
Friday, January 31, 2025



Sci-Fi series, 3 seasons
Year: 2022-
Year in film: 2020s
Country: Wales
Who in bibs: lady Lwsi 20s
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least main character played by Leisa Gwenllian in I think long blue bibs in I think all seasons. Character is 15 yo in season 1, I think the actress is much older. Currently in her 20s. 6 episodes per season, 18 minutes each.

A suggestion from Felix, thanks very much! This is the last from a list from Jan 1st. I think I still have ~10 suggestions left.  

Research is quite difficult, even when fixing the search term from Utopia. For clips one has to register. Pic from facebook (ITOPIA: Cyfres 1&2 ar S4C Clic a BBC iPlayer newr) by stwnsh. I found a clip on YouTube from same uploader but from season 3 (looking older). I later found a better quality pic/clip from season 2 (or 1) ITOPIA: Tu ôl i'r Llen - Behind the Scenes Zombie Apocalypse TV Show. By stwnsh (I think from S4C).

Rating maybe ~4-5 for now. I can't say much about the amount and quality of scenes. Typical Zombie plot.

During research on S4C I found a series called "Parti" with 3 young girls in faded jeans coveralls. (Needs more research, coming soon).

Update 2: Questo si che è amore


Thanks once more Felix for pointing out that this is now completely and in better quality (not perfect and in cropped widescreen) on YouTube (Die Nacht vor Weihnachten 1978; uploader Cult Cinema Classics)!

I found 3 scenes, one at the beginning, one longer scene starting at ~23 (pic at 27) and one brief flashback scene running outside at 53.

Felix would give rating 10 (for actor Sven Valsecchi), my rating is still 4 (originally was 3 only having seen pics and a short clip). Obviously the striped pair was just a publicity pic. The scene pictured is maybe the best. But I think he's way too young and thin, cuffed up legs, 70s fashion and haircut and too few (good) scenes. I like raw denim bibs, but this is a simple kids' pair. The plot and movie itself is better. 

I explained my rating criteria here from a similar case (young boy rating 3 vs. 8-9) Sune i fjällen.

Felix won't run a blog due to missing time. That's sad. I think posting once a week should be always possible (as he has time for commenting and extensive research for birthdates etc). Yes, blogging takes much time, but mainly the research. I also don't have much time, but I'll take it.

Felix, you said all your old and new galleries are available. Can you tell me where (especially the old ones)? I have deleted your recent link as I didn't assume that you would add more galleries there.


Update 2: Kuusikko ja kuoleman varjot (f/m)


I have checked (almost) all scenes more carefully. Rating 7 was correct, maybe rather 6. The boy (10 yo, not 11) even looking younger and is very thin. Bibs are great and the best as they could on him. I don't like much the rear. The 2 older boys would be more of interest. Or even all in bibs. And maybe it's mainly the glasses making him handsome.

There's a scene with him wet in speedos and without glasses and wet hair looking much different (ep 5 at 9). 

I also found a girl sitting and standing up in dark brown bibs (ep 1 at 2). Felix hadn't mentioned her.

Pic 1 from ep 4 at 8, pic 2 from ep 5 at 14. Some few sitting scenes (eg ep 4 at 13, but I think not that good. From a distance and dark lit, but there's a better one.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Update: Kuusikko ja kuoleman varjot (Felix rating 10)


Thanks Felix for some more suggestions, your ratings and for pointing out that this series is currently on YouTube! I have just very briefly checked it. Nice bibs especially walking scenes. I have to re-check these and other clips from that uploader more carefully. I think rather few good scenes. 6 episodes. In one I haven't found any scenes. 5 clips don't show up yet on a search on YouTube. Uploader VanhojaSarjoja.

Previously rating 7, now maybe 8. But compared to other US movies/series, I probably can't give a higher rating than 7 or 8. Best scene I found is pic 1 from ep 5 at 4. Very handsome but a bit small.

