Thursday, December 1, 2011

Amityville: A New Generation

7th part in this horror film series
-Year: 1993
-Year in film: 1990s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Suki ~34 
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium ?
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Julia Nickson (then Julia Nickson-Soul), pictured in beige (or white) bibs. Sorry no better pic in this trailer. Another film from the "chicks list".

Of course a famous movie series (rated R). I don't remember this complete movie. I prefer the original movie (1979) and the 2005 remake starring Ryan Reynolds and Jesse James (see that entry with a young boy in blue and a girl in pink bibs, also rating 3).
I don't like beige bibs especially not spotted with blood or on dead women.
But I have to check that (also for other actors). Rating 3 for now.

Starring Ross Partridge, Lala Sloatman and David Naughton. Aka Amityville 7 and Amityville VI - A New Generation (VI, not VII), Amityville 1993: The Image of Evil. There are definitely better (horror, suspense and bib) movies.
The actress was born in Singapore, so also tagging non-USA.

Probably fewer scenes than assumed. Nice crouching scenes on all fours. Long bibs for painting with painting spots. (-low+)

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