Monday, October 31, 2016

Book 63: Author Louise Dickinson Rich

This author is mainly famous for her 1942 autobiography "We Took to the Woods" (living in a cabin with the family in the 1930s) but there are also other books of interest.

Unfortunately neither this first book, nor other books have a preview, but in "She Took the Woods" it says that she ordered overalls by mail order, but her husband and their friend wore denim pants with belts. And one day, their son Rufus didn't want to wear overalls anymore. (Not sure at what age exactly, I think at about 8 or 10 yo).

In "Star Island Boy" (1968) aka Star Island , the 11 yo foster boy is depicted in yellow fishing bibs on the cover. Maybe also described in the book, but I'm not sure about that.

Her last book "Summer at High Kingdom" (1975) seems more of interest. I mentioned it before and now have ordered it. A teen boy is depicted in blue bibs on the cover. It's about a hippie commune and a neighboring farm boy. Probably set in the 1970s but I can't say much more, yet of this quite rare OOP book. More later.

There are other books from her, mainly set in Maine. But only four more non-fiction novels, the rest mainly about girls (probably not in bibs). Other non-fiction books are about nature and history, partly picture books.

I also found another interesting author about boys and girls in bibs including illustrations (coming soon).

Update: "Summer at High Kingdom" completetly read. Unfortunately 2 brief mentionings only. The 21 yo farm brother in "dungarees" helped milking  (page 28) and another scene on page 62 of boys and girls picking beans in the holidays in blue, red and green dungarees. Time setting not stated. As some are hippies, so around late 60s or 70s.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Info 518: On DVD: La pietra di Marco Polo


This great 1982 Italian series is finally out on DVD, at least in Germany.


Unfortunately the 7 yo boy is very young and small. But there are also other good scenes in this series. Currently rating 4 for bibs scenes. Rating 6 on my bedroom and sailor suit blogs (previously an unknown movie for the older, shirtless boy). 2 more pics on my sailor suit blog.

I think, I currently won't buy it. Maybe later when the price drops.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Update 5: Chiquititas Brasil (1997) season 4


Another update. Sorry no boys this time.

Pic 1 is a sitting scene of an older teen girl/young woman in video # 280, I mentioned before.

Pic 2 another woman sitting on the floor in red bibs in video 228.

Pic 3 showing a wet scene. A girl was lost in the woods. Several scenes. Video 504 (season 4).

Pic 4 showing a young woman/older teen girl in short light blue shortalls in video 505.



Update 4: Chiquititas Brasil (1997) season 4

I have checked many, many episodes (currently video 490 of season 4), still no Jonatas Faro in bibs but at least some few other boys. Obviously the video # is not the episode # and several videos are either missing or are very short. Some girls and teen girls in bibs and also shortalls and bibslike dresses. The younger girls mainly in shortalls or skirtalls-like dark blue dresses.

Pic 1 showing I think a blonde boy in light blue bibs in video 476 (season 4. S4 started here around in video 430). Pic 2 a teen girl in short non-jeans shortalls in video 455. Faro on the right in his usual clothes. I almost doubt finding him in bibs. In 2 episodes many actors wearing farm costumes at a party (some few also bibs, but very briefly and from a distance), Faro in jeans with suspenders.

Pic 3 showing a black teen girl in long dark blue bibs in video 476.

Pic 4 showing I think a black teen boy in light blue bibs in ep 474.

A young boy in bibs in video 466 (but briefly and rear view only).

Some more teen girls and young women in bibs or shortalls, but most of them I already have. More posts and pics later.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Timber the Treasure Dog

Family film - talking dog
Year: 2016
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: girl Billie ~12
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: often-
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: Averie South as tomboy in tight, dark blue bibs, in almost the complete movie except the beginning. Nice rural / ranch setting. Scene pictured at 59 minutes.

Another suggestion. Thanks very much and sorry for the late post.

As usual, I didn't had the time to check the complete movie at slow speed. But bibs and actress are good. By the quick preview I haven't found rear views though (and no real sitting scenes but hunker down).

The movie itself is rather poor, another talking animals movie. And the boy actor is also very weak.

For bibs scene rating 6 for now.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Update 3: Chiquititas Brasil (1997)

Luckily I found another playlist on YouTube even with a quick preview window. So I could check around 100 episodes today, but most for nothing.  Jonatas Faro first appeared very late in season 2 (episode s2e86) and I still haven't found him yet, but another boy.

Also a boy and girl in white sailor suits (soon on my other blog).

Pic 1 from s2e97 (clip title Chiquititas Brasil - Segunda Temporada - Video 297). Also more scenes including standing and also in later episodes.

Pic 2 from 2se81 showing a woman in medium blue bibs. Also good scene of her sitting in ep 2.80.

More scenes coming soon.


Update 2: Chiquititas Brasil (1997)

Although it's a lot of work, I have started to check this series. As db1 didn't tell what he knows about Jonatas Faro, except that he starred in 1998 and 1999, it means that I have to check around 500 episodes. There are also shows and music clips and I'm even not sure if he maybe just have seen a publicity pic and he didn't wear bibs at all in the series?

