
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Der rote Strumpf


Family film Inge Meysel
Year: 1981
Year in film: 1980s ?
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Marie 11, girl ~11, man
Available on DVD: S8 reel only?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: often
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: 2 girls, mainly Juli Tumler (both opics) in dark blue, looks like raw denim bibs bibs also sitting. Another girl at the beginning in faded longer shortalls (knee length). Many good scenes, also rear view. Also a brief scene of a young man shirtless in faded bibs.

English title: The Red Stocking. Was released on S8 reel and obviously this YouTube clip was converted from that. So a quite poor image quality but could be worse.

Rating 5-6. I like raw denim bibs, many scenes and good sitting scenes, so I give rating 6.

Update 2: The Secret of the Pond


And another great Disney movie. I had an entry and a rating 4 re-upload of one of the 2 pics, but now I've seen the full movie, both parts for the first time. Now rating 7-8. Many scenes of both Ike Eisenmann (left) and Rex Corley in both parts. 

In some way even better than Hog Wild (1974), as more scenes of both but somehow I don't like faded bibs and Ike is quite young. So I think I can only give again rating 7.

Good rear view like on a porch in part 2. Also a good dressing scene but dark lit (part 2). I have to recheck both parts at slow speed later.

Main entry (with another old pic of Coley)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Update: Hog Wild (1974)


I found some more rare Disney movies on YouTube, mainly new uploads. So I've seen this and many others for the first time. I already had an entry with one teen boy in dark wet bibs (and boys in underwear). There's another boy in faded bibs (also getting muddy) which I even prefer and another younger boy. Rating 7 is correct (maybe even 8).

Also an older man in dark blue bibs. Best scenes at the beginning of part 1, sitting in the middle, wet scenes near the end. I haven't found bibs scenes in part 2, but it's possible that I missed scenes.

I like the wide straps. Bibs getting very muddy, after pic 2 also the lower parts are shown. Sitting scenes is brief (a girl threw a stone at them and they fall down off the fence). Handsome blond boy, also rear views (mainly muddy). The image quality could be better. The boy on pic 1 in the middle also milking a cow (but failed).

Main entry with another pic of the boy in wet bibs


Les blagues de Toto 2 - Classe verte


Family film
Year: 2023
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: France, B, L
Who in bibs: girls ~10-11, man
Available on DVD: not yet ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: At least one girl in faded bibs and one in faded shortalls. Also a man in blue working bibs. Farm/rural setting.

I found this on the same trailer site as Coco ferme. I can't say much more, yet.

Based on a 2004 comic strip. Main character is a young boy Toto. The 2020 prequel might have bibs scenes as well (I haven't found any on a web search but haven't seen this movie either). There is also an animated series.

Rating 4-5 for now.


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Loretta Claiborne Story

Biography Special Olympics, Wonderful World of Disney s3e7
Year: 2000
Year in film: ~1970 ?
Country: Canada
Who in bibs: Loretta ~32 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this lady, maybe Kimberly Elisa as main character sitting in faded bibs and standing up. One very brief scene only at 1h08. Setting 1970 or earlier, probably in the 1960s or even 1950s. The partially blind Marathon runner was born in 1953 and won her first medal in 1970.

And another Disney movie I recently found on YouTube. What else to say?

I also found Anais Granofsky. She appeared in blue bibs in Nikita (1997) s1e3, coming soon.

For the very brief scene rating  ~3 only.

Three Without Fear: Lost on the Baja Peninsula

 Disney adventure film, Disney Land s17e14
Year: 1971
Year in film: 1970s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy ~10 ?
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: One of 3 Mexican boys, maybe Pablo Lopez in beige or light grey bibs. Some scenes on a beach, also kneeing side and rear view. Another Wonderful World of Disney movie, I recently found on YouTube. There's another episode part 2 called "In the Land of the Desert Whales". (Latter one no entry on IMDb and I haven't found that).

1947 novel by Robert C. Du Soe. (Also not mentioned on IMDb), There's also a wrong cover image on IMDb. Bib at high position.

