I have checked all episodes and also found 1 or 2 girls in 2 clips and Kevin in other bibs. Pic 1 from Kevin and Ann on Kazoo (similar or same girl, other shirt in Ann's Revenge Blossoms), pic 2 from Hidden Gems. Kevin standing in his black bibs (brand TEX) showing that these are a bit short 7/8th in Nami Is A Toilet Tramp.
The image quality is quite poor. I assume that 320x200 was the original size on the CD.
I don't know Korean but I did some research, finding all clips (including non-live-action) of grade 6, the CD-ROM publisher and back covers with all units, some backgrounds like why Kevin is also called Bill, why some settings are in NYC, and although the guy on YouTube said there's no actor's name known, I found one (unfortunatley not Kevin but a Korean actor).
There are also some other Korean CD-ROMs
All info and sources on my ELT blog
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