Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Cebollitas ep. 350-369

Some very good scenes of blonde Yasmina here, as announced. Finally some very good regular, blue bibs, not the colorful ones and shortalls. Also again Gamuza in his yellow bibs. Ep 360+366 missing (366 available but blocked here).

Pic 2 showing Yasmina in faded long blue bibs, a bit baggy, in ep 353. Also sitting at the counter shown completely from a distance.

Pic 1 from ep 368. Also standing walking.

Pic 3 showing her in beige bibs. Bib at very low position. Ep 358.

Pic 4 showing another girl in dark blue bibs. Bib also at very low position. Ep 354.

Other bibs scenes:

Ep 351: Girl from pic 4 in red bibs

Ep 352: Andrea in blue dress, Yasmina in a red dress

Ep 354:  Andrea in light yellow or beige bibs, Sofia in light blue bibs (bib at very high position), both sitting

Ep 356: Girl from pic 4 in red bibs (or long dress ?)

Ep 357: Gamuza sitting in light yellow bibs, also in 358

Ep 365: Andrea in light yellow or beige bibs, Yasmina in beige bibs (red shirt), Andrea in dark blue bibs, girl in yellow bibs or dress

Ep 368: Toddler girl in brown bibs, Sofia in light blue bibs, Gamuza sitting in yellow bibs

Ep 369: Gamuza in yellow bibs, Andrea sitting in dark blue bibs


pic1 ceb368 9/16

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