Thanks Felix for checking season 6-7 and now also 8-9. Too late for season 6 and I missed some scenes indeed. s6e13 does not exit though. Do you mean s7e13?
Almost all scenes I missed are very brief/partial views. I noticed Chechu in s6e2 (headshot, open shirt), in s6e4 I'm quite sure that he wore bibs under the red pullover, in s6e12 a partial rear view. S6e10 I already found.
Both pics from s7e2. Chechu sitting and a lady. Probably the same as in previous update, so confirming the length. Unpictured the little girl in s7e1 (headshot) maybe in the skirtalls.
Felix would give rating 8 considering rating 9 for the boy actor. I'm considering rating 7, but I think too few perfect scenes like rear views and many scenes with a shirt. Too few other actors and I prefer blond and US actors, farm setting etc.
Main entry currently rating 6
1 comment:
The other comments are not from me, I guess that's Db1? Which means all three of us check this series at the same time. :) As I said, this is a really nice find. :D
As for ep6.13 this is because some streaming services have the wrong episode label. There are only 12 episodes in season 6, so the one that says ep6.13 is probably actually ep7.1. I checked my gallery names against IMDB and wikipedia, so they should be correct.
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