
Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Son's Promise

TV film with Rick Schroder
-Year: 1990
-Year in film: 1980s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy ~15
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: A teen boy in working bibs (not Schroder). Schroder who is the oldest son and looks grown up gives him a piggyback (close up scene). Good farm film. Others (some boys ~12 ys.) in good standard jeans. I like these farm movies. I don't remember the whole movie, I think only a few bib scenes. Don't know this actor's name. Must be the second oldest.

Der Schatz der weißen Falken

German kids adventure film.
-Year: 2005
-Year in film: 1981
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: boy ~12
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recording
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: Film with David Bode and Kevin Köppe. Other boy in bibs of the opposite gang. I don't like this dark blue bibs. I think few scenes. Although 2 famous child actors and adventurous plot, I dont like this movie.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Big Red (1962)

Disney film about a boy and a dog.
-Year: 1962
-Year in film: 1930s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Rene ~13 , men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Gilles Payant (pictured) wears bibs with hickory stripes, but not always. I can't find a YouTube trailer that could be embedded. Disney films are obviously quickly deleted, even trailers. Perhaps a good children's film. But there are better bib and Disney films. See other entries of Disney films like Rascal.
Edit: I have now seen most parts of this film and could only find some very few and short scenes in the middle of the film. Also at least 2 men in light blue working bibs on a train.



Film about a farm family and slaves.
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1935
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Little Mole ~10 ys, a man
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: medium?
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: I don't know the whole movie. Authentic setting, good farm film, but I don't like the dirty bibs of Daniel Treat. Perhaps I will buy this film. Also swimming scenes without clothes. But I don't think, that this is a good bib film, although with farm setting.

Married with Children

TV series with Al Bundy. Episode 256, A Babe in Toyland, Season 11- Ep.18
-Year: 1997
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: 3 boys, triplet ~10ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, TV recording
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: 3 boys, triplet sitting in the audience in light blue bibs. 2 in first row. I don't saw the whole episode, but at least 2 short scenes. I don't like this series anymore. I watched then the first seasons. Not a special bib series. And there are other comedy series like Home Improvement (also see this entry).

Maybe the same boys as in Safety Patrol.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain

Film with 3 Ninja boys.
-Year: 1998
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Amanda ~12, boy, women, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Bib occurrence: often *
-Rating:  7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: Good film, girl wears light blue shortalls, a man dark blue bibs. Good action of the Ninja kids. Bibs mostly seen close up, so you can't see, that this are shortalls. There are also other films of this series and I like them all. But I don't remember any bib scenes in there. Picture showing Chelsey Earlywine as Amanda in shortalls.

Update: Now I have seen most parts again. More scenes of the shortalls than thought. The main problem is, she has a jacket bound around her hips at most parts of this movie. Also some young women in shortalls (and bibs?) but only supporting actresses. Originally rated 4, but now upgraded to 7.
Best scenes with her at the beginning where she was introduced (pic below). After flying with her model helicopter she jumped to the ground to avoid an approaching bike. Also a young black boy in similar light blue shortalls (pic top right, brief scene at the end, showing his side and back).

I think she acts like a tomboy (hacking a computer, model helicopter, cap, quite short hairstyle).
Sorry, I recorded it too late, so still no good pics of women yet. As my sooner recording is also uncomplete, I wait for the next broadcasting.

Now I also have film 2 with another girl in beige shortalls, also cycling but few scenes, rating 4. See


The Client

Film with Brad Renfro. Novel by John Grisham
-Year: 1994
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Ricky ~7ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Good film, but not the bibs. Few scenes at the beginning of the film. Brad Renfro in standard jeans and smoking. Good performance of the young actors and some suspense. Ricky also tried smoking. They were lying next to each other on their stomachs. Picture showing Ricky (played by David Speck) on the left and Brad Renfro on the right.

So Dear to My Heart

Disney film about a boy and a black sheep.
-Year: 1948
-Year in film: 1903
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jerry ~7, 2 boys ~13
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Bobby Driscoll with blue bibs. Also 2 unknown boys ~13ys and other men (very short scenes). Good farm and family film and funny plot. Already in color. I like those movies. But there could have been more bib scenes with older guys. There are also other Disney films with animals, like Rascal (see this entry). Image showing Jerry on the left side with straw hat.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Summer of Walter Hacks

 Film about a farm boy. Black&White.
-Year: 2009
-Year in film: 1952
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Henry 11, Margaret ~12
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: often?
-Rating:  8/10
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Henry Woodard (pictured on left, son of the director) in light bibs. Seems to be a good farm film, boys bibs with no back bib (suspenders). girls bibs with back bib. Cycling scene. Possibly others in bibs. I don't know the whole film. Trailer and extended trailers now available also at YouTube, but I dont embed them because they are from the production company. Film finished in 2010 and I think already or shortly to be released in 2011 at cinemas. Looks very good. Girl with pigtails, played by Francesca Blanchard (right). Perhaps I would buy this DVD. Have to be updated this after viewing it.