And mostly there's no quickview windows and different ways of counting the episodes. And obviously season 2 or episodes from 1998 starts before ep. 139, either 128 or 129, and 1999 maybe goes further than ep 618. Clips are also hard to find on YouTube, but I also have a different source.

At least I have already found a boy, maybe Thiago Farias in beige bibs (or shortalls) in s2e6.

Pic 2 a blonde teen girl in khaki bibs, shortalls or similar in s2e9.

Pic 3 showing a woman (Elisa Veeck as Fran ?) in dark blue bibs. Clips is called "Fran vai para o orfanato de Luz". 1998 ep. aired 28-30 July.

Again I stumbled into the other, 1995 Argentinian series, season 3 called Chiquititas 1998 as well. Very interesting bedrooms (bedroom blog now rating 9 instead of 3). When the image quality is very good, you most likely have the other series. Also not to be confused with the 2013 series Chiquititas Brasil.

Main entry, f/m rating 6 for now


I also have roughly checked YCDTOTV (rating 7 f/m) yesterday. The last 2 or 3 years and all episodes starring Doug. I haven't found any more new bibs scenes or new actors. Obviously mainly in the late 70s and very early 80s and only with the very young Doug. I currently won't recheck all episodes of that. Maybe I already had according to one of my posts. Still needs to be checked: the spin-offs and maybe new uploads.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 44-49

Finally checked the complete series. Some few episodes are missing though (mainly in the later episodes but I don't assume much more new of interest or boys in there).

Mainly of interest here: blue shortalls. And no boys.

Pic 1 showing 2 girls sitting in light blue shortalls. Sofia on the right. Ep 49.

Pic 5 showing a girl (Irina or Maru?) about to sit in ep 49. Also rear view and being embraced by the man. Bib at low position.

Pic 3 showing Andrea in light blue shortalls in ep 45. Bib at high position

Pic 4 showing Luciana ? sitting in a long dress in ep 46. Light blue jeans upper parts, the long non-jeans skirt is light blue/white.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 44: A girl (Christina ?) in blue dress (or shortalls) and sleeveless turquoise shirt

Ep 45: Christina in blue dress (pic 2), Estela in blue bibs

Ep 46: Christina in blue dress

Ep 47: Woman in dark blue shortalls

Ep 48: Girl in colorful shortalls, girl in red dress or shortalls

Non bibs-scenes:

Ep 45: Another shower scenes of the two longhaired boys. Also some other boys shirtless and or wearing a towel

Ep 46: Bedroom scene (2 boys, soon on my other blog rating 7)

Ep 46: boys shirtless, girls with towels on in locker room

Ep 47: Brian and Nacho sitting in tight jeans


I will update the list by color and the names soon and make some more lists and maybe characters posts later.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 35-43

Almost finished the complete series. Still new bibs and even new persons.

Pic 1 showing obviously a supporting actress in light green bibs (unknown length, probably long) in ep 36.

Pic 3 showing again the girl (Christina ?) but sitting in her colorful long bibs. They appear lighter here. Ep 36.

Pic 2 showing a girl in long, faded blue bibs in ep 39.

Pic 4 showing a girl in a rare red dress. On the front it looks like a short skirt with long straps but on the rear with a high back (and bib) like shortalls but I think is a dress. Ep 39.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 35: Woman in red bibs, Christina colorful bibs (sleeveless black shirt)

Ep 36: Sofia colorful shortalls,

Ep 38: Woman beige shortalls, girl (as in pic 3) light blue bibs

Ep 41: Sofia in medium blue shortalls

Ep 42: Fede in blue bibs (few and brief scenes/background)

Ep 43: Woman red bibs

Non-bibs scenes:

Ep 43: Shower scene of two longhaired boys (Coqui and Rata ?)


Friday, October 21, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 25-34

Pic 1 showing Estela sitting in light blue bibs in ep 29. I think prevoiusly they were a different darker pair. Blonde ponytails, sleeveless green shirt.

Pic 2 a girl in dark blue longer shortalls in ep 34.

Pic 3 a girl in colorful bibs or more likely dress or shortalls (only headshot for now) in ep 27.

Pic 4 a girl in light blue bibs or similar (brief scene only, so unknown if shortalls or dress, probably shortalls) in ep 33.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 25: Girl in blue dress or shortalls, woman red bibs,

Ep 28: Estela sitting in light blue bibs (distance)

Ep 30: Woman in dark blue shortalls

Ep 31, 32: Fede in blue bibs (very few and brief scenes/distance)

Ep 32: Girl in light blue bibs or shortalls

Ep 33: Estela sitting in light blue bibs (side view/distance)

Non-bibs scenes:

Ep 25: Estela blonde wet pigtails

Ep 26 +34: Boys and girls in swimwear. Boys shirtless incl. Fede


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Update: Our Gang


Searching for boys sporting pigtails, I found the boy Farina (pic 4, also on my pigtails blog with different, real pigtails) and also some more boys in bibs.