By coincidence also showing the girl in skirtalls, but it's rather a dress.

Felix would give rating 10 for this and rating 9 for my Belgian short film. (I assumed that you liked it. A blog from you would just be of interest for the different ratings and your knowledge for brands etc. Even without pics. Please re-consider it.)

Felix blog rating comparison list

Huck Finn (2010 RHS play)


As said there are several new additions to Laurent's théatre playlist. One I posted before. I wanted to post 2 others, but I already had them 1 year ago

Huckleberry 2020 play f/m courtc rating 4

Big River 2011 f/m rating 6 including red Long Johns

Obviously he had those (and maybe more) on the previous, self deleted playlist.

This one I haven't before, showing some young ladies in bibs and shortalls. At least 3 in bib with one strap down, including 1 shortalls, one in a white sleeveless shirt. 1 in long bibs with straps fixed. Part 1 (pictured) 10 minutes, part 2-4 ~8 minutes each. Uploader christube888. RHS is probably a school, but name and state aren't mentioned

Briefly checked. Rating ~3. Few good scenes, mainly from a distance. I think one brief sitting scene. Maybe he had it then and I just had't posted it.

Tom Sawyer (1985 play) Pyramid Players

There are several new additions to Laurent's théatre playlist. Mainly Tom Saywer, Huck Finn and Big River (f/m). This is a 17'32 minute clip Tom Sawyer Excepts 1985  by courtc. Some nice scenes including sitting. One boy shirtless and I think barefooted. Unfortunately very greenish. This is even the best color.

Rating ~4-(5). 

I already had a 1995 Tow Sawyer play from the same uploader, rating 5 (2h03), I wonder why I missed that 1 year ago. Laurent re-added some plays I think from his earlier playlist. Maybe he did a mistake here and added the wrong one? Or just found some Tom Sawyer clips

Jambon d'Ardenne

Comedy film
Year: 1977
Year in film: 1970s
Country: France, Belgium
Who in bibs: girl ~18 ?
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  2/10 * 
Rating: **
Comment: At least this older teen girl/young lady in tight dakr blue bibs. 2 or 3 brief scenes like this at 47, also at 28 (very brief) and I think near the end.

Also/more of interest other scenes like swimming/walking without clothes (f/m) at ~17.

Brief scenes, 70s tight bibs, that's rating ~2-3. More for the movie itself.

English title Ham and Chips.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Info: Gli anni d'oro (1992) full episode list and cover info

Finally! I found in an online TV magazine (Radiocorriere, issues 41/42 1992) all episodes in correct order. Don't show up on a PDF search. Next to the 5 on IMDb (some VHS titles slightly differ)

6. L'unicorno (not on VHS)

7. Arriva il circo  (VHS:  Il circo arriva in città)

8. Il falco (Hawk)

9. Il circo se ne va  (Circus leaving) not on VHS

10. Al lupo al lupo! (wolf)

11. Polvere di Stelle (stardust) not on VHS

12. L'australiano (not on VHS)

13. Nella fattoria (VHS La fattoria) farm

Aired daily/weekdays starting on Oct 12 at 6.40 pm. Later at 4.25. First 5 separately and starting with ep 6, two episodes daily. I haven't found pics or announcements.

I only have seen 3 VHS covers (illustrator Allessandro Giordano), owning 2. The other is ep 3 showing Luisa. All showing old Igor on top right in different poses. Ep 3 head down lighting the cigar. The back covers are almost the same but without Igor, the titles on top and text below.

The spines having character pics, usually from the large front pic, also Luisa. On ep 13 it's Igor instead of the house. So either the main character or more likely all of the actors. 2 circus episodes, 1 maybe showing Sherazade. Jerry seems to be the (secret) main character in most episodes I've seen (ep 4+ ep 5 and obviously in one of the Circus episodes, probably ep 9).