Previously rating 7 now 8.

Update still not on DVD.

A similar movie, same director is The Farm Boy (2023), rating 6

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Grapes of Wrath

Film about the Great Depression. 2 Oscars.
-Year: 1940
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy ~7, girl ~12, other men and kids
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium?
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: I don't know the whole movie. Seems to be a good film with good scenes. B/w film. Perhaps I will buy this DVD. But I doubt that this is better than To Kill A Mockingbird (see that entry). I saw a clip on YouTube with this kids (recommendations, and not with the movie's title) but I can't find it anymore (deleted?) Also no official trailers hat could be embedded. I think they are also without the kids.
Edit: I now have seen some fragments of this film and it's not so bad, though few scenes with the kids. Image shows main character on the left, the girl and the boy at the front. I think I have seen another boy ~10ys and a very young girl (bibs with suspenders). If I would buy another b/w film (except To Kill a Mockingbird) I would buy this one, and not Los Olvidados). But I hope that this film will be broadcasted on TV.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A River Runs Through It

 Film about 2 brothers. 1 Oscar
-Year: 1992
-Year in film: 1910 ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Norman ~12 ys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Joseph Gordon-Levitt (pictured, left, I think with Vann Gravage as Paul) wears blue bibs, I think few and short scenes, partly b/w. I don't remember this complete film and still have to check it. Directed by Robert Redford, starring Brad Pitt. Film rated PG because of some nudity. 1 Oscar. I can only rate 4 because of the few bib scenes although I like Gordon-Levitt (Angels in the Outfield and later Mysterious Skin). Novel by Norman Mclean. Not sure if farm content and I assume bib scenes set in 1910s, though film might cover 1900s-1920 (?)

The Waltons - Season 7

Seventh season. For whole series (rating 10/10) see very first post.

-Year: 1978-1979
-Year in film: ~1941
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jim-Bob, Elizabeth and other girls, boys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  9/10
-Rating: *********
-Comment: Jim-Bob ~15yo wears blue bibs and bibs with hickory stripes (only noticed at close up scenes), Elizabeth 12-13 ys blue bibs. Also a dancing scene with both (Ep 1/Germany 2 The Empty Nest, image 1). Jim-Bob dressing on his bibs (bib down, hickory stripes) in ep. 19 (Germany 20) The Legacy. Elizabeth rarely wear bibs in the entire series. She turned 13 in epsiode 5 but continued wearing bibs. Also Elizabeth and Ben in light blue painting bibs. For images see post story 8, tag stories. Pic 1 at 1h07 (disc 1), pic 2+3 at 2h03 (disc 5,), pic 4 at 2h22 ?

Non-Waltons in bibs:
Episode 2 (Germany Ep 3) The Calling: Girl friend of Jim-Bob Mary Frances ~15yo in dark blue non-jeans bibs with breasts. Climbing a tree. See separate post
Episode 8 (Germany Ep. 9) The Illusion: afro-american boy Josh Foster ~11 yo wears medium blue bibs.
Episode 16 (Germany 17) young man/older teen boy
Episode 18 (Germany 19) The Attack: Fat boy Clarence ~9 ys riding in blue bibs (see image).

Episode 1: 34 minutes Jim-Bob hickory stripes on ladder, (pic will be re-uploaded later), 1h08 Jim-Bob and Elizabeth

Ep.2: 54 Elizabeth dancing, 1h07 Jim-Bob and Elizabeth, 1h12 Elizabeth on bed in bibs, 1h21 Elizabeth rear

Ep. 3: 1h43 other teen girl cotton bibs, 2h14 Jim-Bob sit hickory, 2h17 other teen girl, 2h36 Jim-Bob sit

Disc 2: Ep 4: 21 minutes other girl on swing, 25 min Elizabeth standing, Ep 5: 52 minutes Jim-Bob, 55, 1h09 sitting, 1h14 Elizabeth ladder rear, sit, 1h30 Jim-Bob (ep 6), 1h47 Elizabeth+Jim-Bob, 2h45 other young girl ballet

Disc 3: Ep 9 (Germany): 4 minutes Jim-Bob rear, 13 black Josh in medium blue, 50 minutes Jim-Bob standing up hickory, 1h00 close up, 1h06 hands in back pockets, 1h09 hunker down, ep 10: 1h21 hickory front+rear, ep 11: 1h42 other teen boy in white, Jim Bob hickory + black pullover, 1h57 hickory sit black pullover, ep 12: 2h21 sitting, 2h22 Elizabeth medium blue, 2h35 Jim-Bob. (For now see updates below)

