Animates series Adventures of Tom Sawyer
–Year: 1980
–Year in film: 1850s
–Country: Japan
–Who in bibs: Huck ~13
–Available on DVD: yes ?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: often ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: I don't have much posts about animated series and found this during search for my Comic list.
Huck in brown bibs. Looking much younger than in the novel. Around 10 yo. Probably many scenes. Interesting, although live-action is of course better. Pic from ep 1. Also swimming scenes without clothes.
Japanese title: トム・ソーヤーの冒険.
I have several Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn posts. Often Huck is wearing bibs, sometimes Tom, sometimes both. I think in both novels, bibs aren't mentioned.
Some selected posts (for more do a blog search for either Sawyer or Huck)
Huckleberry Finn and His Friends (1979) CDN/D rating 7, Huck in brown bibs
Tom Sawyer (1973) Tom+Huck+others blue, rating 6
BTV's Tom Sawyer (2003) rating 7 Tom+Huck+others in blue
Huck and the King of Hearts, rating 8 Huck blue baggy
Back to Hannibal: The Return of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, rating 5 Tom beige
Tom Sawyer (1973 TV movie) Tom beige rating 5
The Adventures of Con Sawyer and Hucklemary Finn, teen girl Hucklemary blue, rating 5 (previously not shown up due to the other name)
The Bell Telephone Hour: The Sounds of America boy rating 4
also check my list of stage plays and school projects
I have some more movies like 1939, 1955, 1974 (some b&w) and some fan movies and stage plays but several movies don't show any bibs. I had some more on my deleted Western, Pigtails and bedroom blogs. I have to recheck some rare and foreign titled movies and will re-upload some other pics, some here. On my sailor suit blog
Priklyucheniya Toma Soyera i Geklberri Finna
Tom Sawyer (1917)
Páni kluci
Tom und Hacke
Toni Goldwascher (rating 9)