Rating ~3-4.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Coco Ferme


Family film, Contes pour tous #25
Year: 2023
Year in film: ~2020s
Country: Canada
Who in bibs: Max, Alice ~12
Available on DVD: not yet?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least Oscar Desgagnés (loking like Dragonfly of The Sugar Creek Gang) and an Asian looking girl Emma Bao Linh Tourné, both in long bibs. Farm setting. But I assume few (good) scenes. Bibs of the boy are buttoned, also with one strap down. And he also wore other clothes. Brand is Grandwish Boys Blue Thin Denim. Thanks Felix.

By coincidence, I've just found this, checking if Dancing to the Moon is on my Contes pour Tous list recently mentioned on Whiskers. This is the newest one in  this series. I still haven't checked all movies.

Pics from the trailer. Needs to be checked when available.

Update: 2 long scenes, previously rating 5 now 6. Also sitting.

Gone Are the Dayes


Disney family TV film
Year: 1984
Year in film: 1980s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Joe ~9 ?, Carrie ~19, men
Available on DVD: VHS only?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: One young boy in bibs, also a lady in long yellow bibs (I haven't found this scene in the movie, either very brief of publicity pic). Unpictured young men in good bibs and a lady in pink shortalls or similar. At the end the boy also in speedos.

Another Disney movie I found on Youtube, some more to come. Quite good Farm setting. (Man also milking). But the boy is quite young. Not sure about their names. Boy probably Steven Hirsch, lady maybe Sharee Gregory ~19 yo.

Very few good scenes, young boy, so rating ~4 only.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Update 3: Bristle Face


I have completely watched this movie at regular speed. Next to Phillip Alford and some men, there are also 2 brief scenes of a very young boy in bib. One at 56 minutes (pictured, front view, also showing a man and Jace) and one at 1h14, walking rear and front view.

There are also soaked wet scenes of the teen boy near the end but dark lit, and ripped and so hardly to notice.

Somehow a quite weak plot (I think the novel is much better) and a typical (dog-boy) Disney movie. Other movies like Rascal (Bill Mumy, Rating 6) are better (actor and plot) but I don't like the rear view of the bibs with simple straps. I have several other classic and new Disney movies. I wonder why they usually have older teens at the end of their career. Here the character should look like 13 but is 15/16 looking not younger.

The highest rated similar Disney movies are Where the Red Fern Grows (2003) rating 8 and Summer of the Monkeys (rating 6). Also similar Big Red (1962) rating 4. Non-Disney: The Sun Comes Up, rating 7. Another good Disney movie, younger boy is Pete's Dragon (1977) and Balloon Farm (girl, boys) rating 6.

Main entry, still rating 7

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Update 2: Bristle Face


Searching for more Tom Sawyer movies, I found some Disney movies and got Wonderful World of Disney recommendations and so checked many of them and so now found this complete 2 part movie. S10e16/17. Many scenes also good rear views and some sitting scenes (there's often the dog or hands hiding the lap).

Also one undressing scene, completely with white long johns underneath. First standing unhooking the straps and bib down then sitting on bed and undressing while seated and sleeping in long johns. I have to re-watch this movie at slow speed.

I also have newly uploaded one of the illustrations of the novel (German translation) and have to re-read that later. The character is 14, the man thought 13, but the actor is 15 or 16. I prefer Phillip Alford in "To Kill in Mockingbird" (rating 9, b&w). 

Great bibs, especially rear view. But currently still rating 7-(8).

Main entries


Nord bei Nordwest


Crime series, Marleen Lohse
Year: 2014-
Year in film: 2021
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Hannah ~40
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least I think main cast Jana Klinge renovating/painting in blue bibs at least in yesterday's rebroadcasting of ep 15 Der Andy von nebenan. At least 2 scenes with a pullover and outside with an open jacket. Backside simple straps. Also a man in coveralls and others in medium blue coveralls (men in ep 19) and white forsensic protective coveralls. Also man and woman in fishing bibs in ep 7.

I only have seen this brief beach scene. There's also a trailer showing her inside without jacket. I don't know other episodes. Available on the ardmediathek.