Disc 4: ep 9: 2 minutes Jim-Bob rear Baseball, 14 sit hickory, 33 Ben painting, Elizabeth, ep 15: 1h48 Jim-Bob sit, 2h14 standing, ep 16: 2h36, 2h44 Elizabeth kitchen medium blue

Disc 5: ep 17: 6 minutes older teen boy/ young man, 18 Elizabeth, 32 young man, 38 Elizabeth, 2h03 Jim-Bob and fat Clarence, 2h07 Jim-Bob

Disc 6: 36 minutes Jim-Bob hickory, 1h36 Jim-Bob standing, 1h41 other boy, 1h46 Jim-Bob standing up from table,  1h47 Jim-Bob sitting tree house hickory, 2h05 Jim-Bob, 2h39 Jim-Bob sitting light blue bibs rear,











The Sullivans (1944)

Film with 5 brothers in WWII
-Year: 1944
-Year in film: 1914-1941
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: 5 brothers ~5-12
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: medium
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: don't know whole film, but looks like authentic bibs. Also bibs on a clothes line. Aka The Fighting Sullivans, with Bobby Driscoll. Later the boys are grown ups. b/w film. Good and funny film, at least first part (half). Boys are smoking and have to vomit. I like classic films and films with many American brothers. It's also a farm film.

Removed deleted clip. I also had a pic of bibs at a clothes line in this post.

Update: 2 more pics adding tag sitting M, tight and baggy bibs

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Looking for Miracles

Sullivan film with kids at a camp
-Year: 1989
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: Canada
-Who in bibs: boy Sullivan ~8 and other boys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: low+
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Zachary Bennett with dark/black bibs (not pictured, but he wears similiar dark bibs), also 3 other boys and 1 boy with shortalls. Few and short scenes. Typical historical series of Sullivan. There is the series Road to Avonlea, also starring Zachary Bennett (and others in bibs, rating 10). I like the historic setting. Also other scenes like swimming.

Many shirtless scenes and nice rear views of Bennett. Also in a short union suit. And a boy in a sailor suit (other blog rating 3) and spanking scenes. And my bedroom blog (rating 7).

First bibs scene at 22 minutes (pic 1) also sitting at 25 (see update 2). Others in bibs at 31-35 minutes (one boy in dark shortalls, brief scene).

Previously rated 3. Now around 4-5.

The Waltons - Season 6

Sixth season. For whole series (rating 10/10) see very first post.
-Year: 1977-1978
-Year in film: 1939
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jim-Bob, Elizabeth, Erin, Olivia, other boys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  9/10
-Rating: *********
-Comment: Jim-Bob, now ~15ys with blue bibs and with hickory stripes, Elizabeth ~11 dark blue raw denim bibs (ep. 8 (Germany: ep. 9) The First Casualty + 21 Revelation (Germany 25)), Erin in light blue bibs, i think for the first time (ep. 6). Olivia (mother in light blue bibs (ep 13, Germany 15) first time!)

Non-Waltons in bibs: Episode 22 Grandma Comes Home (Germany 26): a fat boy ~10yo. with medium blue/grey bibs (same as in Season 7).
A girl ~11 ys in beige bibs (ep  14).

Elizabeth, who rarely wears bib, here dancing in dark denim bibs (brand could be Washington Dee Cee) together with Aimee Godsey (right picture). Jim-Bob mostly wears blue bibs which are too small (bib low, left picture). I think same bibs in Season 5. This bibs has not a back bib, just suspenders. Not much bibs of other family members nor guest stars.
Jim-Bob in hickory striped bibs, see Waltons series overview picture.

Update: Now (Dec 2011) I also noticed Erin in a blue sailor dress. See my other blog, rating 7 for that.

Disc 1: 4 min Elizabeth raw denim, 17 Jim-Bob dark blue, ep2: 55 min Josh, 1h17 Jim-Bob hickory, 1h20 shirtless, 1h 21 fighting ground, ep 3: 1h58 Ben (no bibs), ep4: 2h22 Elizabeth raw denim, 2h38 Jim-Bib sitting hickory, 2h47 hickory butt, Elizabeth white bleached. Large pics in brand post.

Disc 2: Ep 5: 8 minutes sitting hickory striped, 11 minutes Jason (no bibs), 15 minutes Elizabeth (raw denim ?), 1h09 Erin light blue (ep 6), 1h 44 (ep 7), 1h09 Jim-Bob high position.