Pic 1 is from the movie "The Pooch" (1932) which I already had (new pic). Pic 2 is from "A Lad An' A Lamp" (1932) probably the same boy but nice rear view and not colorized. I think it's Robert Hutchins as Wheezer.

Pic 3 showing some boys sitting in "The Pigskin Palooka" (1937). Also other nice historic clothes like American Football pants.

Pic 4 is from "When The Wind Blows (1930)".

I haven't seen all movies yet. But this series has entries on all my 5 blogs.

I like classics and these are very funny, but most kids are very young. Rating 4-5 for this ones.

Main overview entry (rating 4 with entries rating up to 6 including raw denim bibs)



Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 15-24

Some more new scenes, also tight shortalls, even the woman. Please note, that I don't mention every scene, especially not if there were similar scenes with the same pair of bibs before (often one episode earlier). Nothing special about Andrea in blue bibs or Gamuza in red bibs.

Pic 1 showing I think Luciana in light blue, almost white shortalls in ep 24, also sitting. Bib at low position.

Pic 2 showing the woman in tight beige shortalls in ep 20. Also in short, raw denim shortalls in ep 22 (soon on the list by color).

Pic 3 showing a girl (Christina ?) walking in colorful long bibs (beige with blue and red) in ep 15.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 15: Woman in red bibs

Ep 16, 19 Fede in light blue bibs but very few and brief scenes

Ep 18: Estela in light blue bibs (orange shirt), Andrea and other girl sitting in blue shortalls

Ep 24: Estela in light blue bibs sitting on a bed

Non bibs-scenes:

Ep 18: Boys and girls in swimwear at the indoor pool. Boys shirtless

Ep 20+21: Bedrooms of Bocha and Gaston (soon on my other blog rating 5)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sivá hmla


TV drama
Year: 1980
Year in film: ~1980 ?
Country: CZ
Who in bibs: boy, man
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurence: medium- ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: One boy and his dad in different, rare snow bibs or snow pants with a very short bib.It looks like, if the pants of the boy can be separated from the upper parts including the straps. The dad (unpictured) wears dark brown pants similar like fishing bibs. Almost look like leather from a distance but are obviously synthetic fabric (plastic).

Also several other kids in snow bibs or snow pants but with jackets, I think at the end of the movie.

Finally some snow bibs, but very short bib. 57 minutes. 1971 novel Sivá hmla kryje sýteho sysľa by Belo Kapolka. Title means Grey Fog.

Rating 2-3 only.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 1-14 – part 2

I have chosen these pics. Similar scenes of Nacho sitting and standing I already have.

Pic 1 showing Sofia in colorful light green shortalls or dress in ep 8.

Pic 2 showing Estela in long blue bibs in ep 12.

Pic 3 showing Andrea lying in an obviously short faded blue dress in ep 5. She also wears similar shortalls (and bibs).

Pic 4 showing on the left Sofia in light blue shortalls and Vicky in colorful shortalls in ep14.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 1: Andrea in red bibs, woman beige bibs (see main entry)

Ep 2-4, 7, 10, Axel in ep 3, 4, 7, 9, 13

Ep 6: Andrea blue shortalls

Ep 11: Girl in blue (bibs unknown length) Maru?, Nacho standing and sitting in light blue bibs

Non-bibs scenes:

Ep 5: Girl in blue jeans short with wide straps

Ep 6: Fede and some other boys sitting in underwear or shorts

Ep 11: Pigtails

Ep 12: Boys sitting shirtless in underwear in the bar.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 445-458 final

Finally the end! Starting with Andrea and ending with her. I already have started to check the first episodes until 50 (which are much better and also include some more colorful bibs and shortalls and also boys). After that, I will make some more lists (real long bibs, favourite bibs etc). I also have updated the list by color. Episodes 447+458 missing. No boys, women or shortalls. And no overlapping straps.

Pic 3 showing Andrea in long blue bibs. Look very small and tight. Ep 450.

Pic 2 showing a girl (Luciana ?) in long beige bibs in ep 446. Similar in ep 453 also with a black shirt.

Pic 1 showing a girl in red bibs in ep 452. Bib at very low position.

Pic 4 showing Sofia sitting in her light blue bibs (bib at high position). Ep 446.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 450: girl in red/ dark blue checkered dress

Ep 451: girl in red bibs, Sofia in light blue bibs

Ep 452: girl in red bibs, girl in a yellow dress

Ep 453: girl in beige bibs

Ep 456: Sofia beige bibs.

Non-bibs scenes:

Blonde teen girl Yasmina in pigtails.



Saturday, October 15, 2016

On TV: Nur ein Sommer

Romance starring Anna Loos
Year: 2008
Year in film: 2000s ?
Country: Germany, SUI
Who in bibs: Eva ~37
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: This evening (in 1 hour) on German's BR3 (Bayern3). Anna Loos in blue working bibs and rubber boots. Farm work in bibs. Pic from the trailer.

