlarge 1.5 hours on my old 8-core PC.

I have uploaded clips of pic 1 and will upload 1 or 2 more comparison clips. Update: Comparison below

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Update: Was im Leben zählt

I have re-uploaded this pic. Thanks Felix for pointing out that this is currently on the Mediathek. I don't have the time to re-check all this completely. Rating is 6. Category was missing on the post.

Also  Prehystera! 2 is on YouTube. I found the full movie long time ago. I don't like much hickory stripes. Rating is 6. Felix would give 8.

Shrill (2019)


Comedy drama series, 22 ep
Year: 2019-2021
Year in film: 2020s ? 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy ~11 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  4/10  
Rating: ****
Comment: An uncredited boy sitting shirtless in tan Carharrt bibs. One brief scene in s3e4 Ranchers. ~2 minutes at 2.

Thanks Felix for first suggesting this, finding pics, then the episode and sharing his gallery!

By coincidence I did research the same time (maybe a bit later but before reading his comment) and prepared this post (it was on the queue). By a brief search I haven't found the episode. But I found this scene (side view only) on YouTube clip Shrill Season 3 Teaser Rotten Tomatoes TV. Maybe Laurent or JohnnyN or both want to add this on their playlists.

Interesting, but for the brief scene rating 3-4. I first considered rating 3 for this brief scene, but sitting and shirtless, I think I can give a 4.

Update: A Waltons Thanksgiving


Some more pics of this 2nd of the new movies (2022). Thanks again Felix for his galleries. I now have finally checked them all. I haven't found the full movie.

Obviously there are very few scenes of the young boy as Ben. Bibs have stripes, a very high back (vest back?) and are quite baggy. I think I won't like them much. Actor is nice though. And Jason and John-Boy are played by young men. There's also Mary Ellen in bibs (~22 yo), like in the 2021 movie The Waltons' Homecoming (rating 4). Not sure why Ben is so young and the others so old. Set in 1934, one year earlier than season1. Remakes are usually very poor. You can't compare a movie with the lengthy series anyway. One of the man wore brand Key, what usually worn by girls in the series.

Main entry (probably still) rating ~6 with 2 other pics