Disc 3: 6 minutes other boy rear, 31 minutes Jim-Bob hickory, 1h09 Jim-Bob on floor , 1h 10 Elizabeth dancing in raw denim. 1h50 Elizabeth raw denim, 2h10 Jim-Bob hickory, 2h11 Jim-Bob blue, 2h17 Jim-Bob sitting blue (Ep 11: (time positions from this episode only) 26, 37 (standing hickory), 38, 43=2h17)

Disc 4: Ep 12: 44 min standing lying, ep 13: 1h03, Ep 14: Jim-Bob walking 1h36, 1h41 running, standing, rear, 1h48 Elizabeth light blue sit, 1h50 Jim-Bob, 1h55, 2h02 standing up, 2h06 Jim-Bob sitting car. Also Olivia in bibs (see above).

Disc 5: 13 min Elizabeth riding raw denim, 51 min Jim-Bob dancing hickory, 1h03 Elizabeth light blue, Katherina ~10 yo beige, 1h12 Elizabeth raw denim, 1h59 Jim-Bob + Ben coveralls, Ep 18 2h59 sit hickory. Olivia at 14 and 30, see above.

Disc 6: Ep 19: Jim-Bob 11 min walking, 14 min sit, 17 Elizabeth sit, 19 min. standing Jim-Bob+Elizabeth, 21 sit, 31 hickory rear, 49 Elizabeth beige bibs on bed, 1h00, 1h20 Elizabeth raw denim rear, Ep 21: 1h31 undressing Jim-Bob and Ben (no bibs) showing underwear, 1h38 Elizabeth walking faded, 2h00 Jim-Bob undressing bibs (pajamas underneath), 2h02, 2h03 sit butt, ep 22: 2h30 sit standing up, 2h37 Jim-Bob rear hanky, 2h39 Elizabeth sit, wheelchair and crutches.

Disc 7: Ep 24: 57 minutes, Jim-Bob kneeing at mine, ep 25: 1h36 other (non bibs ?), ep 26: 2h15 Jim-Bob + Elizabeth sitting rear, 2h24 fat Clarence, 2h41 Jim-Bob medium blue, Elizabeth raw denim Lee, 2h44 fat Clarence











Also note my new pigtails blog including the Waltons.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Big Green

Disney soccer film
-Year: 1995
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: boy Newt ~7, girls, women
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, TV recording
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Bug Hall (pictured) wears too small light blue bibs. Good soccer film, I think few bib scenes. I have to watch the entire movie again if there are more boys or bib scenes. I like also these short grey soccer shorts. Also some funny scenes like lying on the grass and picked by birds or imagination of knights from the goalkeeper.

Update: Also a blond braided girl in colorful shortalls (looking like skirtalls), a young woman in bibs (pic 3) and an older woman (about 40) in bibs. She and Bug Hall in this rainy scene got wet and muddy being on the ground, but very dark scene.

This time I missed again the beginning but obviously rather few bibs scenes. And Bug Hall is very young here.

Still rating 4, shiny shorts scenes rating 9-10. Teen boys and girls in white shiny shorts and mainly older teen boys in silver/grey adidas shorts. Adding tags girls, women, wet, shortalls.

Ein Fall für TKKG (1985)

German TV series about 4 boy detectives. 12 episodes in 2 seasons
-Year: 1985-1987
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: boy Klößchen ~13ys
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no
-Bib occurence: low
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Kai Maahs (pictured) wears beige bibs at least in Episode 3. Famous detective series in 1980s Germany, I think setting in Hamburg. He is a bit small and overweighted (though named Klößchen which means meat ball). Also starring Fabian Harloff (pictured on left). TKKG stands for the names Tim Karl Klößchen and Gaby. Novels by Rolf Kalmuczak aka Stefan Wolf. There were also 2 films in 1992 and 2006, but I don't think with bibs. Good series, and I like the 1980s, but I don't like these bibs. Are these of jeans fabric? So rating 3 only.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Die Kinder vom Alstertal

German series with kids on a farm. 52 episodes in 4 seasons.
-Year: 1998-2004
-Year in film: 1990s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: some boys and girls occasionally
-Available on DVD: no, partly on VHS
-I own: no, some TV recordings
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Good series, but few bib scenes. mostly Tobias (early and later episodes, ~11-15ys), girl Kiki ~11ys beige shortalls (Ep 19), Lisa dark blue shortalls (Ep. 45+?, ~15ys) Picture above left showing Tobias (played by Tim Küchler) in early episode of season 1 and his mother. His bibs are too small. I like only some episodes of this german farm series. Marco Soumikh as Timo sometimes singing with a band. Also good actor is Sebastian (played by Christian Dirksen) friend of Lisa with dental braces (later without). Funny family series without violence. But I prefer US farm series. Pictures above right showing Lisa (left, without bibs) and another girl in light blue striped bibs. Marco Soumikh far right. Pictures below: Timo, Tobias, Hexe and Lisa (shortalls here, not seen in this scene but cycling with them before), right picture: Merle, Kiki in beige shortalls.