I can't receive that channel anymore and I don't have time either.

Needs to be rechecked later.

Rating 5 for now.

Mein Onkel Theodor oder Wie man viel Geld im Schlaf verdient

Comedy film starring Gert Fröbe
Year: 1975
Year in film: 1970s
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: boys ~5-9, girl ~7 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium-
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: At least 3 boys (the 3 youngest of the 6 sons) in blue bibs (or similar) including David Bennent ("Die Blechtrommel", who is older than he looks like) in hickory striped bibs (or shortalls). Most interest of course the oldest one with longer blonde hair. Also at least one young blonde girl in long dark blue bibs (or maybe a very long, bibslike jeans dress) at 33 minutes. Also men or older teen boys. Maybe some more supporting actors?

Bennent in hickory striped bibs (or shortalls) and maybe also dark (non-jeans) bibs, the oldest boy in medium blue bibs (or shortalls) and the youngest in medium blue bibs or shortalls.

Sorry, I currently can't find any pics or clips to use and hope for an upload or soon broadcasting. (Or can someone help or tell if this is worth buying?) Some tiny pics are here

Needs to be rechecked later. For now rating (4-)5.



Friday, October 14, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 185-199


I considered another woman entry (Bibi & Tina 2, but I already had this). So just another Cebollitas entry (last one from the middle). Some more, very interesting crossdressing scenes, this time even Fede including wearing female swimwear.

Pic 1 showing a girl sitting in long beige bibs in ep 195. I think new color.

Pic 2 showing a girl in long yellow corduroy bibs sitting in ep 185. I think also new.

Pic 3 showing Gamuza again in his simple red bibs in ep 187 lying lazy on the coach.

Pic 4 showing a girl in a red/colorful short probably dress in ep 193.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep. 185: Andrea in a long red dress, woman in long black bibs (also in ep 189)

Ep 186: Gamuza red bibs,

Ep 189: Girl in a colorful dress

Ep 190: Andrea sitting in a red dress, Sofia in a beige dress

Ep 191: Girl sitting in black or dark bibs (distance only)

Ep 192: Girl in green bibs

Ep 193: Woman in green bibs,

Ep 197: Girl in long patterened red bibs, Gamuza red bibs

Ep 198: Roxana in a light grey corduroy dress (light blue shirt), girl in red bibs

Ep 199: Girl in red bibs, girl in colorful dress

Non-bib scenes:

Ep 186: Fede and another boy crossdressing (skirts and wigs)

Ep: 188: Fede an another boy crossdressing skirts, wigs and swimwear (fashion show)

Ep 189: Boys underwear only

Ep 195: Boys including Fede shirtless in boxer shorts. Wearing 2 or 3 pairs of underwear at the same time.



Thursday, October 13, 2016

Update 2: The Waltons – Season 6

Rather few good scenes on disc 2 (Jim-Bob in hickory striped bibs and Elizabeth in raw denim bibs on the beach, either I have these scenes already or similar ones). So all pics here are from disc 3 and all scenes are very interesting (rating 9-10). In season 6 and 7 there are of course Jim-Bob and Elizabeth of interest. Jason and I think Mary-Ellen don't wear bibs anymore. And few scenes of Erin.

Pics 1 and 2 showing Jim-Bob in sitting or similar position. Pic 1 at 31 minutes (ep 9) in hickory striped bibs (also walking away, rear view). Pic 2 at 2h17 (ep 11 near the end) in plain, medium blue bibs (also standing up).

Pic 3 showing Erin dancing in raw denim bibs (also rear view, see season 6 entry) at 1h09. Bib at low position. I like raw denim bibs. No pigtails/not braided.

Pic 4 showing a boy (supporting actor) at the bus station (rear view only) at 6 minutes. I think there are 2 boys, but not sure if the other wears bibs as well. Pic now here.




Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Chiquititas 2000 - Update: Chiquititas (1995)

I first understood that Chiquititas 2000 is another, different series, but it's just the 6th season of Chiquititas (1995), the original Argentinian soap, previously rated 3. Girls boys and women in bibs but most of the girls' clothes are long, bibslike raw denim dresses.

Not bad, but I assume rather few good scenes. Still much work to check this and the Brasilian series.

Many girls in pigtails (soon on my other blog, will be rating 6).

Pics 1+3 are from ep 12 Triangulo Amoroso de Camila.

Clip from pic 2 with the boy is called Maria e Tok 2/2.



Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A-Z list part 2 G-K

  • Gacy (5) M

  • Galactica 1980 (6) F

  • Galileo 360 (6) M

  • Gasthaus an der Themse, Das (2) F

  • Gategutter (4) M

  • Geheimnis der Kormoraninsel, Das (5) M

  • Génial, mes parents divorcent! (6) M

  • Genius (1999) (5)

  • Gentle Ben (1967) (7) M

  • Geschichten übern Gartenzaun (4) F

  • Ghost (1990) (5+) F

  • Ghosts of Buxley Hall, The (4)

  • Ghost of Cypress Swamp, The (4) M

  • Ghostwriter (1992) (5) F

  • Gimme a Break! (1981) (4) M, F

  • Ging chaat goo si 4: Ji gaan daan yam mo (4) F, (M)

  • Ginza kankan musume (1) F, M

  • Girl Meets World (4) F

  • Girl Next Door, The (1998 I) (5) F

  • Girl Next Door, The (2007) (6) M

  • Girl of the Ozarks (5) M, F

  • Girl, Three Guys, and a Gun, a (5) 

  • Glasskår (6) F

  • Glee (2009) (5) F

  • Gloria (1999) (3) M

  • Glück am anderen Ende der Welt, Das (3) F

  • Go Tell It on the Mountain (1984) (2) M

  • Go Toward the Light (5) M, (F)

  • Godsend, The (1980) (5) M, F

  • Gogglebox (4) M

  • Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain (5) F

  • Golden Christmas, A (4)

  • Golden Palace (4) M

  • Goldy: The Last of the Golden Bears (6) F

  • gone du Chaaba, Le (3) M

  • Good Girl, The (2002) (3) F

  • Good Health (School TV) (2) F

  • Good Luck Charlie (6) F

  • Good Ol' Boy (2015) (4) M, F

  • Good Old Boy: A Delta Boyhood (6) M

  • Goosebumps (1995) (6) F , 2 entries

  • Gotta Kick It Up! (4) F

  • Grand Champion (2002) (5) F

  • grand patron, Un (3) M

  • Grandpa for Christmas, A (6)

  • Grange Hill (3) F

  • Grapes of Wrath (6) F, M

  • Grazie... nonna (3) F

  • Great Brain, The (7) M

  • Great Mom Swap, The (5) F

  • Great Space Coaster, The (2) M

  • Great Waldo Pepper, The (4) M

  • Greatest Show on Earth, The (1952) (2) F

  • Green Acres (3) F, M

  • Green Mile, The (4) M

  • Green Promise, The (4)

  • Gregory K (3) F

  • Gremlins (3) M,F (snow bibs)

  • Griff nach den Sternen (1955) (2) M

  • Große Show der Naturwunder, Die (2) F

  • Großstadtrevier (5) M, F

  • Growing Pains (6) F

  • Gu huo qi bing zhi bing xian zhe (2) M

  • Gülcan und Collien ziehen aufs Land (2) F

  • Gunman, The (2004) (3) F

  • Gunsmoke (9) M

  • Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten (3) F

  • Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones (7) M

  • Gypsy Colt (7) F

  • Haeundae (3) F

  • Half a Dozen Babies (3) F

  • Hallo, Onkel Doc! (5) M

  • Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (3)

  • Hang Time (1995) (4) F, M

  • Hanging Garden, The (3) M

  • Hank Zipzer (2) F

  • Hannah Montana: The Movie (5) F

  • Hao xiao zi liu: Xiao long guo jiang (Kung Fu Kids 6) (3) M

  • Happy-End am Wörthersee (3)

  • Happy Ever Afters (3) F (Info entry)

  • Happy, Texas (3)

  • Harlan County War (5)

  • Harriet the Spy (4)

  • Harry and the Hendersons (1991) (6) M

  • Harts of the West (6) F

  • Haunted Hathaways (3) F

  • Haus der Krokodile, Das (3) M

  • Haydaze (5) F

  • Heavy (1995) (3) F

  • Heck’s Way Home (4) F

  • Heidi und Erni (3) F (rating 10 Lederhosen)

  • Heimweh... dort wo die Blumen blüh'n (2) F

  • Hello Brother (1999) (3) F

  • Hellphone (2007) (2) F

  • Help Wanted:Kids (4 )

  • Henry & Verlin (6) M

  • Her Desperate Choice (6)

  • Héreos (2010) (6)

  • Here Come the Tigers (6) M

  • hérisson, Le (2009) (5) F

  • Hero Ain't Nothing' But a Sandwich, A (3) M, (F)

  • Hidden Places (5)

  • Hideaway (1995) (3)

  • Hider in the House (1989) (3) F

  • Hidden in America (3)

  • High School U.S. A. (1983) (3) M

  • High Tide (1994) (5) M

  • Highway to Heaven (6) M,F (+separate episode entries)

  • Hills End (6) M, F

  • Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast (5) F

  • Hiroshima Maiden (4) M

  • Hirschhausens Quiz des Menschen (3) M (?)

