Family series/ 2 films
–Year: 1992
–Year in film: 1990s
–Country: Australia
–Who in bibs: Simon 15, men
–Available on DVD: VHS only ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low+
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: Clayton Williamson (*10/1973) as 15 yo (German sites say 14 yo) orphaned main character in higher clown's pants with suspenders at 34, also in working coveralls next to a man at 1h44. A young black man in faded real bibs at 45. Originally a 1991 series with 8 episodes a 24 minutes (per film). Both films are 3h each.
Sequel Clowing Around 2 (1993) and has him in real faded bibs. There's a b&w publicity pic of Clayton in faded bibs hanging upside down (at 2h55) on IMDb. I've just found this on YouTube as well, coming soon.
Clayton appears in some other series like Touch the Sun: Peter & Pompey, Hills End, A Country Practice (1981) but (usually) not he in bibs.
For this part 1 rating ~3-4. Part 2 has much better and more scenes mainly at the end outside like at 2h06 (first scene at 28 inside) but he's older in there ~18-19? Also a lady at 2h38 in pink. And earlier a man. I don't have the time to watch 6 hours. Rating of part 2 maybe 4-5.
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