A prequel series is "Neues vom Süderhof" f/m rating rating 8 also with Tim Küchler.

Previously rated 4, now rating 5-6, mainly for the girls, especially Lisa. New tag sitting M. Also on most my other blogs. Bedroom blog rating 10.





The Waltons - Season 5

Fifth season. For whole series (rating 10/10) see very first post.

-Year: 1976-1977
-Year in film: 1937
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jim-Bob, Ben, Mary-Ellen and others
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  10/10
-Rating: **********
-Comment: Jim-Bob, now ~13ys with blue and beige bibs, riding (Ep. 3), riding with Elizabeth and a girl (Ep. 7), Ben blue bibs (Ep. 2), Ben in water with bibs (Ep 4), Mary-Ellen light blue bibs (Ep 2), Erin in blue bibs (Ep 1)

Non-Waltons in bibs: Episode 9 The Great Motorcycle Race: a boy ~10 ys,
Episode 18: a boy ~ 10ys in long beige bibs at a burial.
Episode 23 The Go-Getter:a boy ~6 ys. sitting in bibs with hickory stripes,
Episode 23: a boy with beige bibs and a girl with blue bibs ~11ys riding together (pictured).

Jim-Bob's blue bibs are too small (see Season 6). He dances in beige bibs with a girl (Ep. 5 The Wedding). In Ep. 18 The Hero he is lying on his back on bed in blue bibs. Erin, who usually never wears bibs, here in dark blue bibs (non jeans fabric? in Ep 1 The First Edition). Ben, who also not often wears bibs in other seasons, where the usual darker blue bibs, also too small. In episode 23, picture below, the girl stay on the horse, while her brother(?) buys an ice cream.  Although most bibs are too small, I like this season. Better than season 6, but earlier seasons (2-4) are also good. Olivia bought bibs for Elizabeth, see detailed post with tag stories.

Disc 1: 3 minutes, 9 Jason dark blue, Elizabeth light blue, 44 Ben bibs+aprons, 1h00 Mary-Ellen, 49 Jim-Bob patch butt, 1h35 Jim-Bob rides, 1h52+2h04 Jim-Bob light brown Dee Cee carpenter, 2h08 Erin dark

Disc 2: 5 Jim-Bob sits cinema, 5 Elizabeth light blue, 38 Jim-Bob knee, 38 grabbing own straps, 43 Ben being baptized

Disc 3: 17 Five Waltons: Jason Dee Cee, Elizabeth hickory, 28 Jim-Bob, Elizabeth grabs (see story entry), 39 Jim-Bob, rides (3 on 1 horse, see story), 53 Jason dark blue Penney's, other men, 1h17 Jim-Bob church bib sagging fold1h58 Erin brown side+rear dancing

below notes from earlier check

Disc 4: (ep 9) 4, 9 Jim-Bob sitting motor cycle, 14, 19 Jim-Bob new medium blue bibs,26,  40 other boy, 1h25 Jason light, 2h24 Erin brown, 2h57 Jim-Bob riding

Disc 5: 52 Elizabeth+Erin on bed, 1h40 Jason purple, ep 16: 2h23 Jim-Bob under car, tight bibs, 2h31 Jason,2h49 Elizabeth,  2h51 other (no bibs)

Disc 6: ep 17: 2 min other boy blue, ep 18: 51 Jim-Bob rear, 1h07 riding, 1h11, 1h14 Jason, 1h21, 1h24 Jim-Bob, 1h29 other boy beige, 1h42 sits, 1h45 Jason and Ben, ep19:2h04 sits, Jason 2h43 sits, 2h57 sits

Disc 7: 12 Elizabeth buying bibs (story 1, see below), 15 Ben butt, 41 Aimee, 1h01 Jim-Bob sits, 1h24 Ben butt

For another pic of 3 on 1 horse incl Jim-Bob in bibs see







Film of a boy and a dog
-Year: 1991
-Year in film: 1990s?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: a boy (Chickie?) ~15
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: I don't remember the film well enough. A boy (David French?) with light blue bibs. In this film brother of Robert J. Steinmiller Jr.? Maybe also other character in bibs? I have to wath the film again. But I think few bib scenes. I also don't like light blue bibs. Film might be a funny family movie. But there are better ones. Also with animals.
Edit: I have seen the last 1 hour of this film. I only see few short scenes with this boy. Bibs are a bit baggy. View front and backside. I don't like this film.