Originally I searched for the VHS article numbers on Google and found ads/new releases. So I still hope finding more covers in other magazines. This one was defunct in 1995. VHS are 1999. Update: Only 6 VHS were released. 2 more plots:

Update: RTL Kinderhitparade

Another user (telenostalgiker) has now uploaded more scenes from the same episode, that I had, but earlier and more scenes. With this girl called Katja in long faded bibs with belt. Song Mit Mayonnaise. Song 3 near the beginning at 2. Also briefly at the end. And my other girl in colorfuls shortalls, also standing/singing at 13. Isabel song Nessie.

Earlier post with the other girl in colorful shortalls, previously rating 3, now probably higher. I still have to check/recheck more episodes

Aaron Lewis: Granddaddy's Gun (music clip)

From Johnny N's playlist. This is a 2012 song, video from 2013. Clip is 4'29. Also partial front view/headshot while aiming and shooting. (I don't like showing those scenes). Dark haired older teen boy in faded bibs.

As usual for music clips, these are short. And here there's mainly another younger boy shown (not in bibs).

So again rating ~3-(4) only.

Kochankowie mojej mamy


Year: 1986
Year in film: 1980s ?
Country: Poland
Who in bibs: Beata ~11
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low
Rating:  3/10 
Rating: ***
Comment: Jowita Budnik (* Nov 1973, so 11 or 12 yo) in bibs at 23'50-24'55 minute. So very brief scene, crying, sitting, including a good butt close-up view (straight). I don't want to show that. Brand/tag looks like Levis to me. No full views. Bib at low position.

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks very much! And for providing several HD pics. I have briefy checked the full movie. Maybe more of interest the boy(s) here (not in bibs). But I prefer US movies.

English title:

Update: Fferm Fach

Thanks Felix for providing several HD pics from season 1+2 (2 episodes, next to some other movies, including one new suggestion). I had pics, now a better pic from s2e1 better showing the boy and also one of the girls without hats and the bib with label of the series. Season 3 is still missing. Are there other kids?

The boy is very young, though. There's also a man. All wear rubber boots, matching their shirts (man in red bibs and green boots). 2 other girls in season 1, I think no boys (see main post).

Main post, currently rating 3, maybe 4

Info 2: Clips with AI images

I found my pics I found first on

The Farmer's Legacy (man and boy, folder adventure)

Life on the Farm (2 boys, not that realistic, folder adventure).

Main post

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Gli addestratori


Prime comedy film
Year: 2024
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: Italy
Who in bibs: Omar, girl, lady
Available on DVD: stream only?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: Francesco Javier Quezada with curly hair in longer shortalls (pic 2 from the trailer), a girl, maybe Elisa Quaranta in bleached shortalls pic 1 at 1h13, also sitting in a car and standing up at 1h00 and obviously in 2 other pairs, one also buttoned but long pair shown in the trailer and pic on IMDb and a short brown or similar shortalls, and a lady in long dark blue simple bibs (pic 1 on right).

I have briefly checked this movie. But I think very few good scenes. I don't like curly hair, the kids are quite young. Rating ~3-4 for now. English title: The Trainers. Plot is about a dog trainer.


Info: Clips with AI images

There are some movies and audio books having AI generated pics. Some are very realistic. Like this called To Kill A Mockingbird - Short film adaption. Uploader JK Media (Josie Kaye). Laurent's playlist, folder court métrage. 4 Minutes. Also showing a girl as Scout sitting in shortalls (more close-up).

Some few on are also quite good like "The Boy and the Farmers", "The Green Revolution" (lady, tag adventure), "The Overalls Ordeal" (other stories), "The Overalls Switch" (mystery), "The Adventure of Overalls Mouse" (childrens) and some more (search for farm, farmer, boy, etc in different categories and on different pages again or better a dedicated search via Google). I found some more but forgot them. Some also have some short animations.