  • Hjordis (3) M, F

  • Hoboken Chicken Emergency, The (5) M

  • Hochzeitsgeschenk, Das (5) F

  • Hog Wild (1974) (7) M

  • Holiday to Remember, A (7)

  • Holubice (1960) (3) M

  • Home Alone 3 (4)

  • Home Farm Twins (6) F

  • Home Fires Burning (1989) (6) M

  • Home Improvement (8) M, F

  • Home Run for Rusty (8) M

  • Homestead Golden Fried Chicken (ad) 6 M

  • Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (3)

  • Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco (3)

  • Honey, I Blew up the Kid (4)

  • Honig im Kopf (4) F

  • Honkytonk Man (10) M

  • Hope (1997) (5) M

  • Hopfensommer (4) F

  • Horrible Honchos, The (ABC Afterschool Specials) (4) F

  • Horse Called Jester, A (5) F

  • Horse Crazy (3) F

  • Horse Whisperer, The (5) F, M

  • Hotel for Dogs (2)

  • Hound-Dog Man (4) M

  • House Party 3 (2) M

  • House of Women (1962) (2) M

  • How My Dad Killed Dracula (3) M

  • How My Next Door Neighbour Discovered Life on Mars (2) M

  • How Stella Got Her Groove Back (2) M

  • How the West Was Fun (2) (F)

  • Huan le wu fu shing (5) M (The Incredible Kids)

  • Huang jia shi jie (3) F, M

  • Huck & the King of Hearts (7) M

  • Huckleberry Finn (1974) (5) M

  • Huckleberry Finn and His Friends (1979) (7) M

  • Hund aus der Elbe, Der (6) F

  • Hurricane (1997) (5) F

  • Hände weg von Mississippi (2) F

  • I Heart Huckabees (5) F, (M)

  • I Know What You Did Last Summer (6) F

  • I Wish I Were a Ballerina (2) F

  • Ich heirate eine Familie (4) M, F

  • If You Believe (3) F

  • If These Walls Could Talk (1996) (4) F

  • Ikke naken (2) F

  • Immer Wirbel um Marie (2) F

  • Immigrants, The (1978) (5) M

  • In aller Freundschaft (2) F

  • In the Best Interest of the Children (4)

  • In the Doghouse (1998) (5)

  • Independence Day (1996) (5) M

  • Inherit the Wind (stage play) (7) M

  • Indian in the Cupboard, The (4) M

  • Indian Summer (1993) (4) F

  • Indictment: The McMartin Trial (5) M

  • Inga Lindström (5) F

  • inséparables, Les (2001) (5) F

  • instit, L’ (1993) (6) M, F

  • Intervista (1987) (3) F

  • Io speriamo che me la cavo (6) M

  • Iron Eagle IV (3) F (+M, coveralls)

  • Irrer Duft von frischem Heu, Ein (3)

  • It (1990) (5) F, M

  • It (2017) (4) F

  • It Takes Two (1995) (6)

  • Jack (1996) (4)

  • Jack bestelt een broertje (3) F

  • Jack & Sarah (6) F

  • Jack Frost (1998) (4) F

  • Jack the Bear (6) M

  • Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang (1978) (4) M

  • Jacob’s Ladder (1990) (3) M

  • Jackie Brown (2) F

  • Jahrhunderthaus, Das (3) F, (M)

  • Jaime (1999) (5) M

  • Jake and the Kid (1995) (7) M, F

  • Jakub (1977) (4) M

  • Jamais Te Esquecerei (2003) (5) M

  • Jamin (1980 advertisement) (5) M

  • Jane Austen’s Mafia! (2) M

  • Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (3) F

  • Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (4) F

  • Jauche und Levkojen (7) M

  • Jaws 3-D (3) M, F

  • Jaws: The Revenge (3) F

  • Je déteste les enfants des autres (4) F

  • Jeanne at le loup (5) F

  • Jeff Foxworthy Show, The (3) M

  • Jen si tak trochu písknout (3) F

  • Jeremiah Johnson (4) M

  • Jerk, The (3)

  • Jezebel’s Kiss (5) F

  • Jim Knopf (stage plays) 6 F, M

  • Job, The (2003) (4) F

  • Jockei Monika (4) F?

  • Joey (1985) (5) M

  • Joey (1986) (1985) (2) F

  • Johnny and the Bomb (6) F

  • Johnny Got His Gun (1971) (6) M

  • Johnny Holiday (6)

  • jongens Veerman, De (4) M

  • Julia und der Offizier (4) M, F

  • Julie (Luke Garmon film) 4 F

  • Jumanji (6) F

  • Jungbauern (6) M (F)

  • Junior High School (7) M

  • Just for Kicks (2003) (4)

  • Just in Time (1997) (4) F

  • Kaisermühlen Blues (4) F, M

  • Kammesjukjul (3) M

  • Karantin (1983) (4) F, M

  • Karate Kid, Part III, The (4) F

  • Karine et Ari (5) F, M

  • Karlas kabale (3) M

  • Kata a krokodyl (3) F

  • Katok i skripka (3) M

  • Katrin ist die Beste (5) M, F

  • Kauwboy (5) F

  • Käuzchenkuhle (3) F

  • Kayla (7) F

  • Kde padají hvezdy (5) M, F

  • Keinohrhasen (3) F, M

  • Kelly (1981) (3) F

  • Ketcham Home Movies – Western Trip 1946 (3) M

  • Kettles in the Ozarks, The (4) M, F

  • Kidco (5)