Adding tag teen boys, removed tag teens

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lost Heaven

aka The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
-Year: 2002
-Year in film: 1970s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: girl Margie ~15
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Jena Malone in dark denim bibs. Walking, cycling, 2 short scenes but good bibs and good film. Bib seen from front and back. Mostly back view and cycling scene not close up view. I like the film of the altar boys. Mixed with animation scenes. Good acting of Kieran Culkin and Emile Hirsch. Also some good scenes of boys' talk and sport scenes. But not a good bib film.

Deleted video removed.  Adding tag teen girls, removed tag teens

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Waltons - Season 4

Fourth season. For whole series (rating 10/10) see very first post.
-Year: 1975-1976
-Year in film: 1937?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jim-Bob, Jason, Ben, Mary-Ellen, Erin and other boys
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  10/10
-Rating: **********
-Comment: Here mainly Jim-Bob and others. Jim-Bob blue and also beige bibs (Ep 1), Mary-Ellen riding (Ep 13), Ben too small bibs also shirtless ep17, also riding (Ep 14), Jim-Bob, Ben, Jason all blue bibs (Ep 20). Erin in red and blue non-Jeans bibs.

Non-Waltons in bibs: Episode 1 The Sermon: ~4 boys age 6-14 boys with blue bibs at school and open air school (front and back, walk and sit).
Episode 9 The Emergence: At school~4 boys, Tom ~13 ys pic below and here, later Samuel ~16ys

Top left image showing rare scene with all in bibs without Elizabeth. Mary-Ellen (left) and even Erin in dark bibs. Also Ben, Jason (front right) and Jim-Bob. Image top right: Jason, Erin and Mary-Ellen. Bottom left image showing Jim-Bob in beige bibs (ep. 10). Image bottom right showing Tom (right) in school and other boys. On the left Jim-Bob. Tom is also showing from behind (good scene).

Update wet scenes at least Jim-Bob in white bibs. I have to check this and all other seasons again.

My favourite scenes (previously, mostly males): CD1: 1 min, 0:29,, 2h11. CD 2 5 min, 11, 29, 1h07. CD3: 3 min,. CD5: 11 min. CD6: 32 min, 2h04, CD7: 52. Updates below:

CD 1: 1 min others, 15 minutes class outside, one boy raw denim, 29 min others butt, 1h10 Jim-Bob white bibs Key, 1h15 Mary Ellen garden hunker, 1h22 +1h26 others at a fair, 1h37 Erin 15 yo, Jim-Bob, Jody, Jason Baseball, 1h49 Erin, others Baseball rear, 1h50 Mary Ellen and others, 1h52 Jim-Bob white bibs butt crack, 1h55 Erin sits rear, 2h11 Jim-Bob sits rear, 2h23 many on seesaw.

CD 2: 3 min Jim-Bob, 5 min others background, 12 min Mary Ellen dark blue, 16 min Jim-Bob sits, 40 wet, 57 Mary Ellen dark blond + 1h13, 1h32, 1h32 Erin light red, 1h49, 2h06 Ben milking, 2h15 other boys, 2h18, 2h39 Jim-Bob white + Mary Ellen dark blue, 2h42 Erin muddy,  2h53 Jason and clothesline, 3h01 Mary Ellen sits

CD 3: (ep9): 5 min school others, 11 minutes Tom and others at school, 29 minutes Tom, 50 minutes Mary Ellen light blue, 54, 53 boy backgound, 1h07 sits white, 1h54, 2h25 Mary Ellen dark blue, 2h28 Mary Ellen and Errin sitting on grass, 2h37 Mary Ellen serving, 2h40 Elizabeth, Jim-Bob and Zeb standing

CD 4: 3 minutes, 4 Mary Ellen riding, 12 Mary Ellen + Erin, 19, 34 Erin + Elizabeth kneeing on the ground, 38 sit, 44 sit,  51 Ben raw denim, 54 min Ben 16 yo riding, 1h06 Jason faded appears light blue, Jim-Bob, 1h15 Mary Ellen, 1h16 Jason, 1h19 Jason rear, 1h21 Jim-Bob sitting, 1h58 2h embracing Erin + Mary Ellen (see Story 63), 2h20 face, 2h24+ 2h27 standing, 2h25 Elizabeth hickory striped, 3h03 Mary Ellen

CD 5: 6, 9 min sits, 11, 15 Ben shirtless, 16 Jim bob sitting in tyre, Erin sitting red, 20, 29 Mary Ellen (pigtails), Jason, Ben (shirtless rear), 33 Jim-Bob, 1h14 Jason high position, 1h18 Ben not purple, 1h25 Jason rear, 1h42 Ben in bed, 2h26, 2h27 sits, 2h33 (mainly Jim-Bob), 240 Mary-Ellen, Jim-Bob, Ben. 1h40+2h01 John-Boy in liberty stripes maybe Hercules