Rating 4 for now.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Promised Land (1996) - s3e6


Another, last episode of this series. A young lady in long faded blue bibs. S3e6, YouTube clip s3e7 Denver Welcome Home (1998). Not sure about her name, either Kathryne Dora Brown (*1971) or less likely Mary Elizabeth Winstead (*1984). I think she's a black lady, so the first one. (Who also appeared in s3e11). The image quality of this clip is poor. Headshot better, but I want to show more of the bibs. (DVD is available)

I think very few scenes, so rating ~4.

Main entry f/m rating up to 5

Update: Tom Sawyer movies


Some re-uploads of Tom Sawyer movies that were lost after blog migration.

Pics 1+3 from BTV's Tom Sawyer 2012, I think both are in fact from the 2012 version. Great shirtless the raw denim bibs, rating 8. The original 2012 post is the 2003 version, rating 7.

Pic 3 is a rear/side view of Tom Sawyer 1973 TV movie. Front view

Next to the bedroom and Western blog, I also had some on my pigtails blog. And some still on my sailor suit blog (many pics currently missing)

Priklyucheniya Toma Soyera i Geklberri Finna

Tom Sawyer (1917) 

Páni kluci

Tom und Hacke

Toni Goldwascher (rating 9)

Main list and anime

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tomu Sôyâ no bôken (1980)


Animates series Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Year: 1980
Year in film: 1850s
Country: Japan
Who in bibs: Huck ~13
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: often ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: I don't have much posts about animated series and found this during search for my Comic list.

Huck in brown bibs. Looking much younger than in the novel. Around 10 yo. Probably many scenes. Interesting, although live-action is of course better. Pic from ep 1. Also swimming scenes without clothes.

Japanese title:  トム・ソーヤーの冒険.

I have several Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn posts. Often Huck is wearing bibs, sometimes Tom, sometimes both. I think in both novels, bibs aren't mentioned.

Some selected posts (for more do a blog search for either Sawyer or Huck)

Huckleberry Finn and His Friends (1979) CDN/D rating 7, Huck in brown bibs

Tom Sawyer (1973) Tom+Huck+others blue, rating 6

BTV's Tom Sawyer (2003) rating 7 Tom+Huck+others in blue

Huck and the King of Hearts, rating 8 Huck blue baggy

Back to Hannibal: The Return of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, rating 5 Tom beige

Tom Sawyer (1973 TV movie) Tom beige rating 5

The Adventures of Con Sawyer and Hucklemary Finn, teen girl Hucklemary blue, rating 5 (previously not shown up due to the other name)

I have some more movies like 1939, 1955, 1974 (some b&w) and some fan movies and stage plays but several movies don't show any bibs. I had some more on my deleted Western, Pigtails and bedroom blogs. I have to recheck some rare and foreign titled movies and will re-upload some other pics, some here. On my sailor suit blog

Priklyucheniya Toma Soyera i Geklberri Finna

Tom Sawyer (1917) 

Páni kluci

Tom und Hacke

Toni Goldwascher (rating 9)

Monday, September 18, 2023

Update: Hound-Dog Man


Rating 4, but not a re-upload, but I now have briefly checked the complete movie and made new caps. Pic 1 at 44 minutes, pic 2 sitting at 37 minutes (appearing more faded in the sun), pic 3 also sitting but with open shirt out at 26 minutes. The previous pic was from a short clip and showing him being carried.

Several (quite good) scenes, I think he always wore bibs but he's not always shown. So much more scenes than assumed, medium. Rating 4-(5) was correct as 8 or 9 yo Dennis Holmes appearing even younger. I think simple straps. There's also a man in faded blue bibs at 36.

Main entry


Ji pin jue pei


Romance series, The Perfect Match
Year: 2017
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: Taiwan
Who in bibs: Fen-Ching ~27
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Shao Yu Wei aka Ivy Shao (邵雨薇) in different, I think 3 dark blue pairs. Pic 1 from ep 25, also sitting (same ripped pair in ep 15 appering more faded in the sun outside). Pic 2 from ep 17, overlapping straps and rounded U-form bib. Unpictured in ep 24 cooking in bibs with simple straps on the back. Obviously several scenes in different episodes. I haven't checked them all. I found it by coincidence on the German Netflix site.

There are just 23 episodes, so not sure why the YouTube clips are titled ep 24, 25.

Chinese title:  極品絕配.