  • Kid Cop (7/5) F

  • Kidnapping Mom & Dad (7) F

  • Kids (1995) (2) F

  • Kidsongs (8) M, F

  • Kidsongs TV Show (6) M, F

  • Kids For Character (3) F, M

  • Kids Incorporated (6) F, M

  • Kids Who Knew Too Much, The (7) F

  • Kids World (5)

  • KI.KA-KRIMI.DE (4) F

  • Killer Among Friends, A (5) F

  • Kinder Alaaf 2013! (6) F, M (see Rampensäue 2013)

  • Kinder vom Alstertal, Die (4) M, F

  • Kinderen voor Kinderen (8) M, F

  • Kinderstunksitzung (4) M, F

  • King Kobra (3) F

  • Kirche bleibt im Dorf, Die (2012) (4+) F

  • Klasse Segel Abenteuer (8) M, F, separate entries

  • Klein Erna auf dem Jungfernstieg (3) F

  • Klein gegen Groß – Das unglaubliche Duell (5) M

  • Kleine blonde dood, De (7) M

  • Kleiner Mann – ganz groß (1957) (4) M

  • Kleine Vampir – Neue Abenteuer, Der (4) M

  • Kli-Kla-Klawitter (2) M

  • Klimbim (3) F, (M)

  • Knickerbockerbande, Die (4) F

  • Knight Rider (1982) (4) M, F

  • Knokken voor twee (8) M, F

  • Kodak (1978 advertisement) (5) M

  • Koen Kampioen (4) F

  • Kohav Hashahar (4) M

  • Komödienstadel, Der (2) F

  • Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse (4) F

  • Koroleva benzokolonki (2) F, M

  • Kouwe Kunstjes (5) F

  • Kramer vs. Kramer (3) M

  • Krempoli – Ein Platz für wilde Kinder (7) F, M

  • Krummerne 3 – fars gode idé - wrong, see Vildbassen

  • Kuusikko ja kuoleman varjot (7) M, (F)

List 3 L-R

Update: Looking for Miracles


I recently rechecked the DVD but I didn't had the time to watch it at regular speed. I own the DVD for more than 5 years but have only seen it once or twice. So one of my least seen DVDs. Previously rated 3. The movie is obviously much better and underrated.

Some very good other scenes like Zachary Bennett in a short 1930s buttoned union suit (sharing a bed with an older boy), swimming scenes and even a boy in a sailor suit (sailor suit blog new entry rating 3, brief scene).

There are more actors and bibs scenes than I remembered, but most or all are of non-jeans fabric.

When I have more time (after rechecking The Waltons) I will recheck this again. Also good bedroom scenes including bunk beds (no entry yet, will be rating around 7).

Great movie and setting (like most Sullivan productions), for bibs scenes rating maybe 4-5 for now. New tags Sitting M, shortalls. Much better is Road to Avonlea (rating 7, also Sullivan and Zachary Bennett).

Main entry (nothing new there)



Monday, October 10, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 425-444

Some new colors of bibs (at least 4, including black, red, light grey and light blue) and again Gamuza and Andrea in yellow bibs. No or no notable shortalls. Episode 429+444 are missing.

Pic 1 showing Christina in black bibs in ep 441. Correcting and touching one of the straps.

Pic 2 showing a girl (maybe Maru or Naty?) sitting rear view in tight blue bibs in ep 441. Several, also other scenes of her.

Pic 3 showing Sofia in new light blue bibs and Andrea in dark blue bibs in ep 440.

Pic 4 showing Sofia in new red bibs. Bib at very high position. Ep 434.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 425: Sofia in dark blue bibs, Andrea in light blue bibs

Ep 430: Toddler girl Marilu sitting in khaki or blue bibs,

Ep 438: Andrea in light yellow (corduroy ?) bibs (also sitting in ep 440),

Ep 440: Sofia sitting in light grey bibs (soon on my list by color),

Ep 441: Sofia in red bibs

Ep 443: Gamuza sitting in yellow bibs (also in ep 444).


Update: Emergency! (1972)


Thanks very much db1 for the pics. Much better than thought. Now rating 3 instead of 3.

Good sitting scenes but I assume few good scenes.

Main entry (nothing much more there) at


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Was im Leben zählt


Drama starring Petra Schmidt-Schaller
Year: 2016
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Julchen ~13
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurence: low
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: Lara Sophie Rottmann (13 or 14 yo but younger looking) barefoot at home in dark blue bibs also lying on her stomach. Bib at low position. 2 brief scenes only, starting at 25 minutes. Also in light blue jeans with suspenders.

Another suggestion. Thanks very much, Michi!

Typical family movie. Sequel to "Obendrüber da schneit es" (2012).