CD 6: 2 (Ben+Jason), 7 (Ben lap close up), 32, 35, 49 Mary Ellen +boys, 52 sits, 55,  1h01 Mary-Ellen pulling up pant legs,  1h15, 1h19 Jason, 1h25 Jason sitting truck rear, 1h36 Mary Ellen, 2h04, 2h08

CD 7: 24, 26 other young boy held by dad, 30 sit, 30 Jason butt, 52 Jim Bob sitting rear, Jason leg angled, 1h06 sits















Monday, January 10, 2011


German series with kids in Berlin, 26 episodes
-Year: 1989
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: Germany
-Who in bibs: 2 twin girls Louise, Marie ~14,  girl ~5, men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Funny kids series, but I think with few bib scenes. Twins played by Franziska and Frederike Paproth (pictured) in blue bibs. At least also one girl ~5ys. with light blue bibs. Also good acting from boy Matze ~9 ys. played by Simon Jacombs. I don't remeber the whole series, but  I like it. Bibs in Germany of the 80s are not very common, only for very small kids.

Update also the younger girl (Trinchen) in bibs. And now also an entry on my other blog with the teen twins in sailor suits.

Update 2: Completely checked. Also men in bibs and more scenes of Trinchen.

Previously rating 3 now ~5

Little House on the Prairie

Series like the Waltons, 10 seasons. Aka LHOTP.
-Year: 1974-1983
-Year in film: 1870s-1880s
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: several boys, teens, men, 1 teen girl
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no, partly TV recordings
-Bib occurrence: low
-Rating:  6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Good series, but few bib scenes alltogether. Most boys wear brown pants with suspenders. At least 11 boys with blue jeans bibs (in the complete series, mosty short scenes and guest stars). Some boys with brown and beige bibs. Occasionally some episodes with longer scenes with bibs.

Pic top right: ep. 1.05 The Love of Johnny Johnson. Johnny Johnson wears light blue bibs in that episode. Top image: Laura (yellow cap) ep. 1.2 Country Girls. Pic bottom right from season 5 (or later ?)
See also spin-off called Father Murphy.

Known episodes with bibs (to be continued, but I missed some episodes):
Season 1:
Episode 2, Country Girls. (image top left) first day at school. Robert Hoffmann on left I think (same as on top right)
Ep. 5, The Love of Johnny Johnson (pic top right), boy with dark cap (red hair) is called Patrick. For Johnny see tag stories 21.
Episode 20, Child of Pain. Johnny Lee ~ 9yo in dark blue bibs (not jeans fabric, no braces, but buttons).
Also at least 1 man in brown bibs.
And other episodes. See separate season entries.

Season 2:
Episode 6, The Spring Dance. Clay O'Brien as Henry Henderson ~12 yo in medium blue bibs (also buttons instead of braces), picture bottom left.
Episode 10, At the End of the Rainbow. Shane Sinutko as Jonah 10 in dark blue bibs. Scuffle on the ground, fishing.
Episode 20 , Centennial. Ike Eisenmann ~11 in blue real bibs! But a bit too small.
Season 3:
Episode 20, The Election. Eric Olson as Elmer Dobkins ~12 in light blue jeans bibs. Bibs a bit too small. He is bullied by 2 boys (muddy=wet+sitting). Good bib scenes.
Episodes 21,22 Gold Country P1,2. A boy ~11 in medium blue non jeans bibs.
Season 4:
Episode 12, Here come the Brides. Bob Marsic as Luke Simms ~16  in blue bibs. He has long hair and doesn't look intelligent.
Episode 14, The Rivals. Girl Seeley Ann Thumann as Samantha Higgins ~14 in good blue bibs. See post with tag info for more info and pic.
Season 5:
Episode 7, Fagin. Some background boys in beige bibs. Also other in good pants. I like those livestock contests. Also touching scene with Matthew Laborteaux. Earlier episodes of season 5 are set in a town with many boys but I don't saw bibs there.
Episode 9, The Wedding. One boy ~ 9yo sitting in a circle in beige bibs
Episode 12. One boy ~9 in beige bibs sitting on a wagon.
Ep. 17. One boy ~ 10 in light brown bibs.
Ep. 18. one boy ~7 in blue jeans bibs
Season 6:
Ep. 3 boy Simon (Tiger Williams) ~11 in beige bibs.
Ep. 5 at least 3 boys sitting on hay rolls at a circus, 1x ~6yo, 2x10 (none is blue)
Ep. 14 boy Clarence (Alan R. Peterson) in bag like light brown bibs, and a teen boy ~15 in real blue jeans bibs.
Season 7:
Ep.8 Two boys at school ~7-8 ys in light blue jeans bibs. Short scenes

Seasons 8+9:
I don't noticed any bib scenes there. A good swimming scene in season 9. Ep 9.12 (without bibs). In LHOTP-films I saw also no bibs, but not sure.