Rating 3-4.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Space Pups


Family film
Year: 2023
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Cassie ~6
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Riley Madison Fuller at least in blue and pink shortalls (pink also confirmed to be shortalls). There are also several publicity pics showing many different pairs, maybe from other movies or just publicity pics.

I don't know the full move, yet. Quite good Sci-Fi movie but for younger audience.

Very young girl. Rating ~3-4 for now.


Szia Életem!


Comedy film
Year: 2022
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: Hungary
Who in bibs: Samu ~6?
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this very young boy (main character) in beige bibs. Sitting on the left swing. Also in bibs inside but he also wore other clothes.

English title: Be my Dad!.  

I haven't seen the full movie, but the boy is too young anyway. For the sake of completion.

Rating ~2-3 for now.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Update 5: Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder

I've recently re-watched my full DVD set at regular speed (rating 7 for this boy Mirko in raw denim bibs, see main entry and sitting in update 4). Great series, although I don't like the 70s but it's rather timeless. The Lederhosen scenes (other, blond boy Thomas are even better, other blog, rating 7 as well but better pictured here).

By coincidence it also appeared on my rating 4 re-uploads (for this faded red pair and rubber boots). Was in first update, Dec 2014 post was rating 4+6. Pic 1 is from ep 5 (also rear view). Same pair in ep 2 (peeing scene trying to distinguish a fire), but I won't re-upload that.

Pic 2 is a young lady (guest cast, rating 2-3) in ep 4 was in update 3.

Main entry also with a teen girl in a blue pair (main cast)


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Info 1658: New historic PD photos, Mennonite Photo Collection


I've added 5 photos on my Google Photos album, different sizes. I've added them to the FSA-OWI album, although they're probably not from that album. Not sure even if on I've found them on flickr (mennonitechurchusa-archives). 

There are some more, including one good rear view bending forwards, but very small size.

I haven't altered the pics, so the original date is preserved, resulting that these 2 not appearing on bottom or top of the album. The other 3 new ones are at bottom.  I've also added parts of the description (names, year 1940s, 50s).

The Black Demon


Horror film, shark
Year: 2023
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Audrey ~15
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: At least Venus Ariel in black bibs, also sitting. Pic 1 from an ending clip, pic 2 from the extended 10-minutes preview showing rear view with one strap down. There's also a close-up view in the trailer. I haven't seen the full movie yet. Probably also wet scenes (on a small boat).

She also wore tight blue jeans, probably at the beginning. But I assume several scenes at the end. 

She looks older. Needs to be rechecked. I like horror movies. Based on a Mexican legend.

For the bibs rating ~5 for now.


Monday, September 11, 2023

Whiskers (1997)


Family film,
Year: 1997
Year in film: 1990s
Country: Canada
Who in bibs: girl ~12, boys ~10-12
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: very low
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: 3 kids in bibs at the end of the movie. Mainly a girl (pic 1 and pic 2 on right). She revealed that she's a girl by removing her cap. Also walking rear view.

Also 2 boys, one standing, front+rear (pic 2 on left in red shirt, basecap backwards) but from a distance. Also a smaller boy when entering the building (headshot).

Another Contes pour tous/ Tales for all (#15A) film. French title: Moustaches. See also Tirelire Combines & Cie. (Produced by Rock Demers), girl rating 7. And Dancing on the Moon, girl rating 6. La forteresse suspendue, teen girl rating 5. Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller, young boy rating 3 (no pic). 2023 movie Coco ferme (boy, girl, rating 5).

Main character is played by Michael Kaloz (pic 2, middle). Nice jeans and also boxer shorts. Co-distributor: Hallmark.



The Member of the Wedding (1997)


Year: 1997
Year in film: 1945
Country: USA
Who in bibs: John Henry ~7
Available on DVD: VHS only?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: often ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: 7 or 8 yo but younger looking Corey Dunn (1988-2009) shirtless in grey shortalls.

I only saw a trailer. Full view, other screenshots (of the tomboy) and 2 clips here

This is the final entry. I haven't found the 2 other versions.

The boy is too young. So rating ~4-5 for now only. 

I only found a VHS release (OOP). Co-distributer: Hallmark.

