Monday, March 3, 2025

Update: Malcolm in the Middle


Thanks Felix for providing your gallery! Pic from s3e3. He would give rating 9. I don't like this actor. Not handsome at all and (looking) too young at least still in this season. And very few episodes with bibs. Please compare this with similar series like Home Improvement. Just the actors are much better, even in later seasons. And there are more actors in bibs.

I also have him in Once not Far from Home (rating 5) outside farm setting and also the other actors. Toddler in different bibs like in s6e20, s6e12.

14,000 pics on IMDb. Nice orange Soccer shorts in s3e16. Dewey at least in bibs in s1e3, s1e7, s1e12+13 (green cordoroy). I don't recall all episodes.

Funny series and nice bedroom scenes though.

Main post currently rating 5

1 comment:

Felix said...

My rating was only for this episode. :) For dungarees the series as a whole rates maybe 4-5.