Edit: originally I rate 5, now 6. Ep. 4.12 girl rating 9.

See LHOTP girls in bibs Ep 4.14: and separate season entries). Also on most my other blogs, especially the Western blog.


Update: Sitting (boy) at least in Season 3.

Update 2: Laura in blue bibs (audition) and an older boy in beige bibs in the post-series movies specials

The Waltons - Season 3

Third season. For whole series (rating 10/10) see very first post.

-Year: 1974-1975
-Year in film: 1935 ?
-Country: USA
-Who in bibs: Jim-Bob ~9, Jason ~16, and other boys, girls
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes
-Bib occurrence: often
-Rating:  8/10
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Here mainly Jim-Bob and Jason. Erin wears brown bibs (episode 6 The Ring) also light red striped bibs, Mary-Ellen light blue bibs (ep. 2 Can't Bust 'em) Jim-Bob in bibs shirtless (ep. 2, 1 in Germany), dark blue bibs + cowboy hat (ep 24 The Venture), Ben dark blue bibs good ones, not usual small ones (ep. 2), also riding (ep. 4). Also in hickory striped and shirtless (ep. 1) and with open bib (ep 4). John-Boy light blue bibs (ep. 2). Little Elizabeth in hickory striped bibs.

Non-Waltons in bibs: Episode 1 The Conflict: 2 boys ~ 10+12 yo barefooted in light blue faded bibs (picture at 18 minutes). Young man Wade (Lee) and old man Boone.
Episode 2 The First Day: one boy ~14 ys and other men riding.
Episode 17 The Beguiled: one boy ~12 ys dirty olive bibs. Willie Aames, rating 8

Pictures above showing shirtless Jim-Bob (episode 2 at 1h00) who is still young in this season, and Jason playing Piano at 18 min in ep. 20 The Choice. I think in this season is Jason very nice in bibs. My most favourite scene of all! In later seasons he doesn't wear bibs often.

CD1: 5 minutes (Ben shirtless), 18 min (others, pic below), 39 Ben sitting hickory striped, 44 shirtless, 58 Jason, 1h00 Jim-Bob shirtless (pic 1, close up), 1h01, 1h39 Jim-Bob sitting,2h19 Elizabeth hickory striped, 2h36, 2h40 Mary Ellen light blue, 2h41 Ben, 2h51 Jason riding, 2h58 others riding

CD2: beginning 2 boys outside school, 5 minutes sitting Jim-Bob, 7 Mary Ellen light blue, 22 Ben+Erin riding, 31 Ben bottom, 36 + 43 Jim-Bob bottom, 57 Ben sitting, 58 Elizabeth shirtless hickory, 1h19 Elizabeth hickory, 1h22 Mary Ellen light blue, 1h51 Jason on bed, 1h53 Jason, 2h26 Jason American football, 2h27 Ben shirtless hickory Football, Jim-Bob bottom, 2h45 Ben, 2h53 Ben

CD3: 8 min Jim-Bob prolonged straps,17 Mary Ellen mirror, 18 Ben hickory Dee Cee with Jason, 19 Jason bottom, 52 walking, 1h14 shirtless. (Mary Ellen), 1h03 Ben shirtless 1h55 Mary Ellen sitting rear, 2h17 Jason sits, 2h29 Erin sits dark blue

CD4: 12 Jason, Jim-Bob, 22 Mary Ellen light blue, 50 bottom, 1h09, 1h41 Mary Ellen light blue, 2h22 Ben sitting, others, teen boy raw denim, 2h50 Erin flowered shortalls barefoot, 2h59 Ben walks, Elizabeth sits hickory stripes , 3h06 other boy

CD5: 50 face, 53 Mary Ellen light blue, 1h20, 1h21 other olive, 128, 1h44 Jason light blue, 1h59 Mary Ellen light blue (pigtails), 2h18 Jason rear, 2h36 Jim-Bob bottom tree house ep 19 OshKosh, 2h58 sitting and standing up (distance)

CD6: 5 min other, 18 Jason sitting, 29, 1h21 Jim-Bob dark blue non-jeans, 1h38 Jason, 1h49 Elizabeth sitting hickory 2h08 Jason bottom, 2h08 other boy, 2h11 other boy

CD7: 48 Jim-Bob jumping, 57 Jim-Bob as cowboy (western blog rating 7) , 1h17 Erin light blue, 1h23 Jason, 1h32 Jim-Bob rear











Brands overview season 3