Main entry

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Young in America


Swedish ELT series, documentary, 5 ep
Year: 1993
Year in film: 1992 ?
Country: Sweden/USA
Who in bibs: older teen boys
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least 4 older black teen boys dancing. I think ~3 in long white bibs, another one in faded blue longer shortalls. Few scenes at the end of ep. Barbara A Teenage Mother. Another clip from Rosa Mannen.

On my other blog, I have "Young in Australia" (Ung i Australien), 1986. Also 5 episodes, obviously related. 

I don't know the other episodes. Rating 2-3 for now. Soon on my other blog.

No No Girl


Year: 2022
Year in film: 2020s ?, (1940s)
Country: USA
Who in bibs: Sue ~20s ?
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low- ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Japanese-American Mika Dyo in light brown almost yellow buttoned shortalls, maybe corduroy. Scenes obviously set in the presence. She also wore dark blue jeans shorts (sitting). I don't know the full movie. Shortalls now confirmed from a pic from the official site.

I annouced this in Evergreen (2020) (same director and company Paul Daisuke Goodman, Eight East Productions).

I assume rather few scenes. 

Rating ~3 for now.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Tamar Braxton: The One (music clip)


Searching for "All the Way Home" (stage plays, also another song of her), I found this 2013 song. Faded shortalls sitting, also standing. ~36 yo. I haven't checked other clips.

What else to say? Music clips are always short. Lady is not that young.

So again rating ~4 only. Taken from her official channel.

The Member of the Wedding (1952)


TV drama
Year: 1952
Year in film: 1945
Country: USA
Who in bibs: John Henry ~9
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: often ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: 9 or 10 yo Brandon deWilde shirtless in hickory striped longer shortalls. Also sitting. I think this was the first movie. Brandon deWilde was 7 yo in the 1950 stage play. In the novel the character is 6 yo. The 12 yo tomboy was played by 27 yo Julie Harris.

I haven't seen the full movie. Rating ~4-(5) for now. I don't like much this actor. I prefer the 1982 version in color, rating 7. The 1997 version coming soon.

I found another 2007 stage play (in London SE1, Young Vic) with the tomboy in cuffed up dark blue bibs.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

ZDF-Ferienprogramm für Kinder

Kids show
Year: 1979-1989
Year in film: 1980s
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: boy ~14 ?
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: often *
Rating:  5/10
Rating: *****
Comment: One teen boy in faded bibs in episode/clip "Töpferkurs", unknown year (probably early 80s). I found this by coincidence on YouTube. Many scenes in this episode, also some close-up scenes when tilting to the pottery wheel.

Handsome tall boy, obviously at least 13-15 yo. I only have checked this briefly, I haven't noticed rear views. The girl on the right might be his sister.

Probaby more boys/girls in bibs in other episodes but this is very rare, not rebroadcasted and not on DVD.

The show also included famous series next to the studio scenes. I also remember kids in the audience I think also sitting in shiny shorts.

Evergreen (2020)

Year: 2020
Year in film: ~2020 ?
Country: USA
Who in bibs: lady Sam ~23
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least Hannah Leigh in medium brown corduroy bibs. With and without open jacket. I found this by searching for series Evergreen (1985) with the boy from The Member of the Wedding (1982), I haven't found him.

I only have seen the trailer but I assume several scenes.

Rating ~4-5 for now.

2 years later from same company/director (Paul Daisuke Goodman, Eight East Productions) there was "No No Girl" with a Japanese lady in light brown bibs or similar (coming soon).

Info 1657: Webfinds: boy riding hickory striped

Several pics of a boy ~11 yo riding in hickory striped bibs. Pics are at different locations of the album

my favourite is

Monday, September 4, 2023

Update: Form Kidz (ABC English for Children)


Some more, different pics from this series, subseries ABC English for Children (ABC 儿童英语). I almost forgot this.

Pic 1 is from "Vol 7 part2", young girl, brown suspenders maybe leather. 3/4th knee length. Pic 2 is from vol 6 (Asian site), red/brown, unknown length. Unpictured a black girl in medium blue shortalls. "Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be (Children Education Song) lyric" (YouTube). I haven't found boys in bibs but it's possible. Girls ~9-14 yo.

Main entry rating 4