Also search for AI overalls on Google, I found some good ones on, and stablediffusionweb like this lady and men

But most are not that much of interest. I don't have the time for more research or even own tries. Maybe we have to wait for some years for some good real "Virtual Reality" movies. I had some posts about the topic collected here even back in 2015 and 2018

Friday, January 24, 2025

Update 2: Kevin and Ann (Elementary School English)


By coincidence I found both CD ISO images (link on my updated other blog) and checked the CD for 5th grade. Runs under Win10 without installation. Intro and outro clip need IV32 codec. The 32+1 clips are separate as MPG and have 352x240 px. Each of the 16 units have 2 clips. Clips are very short ~20 seconds. I think there are some clips not on YouTube. I will probably upload these (no bibs). Also some songs (no vids) and a memory game (Shockwave Player).

The black bibs are on CD 6 only. One scene with Kevin in beige bibs in class (update 1 pic 2). And maybe on the pic above with closed jacket (unit 13-2).

Also some more info. Like the different publishers and updated unit titles. And a pic showing all book covers throughout the years.

Main post here

Update: Fortress (1985)


Another recommendation on YouTube (I already had in 2011), there in Spanish A Fortaleza 1986. Previously under Fortress (1986). I didn't had a pic of the lady, Rachel Ward. Not that bad and even with a belt. Brief scene at the very end.

I think also few and brief scenes of a young boy, Richard Terrill. I now found a dark lit headshot at 28. Pic 2 an old re-upload. Another, better but tiny pic in the main post.

Main post rating 5 (what was too high fior the young boy, but maybe is now OK for both)


Update 2: Night of the Hunter (1991)


There's a new upload, but rather poor quality (360p). I had an entry and an update, but I think I have seen this completely for the 1st time, as I hadn't a pic of the girl. There are some very good sitting scenes of Reid Binion. Pic 1 at 50, pic 2 at 1h28. Even more close up on the boat. Another sitting scene and standing up at 1h23. 

Good walking with open jacket at 44. The girl, probably Amy Bebout (*Oct. 1983) is younger than thought, not 8 but around 6.

Main post previously rating 5-(6) before that even 4, now at least 6 (I also have the 1955 b&w classic rating 7)

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Update: Kevin and Ann (Elementary School English) f/m


I have checked all episodes and also found 1 or 2 girls in 2 clips and Kevin in other bibs. Pic 1 from Kevin and Ann on Kazoo (similar or same girl, other shirt in Ann's Revenge Blossoms), pic 2 from Hidden Gems. Kevin standing in his black bibs (brand TEX) showing that these are a bit short 7/8th in Nami Is A Toilet Tramp.

The image quality is quite poor. I assume that 320x200 was the original size on the CD.

I don't know Korean but I did some research, finding all clips (including non-live-action) of grade 6, the CD-ROM publisher and back covers with all units, some backgrounds like why Kevin is also called Bill, why some settings are in NYC, and although the guy on YouTube said there's no actor's name known, I found one (unfortunatley not Kevin but a Korean actor).

There are also some other Korean CD-ROMs

All info and sources on my ELT blog

Kevin and Ann (Elementary School English)

South Korean ELT series
Year: 2006
Year in film: 1999
Country: South Korea
Who in bibs: Kevin ~10 ?, girls
Available on DVD: 2xCD-ROM
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- ?
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: At least a boy as Kevin (actor's name unknown) in black bibs. Also sitting and on a swing (Kevin and Ann Mock Each other on the Playground). Bib at low position. Pic from Ann and Kevin Have a Showdown. Grade 6 CD.

From Johnny N's playlist. Uploader wayhenry.

I first thought it would be one of his private clips, but it's from another uploader. I found many clips also from others. It's from a South Korean ELT series (CD-ROM) published in 2006 but filmed in 1999.  The original title is Elementary School English (초등학교 영어5 )  publisher Kumsung (금성출판사). More info on a clip "Who are Kevin and Ann? All Questions Answered!!"

Great! I have to check for more and also add it on my ELT blog. (Done with lots of info).

Update: also 2 girls in beige bibs and Kevin in beige bibs (grade 5).

