
Monday, September 18, 2023

Ji pin jue pei


Romance series, The Perfect Match
Year: 2017
Year in film: 2010s ?
Country: Taiwan
Who in bibs: Fen-Ching ~27
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least Shao Yu Wei aka Ivy Shao (邵雨薇) in different, I think 3 dark blue pairs. Pic 1 from ep 25, also sitting (same ripped pair in ep 15 appering more faded in the sun outside). Pic 2 from ep 17, overlapping straps and rounded U-form bib. Unpictured in ep 24 cooking in bibs with simple straps on the back. Obviously several scenes in different episodes. I haven't checked them all. I found it by coincidence on the German Netflix site.

There are just 23 episodes, so not sure why the YouTube clips are titled ep 24, 25.

Chinese title:  極品絕配.

Rating 3-4.

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