Friday, January 14, 2011

The Waltons - Season 5

Fifth season. For whole series (rating 10/10) see very first post.

-Year: 1976-1977
-Year in film: 1937
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jim-Bob, Ben, Mary-Ellen and others
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  10/10
-Rating: **********
-Comment: Jim-Bob, now ~13ys with blue and beige bibs, riding (Ep. 3), riding with Elizabeth and a girl (Ep. 7), Ben blue bibs (Ep. 2), Ben in water with bibs (Ep 4), Mary-Ellen light blue bibs (Ep 2), Erin in blue bibs (Ep 1)

Non-Waltons in bibs: Episode 9 The Great Motorcycle Race: a boy ~10 ys,
Episode 18: a boy ~ 10ys in long beige bibs at a burial.
Episode 23 The Go-Getter:a boy ~6 ys. sitting in bibs with hickory stripes,
Episode 23: a boy with beige bibs and a girl with blue bibs ~11ys riding together (pictured).

Jim-Bob's blue bibs are too small (see Season 6). He dances in beige bibs with a girl (Ep. 5 The Wedding). In Ep. 18 The Hero he is lying on his back on bed in blue bibs. Erin, who usually never wears bibs, here in dark blue bibs (non jeans fabric? in Ep 1 The First Edition). Ben, who also not often wears bibs in other seasons, where the usual darker blue bibs, also too small. In episode 23, picture below, the girl stay on the horse, while her brother(?) buys an ice cream.  Although most bibs are too small, I like this season. Better than season 6, but earlier seasons (2-4) are also good. Olivia bought bibs for Elizabeth, see detailed post with tag stories.

Disc 1: 3 minutes, 9 Jason dark blue, Elizabeth light blue, 44 Ben bibs+aprons, 1h00 Mary-Ellen, 49 Jim-Bob patch butt, 1h35 Jim-Bob rides, 1h52+2h04 Jim-Bob light brown Dee Cee carpenter, 2h08 Erin dark

Disc 2: 5 Jim-Bob sits cinema, 5 Elizabeth light blue, 38 Jim-Bob knee, 38 grabbing own straps, 43 Ben being baptized

Disc 3: 17 Five Waltons: Jason Dee Cee, Elizabeth hickory, 28 Jim-Bob, Elizabeth grabs (see story entry), 39 Jim-Bob, rides (3 on 1 horse, see story), 53 Jason dark blue Penney's, other men, 1h17 Jim-Bob church bib sagging fold1h58 Erin brown side+rear dancing

below notes from earlier check

Disc 4: (ep 9) 4, 9 Jim-Bob sitting motor cycle, 14, 19 Jim-Bob new medium blue bibs,26,  40 other boy, 1h25 Jason light, 2h24 Erin brown, 2h57 Jim-Bob riding

Disc 5: 52 Elizabeth+Erin on bed, 1h40 Jason purple, ep 16: 2h23 Jim-Bob under car, tight bibs, 2h31 Jason,2h49 Elizabeth,  2h51 other (no bibs)

Disc 6: ep 17: 2 min other boy blue, ep 18: 51 Jim-Bob rear, 1h07 riding, 1h11, 1h14 Jason, 1h21, 1h24 Jim-Bob, 1h29 other boy beige, 1h42 sits, 1h45 Jason and Ben, ep19:2h04 sits, Jason 2h43 sits, 2h57 sits

Disc 7: 12 Elizabeth buying bibs (story 1, see below), 15 Ben butt, 41 Aimee, 1h01 Jim-Bob sits, 1h24 Ben butt

For another pic of 3 on 1 horse incl Jim-Bob in bibs see





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