I also found a later edition with other actors, I think only one girl in a dress



Family Sci-Fi series, 26 ep
Year: 2022-2023
Year in film: 2020
Country: UK
Who in bibs: Meg ~12 ?, Meena ~14
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: Katy Byrne (pictured) often in tight faded bibs in seasons 1+2 (also in bleached bibs with wide or flared legs in s2e11) and a black girl, maybe Florisa Kamara (*2008) in season 2.

Another suggestion from Felix. Thanks very much! Pics 1+2 from clip Meet Meg from Silverpoint Character Profile. Pic 2 from s2e12 long pair, unknown fabric.

Briefly checked, obviously many scenes at least in season 1, rating ~4-5.

Season 2 on ZDF/Kika. Season 1 eg on rai and SVT (within these countries only).

Reisen mit Muddi


Comedy/Crime series, 6+ episodes
Year: 2024-
Year in film: 2020s
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: Agnetha ~41, Triss ~20, man
Available on DVD: not yet?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: often *
Rating: 3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: A lady, I think Alwara Höfels (*1982) in plushy cotton or corduroy light blue coveralls with zipper in episodes 2-6. I think open on a swing in ep 3 at 9. Also wet and underwater scenes (ep 3+5). Also in additional olive waterproof/fishing bibs over themIn ep 5+6 next an old man in fishing bibs. During today's re-check I found another younger unknown lady, probably Lil Paulin in ep 2 at 22 (pic 1).

Pic 1 from ep 5 at 6, pic 2 from ep 3 at 20. Available on the ardmediathek. N3.

Rating ~2 for the old lady, rating ~3-(4) for the brief scene of the young lady.

Also Höfels in dark blue bibs in Krokodil (2013). (Pic on IMDb, no entry here yet).


Monday, January 20, 2025

Berend Botje

Family adventure film
Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ?
Country: NL
Who in bibs: girl Berend 11
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium+
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least 11 yo Doris Zuijderland as tough main character in long faded bibs. I have briefly checked the full movie. Several but few good scenes as often with an open jacket.

So again rating 3-(4) only.

There is also a nice publicity pic with her sitting outside in darker bibs.

English title: Berend Botje: het mysterie van het ei. Based on a children's song.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Help Llaw


BBC Wales Reality TV. S4C
Year: 2024-
Year in film: 2020s
Country: UK/Wales
Who in bibs: boy Harri 12, man, woman
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low ?
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this autistic red haired boy, 12 yo Leon Fletcher as Harri Bach, and man (Llyr Evans) and lady (Non Haf as Harriet Bach), probably his parents in the series in shiny light green coveralls. Official BBC pic. North Wales (Caernarfon). At 26 episodes. Not sure about the amout of scenes. Title means Helping Hand. And they have to fix things (for others as business).

I haven't seen any clips. Even with a VPN one has to sign up to watch. Few info and no entry on IMDb. Episodes are 15 minutes each.

Rating ~3 for now.

Same issues with Fferm fach season 3. I can't see any new episodes. I think I was too late here.

I have  an entry about seasons/series 1+2, 2 girls, also boy and men rating 3

Update: Ein Fall für TKKG (1985)


I think I had a YouTube recommendation of one of the remakes. I had to think about the beige bibs of Klößchen (pic 1) and that reminded me of Jerry in Gli anni d'oro (1992) who wears similar and other bibs (also see my previous post about new exclusive info). There are some similarities of both series. Kid's gangs. And Klößchen is teased as he's quite chubby or eating much. Kids detective series, but the setting is different. Hamburg isn't rural but at least at waterside.

I have briefly re-checked the series. I think very few scenes (also sitting rear view). Pic from ep 3. Also cycling in ep 4 at 13. There's also an older teen boy and man in working bibs in ep 4 at 3 (I missed earlier). Main post rating 3, maybe now rather ~4 although few scenes

Gli anni d'oro (1992) more episode titles and plots


I was curious about the other episode (titles) and as I haven't found them online, I bought a "complete" (Italian) VHS catalog with 35,000 entries on ~1,500 pages. (Not counting the index and several lists and genres like animations, sport etc, there are less than 1,000 pages. Knowing that the episodes were released under their (unknown) titles, I was prepared to check them all, but no need for that. 