Not bad, but for the few scenes, rating 5-6 only.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

La corsa dell'innocente

Drama starring Manuel Colao
Year: 1992
Year in film: 1990s
Country: Italy, F
Who in bibs: boy ~10 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least this boy in blue bibs playing soccer, I think at the beginning of the movie. Obviously few and brief scenes only. Does anybody know his name?

Interesting movie. I have checked it before but missed this scene. Some scenes and settings reminds me of my still missing Italian coming-of-age movie but obviously it isn't. There are many similar movies set in South Italy with darkhaired boys.

English title: "Flight of the Innocent". Directed by Carlo Carlei. Rated R. Nominated for a Golden Globe.

Although few scenes rating 6. Playing soccer in bibs is a good idea.

On TV: Damocles (Die Weissagung)


Comedy film. Novel Oscar Wilde
Year: 2016
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: France
Who in bibs: Camille ~24 ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurence: very low ?
Rating:  4/10 ??
Rating: ****
Comment: At least this young lady, I think Alma Jodorowsky in faded light blue bibs and a sleeveless black shirt or bra under them.

Tomorrow. October 7th on arte. Thanks for this suggestion!

Some better pics:,8504849,ApplicationMovie.html

More infos later. Rating 6-7 for now.

Update: I haven't seen it on TV but only rechecked briefly online. I only noticed this very short scene pictured at 12 minutes. So no better pics.

Previously rating 6-7 now 4-5.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Cebollitas ep. 175-184


Few new bibs and rather few bibs scenes of interest (but other good scenes).

Pic 1 showing Nacho sitting in light blue bibs in ep 175.

Pic 2 showing a girl in a light yellow corduroy dress in ep 184.

Pic 3 showing Gamuza sitting in the simple red bibs in ep 175.

Pic 4 showing some of the girls. On the left: girl in long yellow bibs, one or 2 girls in a beige dress, on the right Andrea and another girl in long blue bibs in ep 178.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 176: Colo standing in light blue bibs, girl sitting in yellow corduroy dress

Ep 177: girls in beige dresses, girl in blue bibs, girl in red bibs

Ep 180: woman in brown bibs

Ep 184: girl in light green bibs

Non-bibs scenes of interest:

Ep 179: Fede in white shiny shorts (standing front+rear)

Ep 180: Gamuza shirtless in tighty whiteys, also imaginary friend shirtless,

Ep 180: Gamuza pulling Sofia on her pigtails (soon on my pigtail blog)



Info 506: My 5th blog - Pigtails (f/m)


Although I'm quite busy, I've started my 5th blog. Another hairstyle and fashion movie blog.

I bet that there are also boys sporting pigtails. Please help and comment here or there.

Please also note my previous posts.

Ran an den Mann

Game show. Host Wayne and Annemarie Carpendale
Year: 2016
Year in film: 2016
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Annemarie ~38
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurence: very low ?
Rating:  5/10 ??
Rating: *****
Comment: At least host Annemarie Carpendale in blue bibs in season 2.

I have just seen by coincoidence a publicity pic. I can't say if she wore or will wear bibs in the show as well. Maybe also other candidates or someone in the audience in bibs as well?

One pic here

Info 505: Picasa albums


I announced the retirement of Picasa before, but previously it still worked. Embedded pics are still visible, but the links (for larger pics) and also all album links won't work anymore after the movement to Google Photos and Google+.

Now I found out how it works to share the new album links. I will update the links on my blogroll soon.

Here's the link for the most important FSA-OWI album from

Remember, there are much larger TIFF images available on if someone enters the image number.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Santa Barbara (1984)


Soap opera starring A Martinez
Year: 1984-1993
Year in film: 1987-1992 ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Brandon 10 or 15 ?, woman, toddler
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Bib occurence: very low ?
Rating:  2/10 ??
Rating: **
Comment: Justin Gocke as Brandon should be in bibs. Unknown episode(s). He appeared in at least 186 episodes between 1987 (ep 772, season 4, around 10 yo) and 1992 (ep 1913, around 15 yo). I have checked dozens of episodes but couldn't find him in bibs. Also no other pics or clips elsewhere. Obviously very few or just one episode if any. Or maybe just publicity pics?? I found toddlers in blue bibs, boy and I think a girl. But no need to post them.

Pic 1 showing him in ep 780, pic 2 in ep 1645. He had different hairstyles, back long, also front long.

Thanks very much for this suggestion. He was a handsome actor (died in 2014 aged 36, R.I.P.). Can anybody tell me in what episode he wore bibs or at least if he was young or old. I currently don't have the time to check all episodes.

Unless I have seen pics, I can't give any higher rating than 5. Although I assume bibs in later episodes as teen in the 90s. He was very thin. Also nice shorts in the fist episodes.

I have other posts with him. But one not in bibs and the other as 4 or 5 yo.

Update: Also a woman in tight, white bibs. 2 more pics of Gocke, still haven't found him in bibs


Update: All 191 episodes check. Haven't found any scenes. So now rating 2 instead of 5.
