Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Update: AI video improvement

Felix commented on my previous AI post. And said many details got lost. And I'm not talking just about upscaling but improvements and removing errors. I tried this (de-noise) on "Benny allein gegen alle" (same clip as Moving to Marlborough, so I still have one try left on the trial version). 

Here we have even more details. Especially on the black cap and the hair. Maybe mainly on dark parts. Not sure if it would be the same for a regular brightness or contrast correction. And the face is much better. First there are still many artefacts. But most scenes are much better. Yes, usually other details got lost and AI is still not perfect, especially moving faces not close-up. There are also other tools like for removing ghosting in fast movement scenes, stabilize shaking or de-interlacing.


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