Prime comedy film
–Year: 2024
–Year in film: 2020s ?
–Country: Italy
–Who in bibs: Omar, girl, lady
–Available on DVD: stream only?
–I own: no
–Bib occurrence: low+
–Rating: 4/10 ?
–Rating: ****
–Comment: Francesco Javier Quezada with curly hair in longer shortalls (pic 2 from the trailer), a girl, maybe Elisa Quaranta in bleached shortalls pic 1 at 1h13, also sitting in a car and standing up at 1h00 and obviously in 2 other pairs, one also buttoned but long pair shown in the trailer and pic on IMDb and a short brown or similar shortalls, and a lady in long dark blue simple bibs (pic 1 on right).
I have briefly checked this movie. But I think very few good scenes. I don't like curly hair, the kids are quite young. Rating ~3-4 for now. English title: The Trainers. Plot is about a dog trainer.
Thanks Felix for your help! For this blog I don't need HD images. Anderland I own the DVD box. And my DVD of ET is for now sufficient. But I have to recheck. So I'm mainly interested in new stuff or rare stuff for this blog what is missing. Personally, I'm not interested much in girls. Or anything what is available or for sale.
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