On the director's list and the VHS publisher's list there's only ep 3 mentioned. Looking up that (listed as that was the series title) there are 5 other episodes listed. 2 are already known (5+13) so these are 3 new episodes (unknown order)

-Il circo arriva in città (The Circus arrives in Town), Jerry pictured also in ep 13

-Il falco (The Hawk)

-Al lupo, al lupo! (A Wolf, A Wolf!)

 Update: Now all found!

Should be a comedy series. The length is also wrong not 90 but 45 minutes. IMDb knows 5, I found and bought ep 13 and the 2 digital ones (one is ep 4). With the 3 new titles we have 10, so there are still 3 episodes missing. Probably as the VHS were for retail (or already OOP or released after March 2000).

Ep 3 is about the lady Luisa. Plot: One morning a black horse comes to the farm of Antonio and Luisa. The splendid steed rekindles in Luisa's memory the memory of Mercury, of when she was a girl, of when her destiny changed...

A riding scene is shown at the intro. And Sherazade probably only appears in the Circus episode (intro) and luckily there are flashbacks in the final episode. The first episode is called Il ritorno (The Return). I can only speculate that the kids return to the countryside like every year as it's mentioned in ep 13. So the cycle of life is not just the death of Elvira and a Newborn but also the visit of Igor.

I don't assume (many) bibs scenes in ep 3 and the Circus episode, at least Jerry (also) wore something else. But I could be wrong and there might be an undressing scene. But the episode is currently not available anyway. A Hawk is also plot of Le acque di Nessuno. The light grey bibs and the kids gang remind me of Ein Fall für TKKG (1985), see upcoming post. Maybe the book also helps finding my unknown Italian movie.

Kids for Character: Choices Count!

Barney musical specials, sequel
Year: 1997
Year in film: 1990s
Country: USA
Who in bibs: girls ~7-11 ?
Available on DVD: VHS only
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low+
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: I found this vid on a YouTube channel called Old Kids Videos. Uploaded in 2019. Mainly a girl dancing in longer yellow shortalls. Scene at the beginning another ones at 40 and 46. Later also another girl sitting in white shortalls at 15 one sitting rear view in blue shortalls. Headhot at 18. Another one at 19. At 40 also an older girl jumping in blue shortalls pic 2.

At the end at 48 another maybe older girls in in the audience one in red/white striped shortalls or similar at the end ~48. I think 3 in pink. One in blue bibs.

I think better image quality on daily. Rating 3-4.

I had an entry about the prequel with young boys and girls, rating 3. I also have re-uploaded that pic


Friday, January 17, 2025

The Healing Garden


Christian family film
Year: 2021
Year in film: 2020s ? 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: girl Hope ~ 10 ?, man
Available on DVD: yes     
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium (girl)   
Rating: 3/10     
Rating: ***
Comment: Kyriana Kratter (now 14 yo, "Star Wars: Skeleton Crew") in shortalls and an old man in bibs. Many scenes of the man, starting at 21 then 29, sitting at 39, sitting barefooted at 55, cycling at 1h21. Girl fewer scenes, starting at 49, also being splashed but not that wet. Sitting side view at 59 pic 1 (mabye the best scene), kneeing at 1h15 (front and rear view). Sitting at the end (distance). Pic 2 at 1h22.

From Laurent's playlist (folder Film). Full movie.

Farm setting, many scenes of the man, but rather few (good) scenes of the girl. She's also young and looking even younger or filmed earlier. I don't like her nor her bibs.

So rating ~3-(4) only.

Dumplings (2023)

Short film 10 min
Year: 2023
Year in film: 2020s ? 
Country: USA
Who in bibs: boy ~7 ?
Available on DVD: no ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: very low   
Rating: 3/10     
Rating: ***
Comment: A young boy, obviously Josiah Runcorn (obviously son of the director who also starred as his dad). Long, faded OshKosh and leather boots. Brief scene at 6.30-7.30. Uploader Watersprings Church (Idaho Falls).

From Johnny N's playlist. Some days ago I have completely checked his list. He has many good own uploads (private ones). I will mainly post feature films and TV series. Otherwise there are very few missing here. Maybe 2 oder 3 to come. I think no new additions in the last 1 or 2 weeks. I hope he'll find some more.

For the very young boy and brief scene rating ~2-3.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Unknown 24: Belgian short film 1995 remote controlled car


I found and uploaded this nice short film (3 minutes) with a blond boy in faded bibs, also sitting and good rear view. Aired on 18.4.1995 on German ZDF after series Geheim - oder was?! episode 21 Total verknallt (upload also soon, no bibs though). Not printed in the TV magazines. There was no intro and the outro is missing. So title is unknown. Maybe an EBU UER production (European Broadcasting Union). I think this was also aired on Dutch TV. Production maybe much earlier (around 1990/1991 ?). Obviously Belgian production (license plate).

I thought, I already had an entry but can't find it.

Handsome but a bit too young.

Rating maybe ~(5)-6.

Update: I got a comment on YouTube. The man might be Kurt Defrancq. I searched for him but couldn't find this short film. Maybe part of a comedy series. Like Buiten de Zone.

Alles Banane

Kids music show
Year: 1990s
Year in film: 1991 
Country: Germany
Who in bibs: girls ~9 ?
Available on DVD: no     
I own: no
Bib occurrence: low- ?   
Rating: 3/10 ?    
Rating: ***
Comment: At least these 2 young unknown girls, maybe twins, in faded bibs with a belt. Song 4 Steinhart. Clip Alles Banane - Die ARD / NDR Kinderhitparade. Die 10 Siegerlieder. Uploader: @Seitenangebot.

Maybe some more in other episodes or in the audience.

For now rating ~3.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Geschichten von überall

Family series, 254+ episodes
Year: 2001-
Year in film: ~2019, 00s, 10s, 
Country: Europe /Germany
Who in bibs: Klara  ~54, girls, boys
Available on DVD: no ?    
I own: no
Bib occurrence: medium- *   
Rating: 5/10 ?    
Rating: *****
Comment: An elderly lady (Carmen Molinar *1965) in bibs (low back, thin straps) several scenes in 2019 German episode Omas Geheimnis (s20e1). Episode is title on IMDb as short film. Rating ~2-3 for that, pic 2.

Also a young Asian girl in beige cotton bibs in ep Die wundersame Blütenknospe (s23e7).

Kids in white coveralls in ep Fußballfreunde schaffen alles (s22e8).

At least a girl in long bibs in ep Die Wolfsbande (s21e1, Germany)

I later found Kleine Helden (s18e1, 2018, Germany) with kids in firefighter bibs (without jacket) and a young girl in regular bibs (length 7/8) including cycling. Much better episode, rating 4-5. But I think few good scenes.

I don't know all episodes. Probably there are more scenes. Episodes are 15 minutes each.

Few episodes are spread on different mediatheks (kika, ardmediathek, YouTube). I think most (older ones) are unavailable.

Rating ~5 for now.

R.I.P. Claude Jarman Jr.


Claude Jarman Jr. (The Yearling 1946) passed away on Jan 12 aged 90. R.I.P. I have him here in The Sun Comes Up 1949 (pictured). 2 re-uploads below, also showing other boys and rear view (low back). I had one more pic of several boys sitting in/on an open car. 

The Yearling, I only have the 1994 remake (rating 7). I don't like much the 1946 version of The Yearling. I had that on my Western blog, I think rating ~5 or 6. I don't know other movies with him in bibs.

Main post rating 7